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Enhanced capacity of women in Smart-Valleys, alternate wetting and drying and multi-stakeholders platforms establishment in Mali

LandLibrary Resource
Dezembro, 2022

Mali, situated in the Sahelian region of West Africa, faces vulnerability to the impacts of climate change, and these effects are already evident across various sectors. Noteworthy consequences of climate change in Mali encompass heightened temperatures, increased frequency of droughts, water scarcity, and the progression of desertification.

Integrated agriculture and aquaculture (IAA) system, livestock breeds and improved feeding as prioritized innovations for reducing emissions in Kenya’s food systems: Assessing scaling potential using a six-step criteria

LandLibrary Resource
Dezembro, 2022

Agriculture plays a major role in economic growth, but it is also an important source of greenhouse gas emissions in Kenya. To achieve Kenya’s NDC target of cutting GHG emissions by 32% by 2030 relative to business-as-usual (BAU) of 143 MtCO2 eq, there is need to identify and promote scalable innovations for food system emissions reduction.

National technical guideline on Mechanized wet direct-seeding for increased productivity, quality, and reduced carbon footprint in rice production in the Mekong River Delta

LandLibrary Resource
Dezembro, 2022

The technical guideline of mechanized wet direct-seeding provides information on mechanized wet direct-seeding-related techniques from seed preparation to crop establishment, including (1) Land preparation, (2) Seed preparation, (3) Techniques for operating the seeder (4) Machinery safety, (5) Machine maintenance, (6) Machine troubleshooting in the field and (7) Seeder path planning.

Climate Security Governance Analysis (GCSA): Towards a theoretical framework for integrating climate, peace, and security into adaptation policy

LandLibrary Resource
Dezembro, 2022

This conceptual and methodological note introduces a conceptual framework designed to assess multi-scalar climate adaptation policy instruments by gauging the extent to which they consider linkages between climate, peace and security.

Seed credit model in Uganda: Participation and empowerment dynamics among smallholder women and men farmers

LandLibrary Resource
Dezembro, 2022

Seed is life and can be a source of empowerment and disempowerment for women and men farmers. In this study, to close the gender gaps in seed, the Community Enterprises Development Organization, the Alliance of Bioversity and CIAT and the National Agricultural Research Organization developed a seed credit model available to men and women belonging to farmer groups.

Climate security observatory Zambia: Summary for policymakers

LandLibrary Resource
Dezembro, 2022

Zambia has historically qualified as a regional model of stability and peace. However, this status is being undermined by a number of socio-political factors, including deeply entrenched patterns of social inequality and gender discrimination, high levels of poverty and youth unemployment, as well as recurring episode of electoral violence.

Land restoration amid male outmigration: The cases of Burkina Faso and Kenya

LandLibrary Resource
Dezembro, 2022

Within the global literature on ecological restoration, a subset of literature examines the relationship between smallholder
land restoration and rural outmigration. However, intrahousehold dynamics surrounding the outmigration of one or more
household members and the capacity of the household to undertake land restoration activities are often overlooked.