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NOM-150-SEMARNAT-2006: Especificaciones técnicas de protección ambiental que deben observarse en las actividades de construcción y evaluación preliminar de pozos geotérmicos para exploración.

LandLibrary Resource
América Central

La presente Norma Oficial Mexicana establece las especificaciones técnicas de protección al ambiente que deben observar los responsables de realizar actividades de construcción de pozos geotérmicos para exploración, que se ubiquen en zonas agrícolas, ganaderas y eriales, fuera de áreas naturales protegidas y terrenos forestales.

Planning and Development Regulations, 2007 (S.I. No. 83 of 2007).

LandLibrary Resource
Europa Setentrional

These Regulations amend the Planning and Development Regulations 2001 by modifying Class 2, Part 1 of Schedule 2 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001 to provide for exemptions in respect of micro-renewable technologies.

Amends: Planning and Development Regulations, 2001 (S.I. No. 600 of 2001). (2001-12-19)

Decree of 26 September 2007 instituting Chapada Limpa extractive reserve, in Maranhão State.

LandLibrary Resource
América do Sul

This Decree is composed of five articles. It establishes the Chapada Limpa extractive reserve, located in the Municipality of Chapadinha, Maranhão State. The institution of an extractive reserve aims at granting a use and conservation of renewable natural resources traditionally used by resident people.

Acuerdo Nº 9 - Reglamenta parcialmente la Ley Nº 387, sobre medidas para la prevención del desplazamiento forzado.

LandLibrary Resource
América do Sul

El presente Acuerdo adopta medidas tendientes a evidenciar y profundizar la coordinación y articulación entre el Programa de Protección a Población en situación de desplazamiento que lideran el Ministerio del Interior y de Justicia y el Sistema Nacional de Atención Integral a la Población Desplazada.

Ministerial Decree No. 647 regarding the calculation and compensation of damages caused to forests resulting from their transfer to a category of land not related to forest management.

LandLibrary Resource
Europa Oriental

This Ministerial Decree establishes the modalities for calculating and collecting compensation for the transfer of forested areas to a category of land not related to forest management. The amount of payment shall be established in accordance with the basic rate set for a given category of forest, based on the composition and productivity of forest.

Règlement grand-ducal modifiant le règlement grand-ducal du 24 novembre 2000 concernant l’utilisation de fertilisants azotés dans l’agriculture.

LandLibrary Resource
Europa Ocidental

Le présent règlement modifie certains articles du règlement grand-ducal du 24 novembre 2000 concernant l’utilisation de fertilisants azotés dans l’agriculture. Entre autres, un article 9bis intitulé «Programme de surveillance des eaux» est inséré, ainsi qu’une annexe III concernant le réseaux de surveillance et les paramètres analysés.

Ministerial Decree No. 943 validating the Regulation on allocation of the plots of land destined for setting up and extension of protected areas of the national and local significance.

LandLibrary Resource
Ásia Central

This Ministerial Decree establishes that allocation of the plots of land destined for setting up and extension of protected areas of the national and local significance shall be carried out in accordance with the programmes of development of the system of protected areas and ecological networks and natural and scientific substantiation.

Order No. 12 of the Committee on Forestry and Hunting validating the Regulation on transfer of unforested land to forested land within state forest fund.

LandLibrary Resource
Ásia Central

This Order establishes that transfer of unforested land to forested land within state forest fund shall be carried out by public forest owner in accordance with the modalities set by this Governmental Order.

Arrêté instituant une commission des paysages et des sites.

LandLibrary Resource
Europa Ocidental

Le présent arrêté met en exécution la loi du 25 juin 1987 sur les constructions et l'aménagement du territoire et l'ordonnance du 3 juillet 1990 sur les constructions et l'aménagement du territoire. Notamment, la commission a pour tâches de donner son préavis sur les projets de dispositions légales en matière de mise en valeur et de protection des paysages et des sites.