Fisheries around the world make essential contributions to human well-being including the provision of basic food supplies. employment, recreational opportunities. foreign currency and others, providing benefits to hundreds of millions of people. Despite these benefits, our record of managing…
Le secteur de l’élevage subit une mutation rapide pour répondre aux bouleversements de l’économie mondiale et XXIe siècle, le secteur à l’évolution des attentes de la société. Pour cette dernière, le secteur de l’élevage doit fournir des denrées et des fibres de bonne qualité et en…
The livestock sector is transforming rapidly in response to shifts in the global economy and changing societal expectations. Society expects the livestock sector to provide safe and plentiful food and fibre for growing urban populations, livelihoods for more than a billion poor producers…
Dans de nombreuses régions du monde, la quantité d’eau potable et sa qualité sont menacées par la surexploitation, le mauvais usage et la pollution. Il est nécessaire à cet égard d’accorder une haute priorité aux relations entre les forêts et l’eau. Les bassins versants boisés fournissent un…
The completion of this comprehensive harmonized soil information database will improve estimation of current and future land potential productivity, help identify land and water limitations, and enhance assessing risks of land degradation, particularly soil erosion. The HWSD contributes sound…
Le présent décret crée l’Etablissement public foncier de Bretagne, un établissement public de l'Etat, à caractère industriel et commercial, doté de la personnalité morale et de l'autonomie financière. Cet établissement est habilité dans la région Bretagne à : procéder à toutes les…
This paper analyses the relationship between housing prices and suburban agriculture zones endowments using the hedonic price methods. We use spatially referenced housing and land-use date to capture the effect of rural amenities around the house location in the area of Angers (France). Results…
Dit artikel (Alterra) geeft een overzicht van ervaringen in een aantal omringende landen met de ontwikkeling en uitvoering van landschapsbeleid op nationaal en regionaal niveau. Het betreft: Duitsland (Noordrijn-Westfalen), Engeland, Frankrijk, België (Vlaanderen) en Nederland
Multivariate analysis of data from approximately 700 arable fields from France was carried out to partition the respective importance of environmental factors versus management practices on weed species richness and composition. Overall, canonical correspondence analysis indicated that the major…
The influence of ageing grassland on microbial community structure in different long-term grassland regimes compared to tillage in neighbouring fields was investigated to evaluate whether grassland restoration can be considered as a specific type of management for soil conservation in northern…
In European mountain areas, shrub encroachment resulting from farmland abandonment is most often managed by mechanical operations such as roller chopping or controlled burning, which have proved to be ineffective and unsustainable. Recent agroecological findings highlight the potential impact of…
Raw materials for animal feeding are highly deficient in Europe, which results in massive imports of soya beans from North and South America. These imports are connected with a number of environmental problems. Increasing the grain legume production in Europe could be a promising alternative.…