The cultivation of calopo, Calopogonium mucunoides, as a promising forage legume for the lowland tropics, was hindered by its susceptibility to a severe yellow mosaic disease observed in the Eastern Plains of Colombia. An isometric virus ca. 28 nm in diameter was observed by electron microscopy…
Since 1987 cassava agronomy research has been conducted by scientists from national cassava programs in Asia in collaboration and with small financial assistance from the CIAT cassava program. This paper summarizes and pulls together the results obtained, mainly corresponding to the period of…
This project was set up to investigate the level of accuracy which can be expected for slope and altitude values derived from low-cost Digital Elevation Models (DEMs). Eight gridded DEMs were generated from digitized contour maps at a range of scales:1:10,000 1:25,000 1:100,000 1:200,000 - and…