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Land situation in Cambodia 2013

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
Dezembro, 2014

This report provides background on Cambodia's legal framework, as well as data on the granting of social land concessions, reclassification of land, the land titling program, and land disputes. Dispute resolution mechanisms are also discussed.

Reversing Land Grabs or Aggravating Tenure Insecurity? Competing Perspectives on Economic Land Concessions and Land Titling in Cambodia

LandLibrary Resource
Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2014

This paper discusses Cambodia’s legal framework relating to Economic Land Concessions (ELCs) and looks at the implementation gaps. It argues that despite Cambodian’s legal framework governing land and ELCs being well-developed, its social benefits, such as protecting the rights of the poor and vulnerable and contributing to transparency and accountability, are almost non-existent.

Addressing the Human Rights Impacts of ‘Land Grabbing’

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
Dezembro, 2014

Discusses the human rights issues raised by large-scale land deals for plantation agriculture (‘land grabbing’) in low and middle-income countries. Finds that it is a serious issue requiring urgent attention. Conceptualises the link between land deals and human rights, reviews relevant international human rights law and discusses evidence on actual and potential human rights impacts.

Agrarische grondmarkt derde kwartaal 2013

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
Dezembro, 2014

De agrarische grondprijs in Nederland kwam in het derde kwartaal van 2013 uit op 49.900 euro per hectare. Met uitzondering van de opleving in het eerste kwartaal van dit jaar, is de grondprijs vanaf het tweede kwartaal van 2012 vrijwel onveranderd blijven steken op circa 50.000 euro per hectare.

Land grabbing and forest conflict in Cambodia: Implications for community and sustainable forest management

LandLibrary Resource
Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2014

As a global phenomenon, land grabbing has significant economic, environmental, and social impacts, often resulting in serious conflict between the local community and outsiders. The aim of the study is to get a deeper understanding of the extent to which land grabbing and resulting land-use conflicts affect the move towards sustainable forest management (SFM) in Cambodia.

Land valuation and perceptions of land sales prohibition in Ethiopia

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
Dezembro, 2014

This study investigates attitudes towards legalizing land sales and Willingness to Accept (WTA) sales prices and compensation prices for land among smallholder households in four different areas in the Oromia and SNNP Regions in the southern highlands of Ethiopia. Household panel data from 2007 and 2012 are used.

Cambodia’s agricultural land resources : status and challenges

LandLibrary Resource
Policy Papers & Briefs
Dezembro, 2014

The conversion of lands used for food crop production to other uses, the ongoing expansion of cultivated areas, and the situation of unused or under-used cropland in Cambodia needs to become closely regulated. The problem of unused and under-used agricultural lands being held for speculative purposes requires serious attention.

Duurzaam bodembeheer

LandLibrary Resource
Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2014

“Bodem is de grond van ons bestaan”. De bodem is een belangrijke productiefactor in de landbouw, bevat een significant deel van de biodiversiteit op aarde, buffert neerslag en klimaat en is drager van ons leefmilieu. Wat doen we om de kwaliteit van de bodem te behouden? In dit artikel wordt stilgestaan bij het onderzoeksprogramma Duurzame Bodem binnen de Topsector.

Ontwikkeling bodemvruchtbaarheid op Koeien & Kansen-bedrijven : fosfaat en organische stof

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
Dezembro, 2014

Op de melkveebedrijven die deelnemen aan het project ‘Koeien & Kansen’ werd onderzoek uitgevoerd naar de ontwikkeling van bodemvruchtbaarheid. Er was behoefte aan dit onderzoek om in beeld te krijgen of de maatregelen, die worden genomen op de bedrijven om de nutriënten (N en P) op efficiënte wijze te benutten, niet strijdig zijn met het behouden of verhogen van de bodemvruchtbaarheid.

Changing Climate, Changing Behavior: Adaptive Economic Behavior and Housing Markets Responses to Flood Risks

LandLibrary Resource
Conference Papers & Reports
Dezembro, 2014

Spatial econometrics and analytical spatial economic modeling advanced significantly in the recent years. Yet, methodologically they are designed to tackle marginal changes in the underlying dynamics of spatial urban systems. In the world with climate change, however, abrupt sudden non-marginal changes in economic system are expected.

Ruimtelijke optimalisatie van voederstromen in de Peel : nieuwe landgebruiksvormen en clustering ten behoeve van regionale productie van veevoer

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
Dezembro, 2014

In een eerdere studie werd verkend in hoeverre het economische en milieutechnisch haalbaar zou zijn om in regio De Peel krachtvoervervangers regionaal te verbouwen.