Resource information
The President, for the purpose of effective land use in the interest of people, providing of rights and defence of citizens’ interests, creation of favourable conditions for development of the production of agricultural commodities, decrees as follows: 1). To determine that Certificate on land use and Certificate on land share are the documents certifying the right to use land. 2). To establish that inhabitants having adjoining the farm plots, land plots for collective gardening and market gardening, personal subsidiary farms and dehkan farms have the right through the Committee on land resources and organization of the use of land attached to the Government and authorized institutions to put into effect Certificate on the right of land use.
Implemented by: Ministerial Decree No. 28 regarding realization of Presidential Decree No. 874 on allocation of 25 thousand hectares of lands for personal subsidiary farm of the citizens for increasing production of agricultural commodities. (1999-02-04)
Implemented by: Ministerial Decree No.31 of 1999 regarding the sphere of competence of the Committee on land resources and land survey. (1999-02-04)