Resource information
PN37 (Increasing Water-Use Efficiency for Food Production through Better Livestock Management -
The Nile River Basin) set out to improve food security, reduce poverty and enhance agroecosystem
health by managing livestock for more effective overall use of water. PN37 responded to water
challenges posed by the CPWF, to the Nile Basin Initiative’s goal of better sharing benefits of water
use, and to global need for the livestock sector to use agricultural water more efficiently and
effectively. PN37 identified opportunities to increase livestock water productivity (LWP) in key
production systems of Ethiopia, Sudan and Uganda. In all countries and systems, the research
revealed important opportunities to increase LWP through site-specific sets of interventions
including improved feed sourcing, enhanced animal production, water conservation, and strategic
provisioning of drinking water. It concludes that better integration of livestock, crop, water, and
land management can sustainably enhance livelihoods of many poor people throughout the Nile
Basin and beyond that across much of sub-Saharan Africa.