Soil Conservation Act.
This Act makes provision for the protection of soil from erosion. It also provides for the conservation, protection and improvement of the soil, the vegetation and the sources and resources of the water supplies of Namibia.
This Act makes provision for the protection of soil from erosion. It also provides for the conservation, protection and improvement of the soil, the vegetation and the sources and resources of the water supplies of Namibia.
The purpose of these Measures is to strengthen and regulate the activities and consolidate the achievements of restoring farmland to forest projects, to improve the ecological environment, and to ensure the economic development and income increase of farmers and herdsmen in the project areas. The Measures are composed of 25 articles.
Le présent décret détermine les modalités de mise en œuvre de l'Evaluation Environnementale stratégique dans la conception des politiques, plans et programmes au niveau national, régional et sous régional élaborés par une autorité publique ou privée.En outre, il dresse la liste des secteurs dont les politiques, plans et programmes sont soumis à l'évaluation environnementale stratégique.
Le présent décret a pour objet de fixer les conditions d'élaboration du plan d'aménagement côtier, son contenu, et les modalités de sa mise en oeuvre.
Met en oeuvre: Loi nº 02-02 relative à la protection et à la valorisation du littoral. (2002-02-05)
The exact description and delimitation of habitat types are an important tool and a basic condition for the protection and effective management of the natural environment and biodiversity in Greece. It is also a bounding obligation towards the competent EU bodies. Previously registered habitats (period 1999−2001) concerned in total 237 land areas totaling roughly 2 millions hectares of land.
This Law consisting of 27 articles aims at regulating the green cover protection in Libya. It establishes that the General People's Committee for Agricultural Land Reclamation and Reconstruction is responsible for protection, development and management of public forests and rangelands, and contributes to administrate private forests and pastoral farms.
El presente Decreto expide la Tabla de precios de la tierra a adjudicarse dentro del Patrimonio Forestal del Estado para efectos de la aplicación del Instructivo para la adjudicación de tierras del Patrimonio Forestal del Estado y Bosques Protectores.
This Act provides for the establishment of the Land Development Board and defines its composition and functions, which include to direct the District Committees for the preparation of draft schemes and approve them, to advise Government on the strategies to be followed for land and water conservation as well as eco-restoration, etc.The Act also establishes District Committees, a Padasekharam Co
This Regulation implements the Act making provision for the planning of the Australian Capital Territory and the management of land in the Territory.
En virtud de esta Resolución se ordena a la Dirección General de Control de la Calidad Ambiental y de los Recursos Naturales realizar un monitoreo de las áreas de reserva legal de bosques en propiedades rurales de más de veinte hectáreas en todo el teritorio nacional.
This Law establishes the framework on environmental protection, which aims at: (a) the rational use of natural resources; (b) the prevention of environmental damage and, when necessary, the rehabilitation and restoration of damaged environment; and (c) the international cooperation in the field of environmental protection.
La presente Ley establece que la administración del ambiente es una obligación del Estado y, por lo tanto, define los principios y normas básicas para la protección, conservación y recuperación del ambiente, promoviendo el uso sostenible de los recursos naturales.