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The purpose of this study is to detect landslide locations from satellite images and use them for landslide susceptibility mapping in the Sagimakri area, Korea using a geographic information system and a data-driven weight of evidence model. The landslide location areas were identified from Korea multipurpose satellite images by means of change detection technique and further verified by extensive field survey. Subsequently, landslide locations were randomly selected in a 70:30 ratio for training and validation of the model, respectively. A spatial database was constructed, which is composed of topography, forest, soil, and land cover, and 14 landslide-related factors were extracted from the database. The relationships between the detected landslide locations and the factors were identified and quantified by weights of evidence model. Tests of conditional independence were performed for the selection of factors, allowing five different combinations of factors to be analyzed. The relationships were used as the contrast values, W ⁺ and W ⁻ of factor ratings in the overlay analysis to create landslide susceptibility indexes and maps. The results of the analysis were validated by comparison with known landslide locations that were not used directly in the analysis.