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Julho 1998

Cet arrêté porte attributions, organisation et fonctionnement de la Direction de l'Inspection et de la Vérification Interne (DIVI), ayant pour mission, entre autres: l'assistance nécessaire au Ministre en ce qui concerne l'organisation, le fonctionnement et le contrôle de la…

Journal Articles & Books
Novembro 1995

This presentation brings together information from the Global Forest Resources Assessment 1990, the FAO Yearbook of Forest Products, the 1994 State of Food and Agriculture special chapter, ‘Forest Development and Policy Dilemmas’, the Forestry Chapter of Agriculture Towards 2010 and The…

Reports & Research
Novembro 1995

Compte-rendu d'un séminaire sur les recherches pour le développement d'une agriculture durable au Bénin qui s'est tenu le 9 septembre 1993 à Amsterdam.

Reports & Research
Maio 1993

This country report presents the concise structural statistical data on the agricultural holdings such as size of holding, land tenure, land use, crop area, irrigation, livestock numbers, labour and other agricultural inputs for the country.

Dezembro 1990

The constitution was adopted following a national referendum.

Journal Articles & Books
Novembro 1987

The objective of this Soils Bulletin is to promote the use of locally available organic materials to increase soil organic matter content for improvement of soil fertility, and as a sources of plant nutrients in conjunction with mineral fertilizers. This manual is written for all those…

Journal Articles & Books
Novembro 1983