Barriers, incentive mechanisms, and roles of institutions in scaling climate-smart agriculture (CSA) interventions in rice growing environments in Mali
Climate change has many facets, including changes in long-term trends in temperature and rainfall regimes, increased year-to-year variability, and frequency of extreme events. Agriculture is the most affected, particularly in Sahelian countries, due to a scarcity of productive resources.
Can the right composition and diversity of farmed species improve food security among smallholder farmers?
Food security and livelihoods among smallholder farmers in sub-Saharan Africa are often constrained by limited farm resource endowment.
Impact of seed system interventions on food and nutrition security in low and middle-income countries: A scoping review
The role of seed systems in nutrition of smallholder farmers has received little attention. This review mapped evidence of impact on nutrition, identifying themes from 43 studies as direct seed supply, improving seed access, and adoption of improved seed.
Linking up: The role of institutions and farmers in forage seed exchange networks of Southeast Asia
In Southeast Asia, access to improved forages remains a challenge for smallholder farmers and limits livestock production.
Policy issues and options in aquatic food systems: Review of frameworks, tools, and studies
Although policies can be critical constraining or enabling factors for aquatic food systems (AqFS) development, scarce evaluation of the impacts of existing policies means that decision-makers have limited understanding of how to improve the design and implementation of effective policies.
Scoping study on participatory rangeland management (PRM) in Wajir
This report is a contribution to ILRI's RECONCILE project Livestock, Climate and System Resilience (LCSR), a research program that aims to improve participatory rangeland management (PRM) uptake by establishing a stronger technical base.
Assessing potential locations for flood-based farming using satellite imagery: a case study of Afar region, Ethiopia
The dry lowlands of Ethiopia are seasonally affected by long periods of low rainfall and, coinciding with rainfall in the Amhara highlands, flood waters which flow onto the lowlands resulting in damage to landscapes and settlements.
On-farm technologies in social context: Improving local adaptive capacities and inclusive scaling mechanisms in North Shewa Zone, Ethiopia
A presentation on how to improve local adaptive capacities and inclusive scaling mechanisms for climate-smart agriculture in Ethiopia. It was delivered at the inception workshop for the CGIAR Initiative for Livestock and Climate by Birgit Habermann
Gender differences in smallholders' socioeconomic networks and acquisition of seed of improved wheat varieties in Ethiopia
Enhancing farmers' access to improved seeds is essential to increase productivity and ensure food security in the Global South. However, for many socially marginalized groups, seed access is constrained by the weak institutions governing the input supply chains and the dissemination of information.
Analysis of technical efficiency among youth involved in crop production in Njombe Region, Tanzania
This study aimed to estimate the Technical Efficiency (TE) of youth crop farmers in Njombe Region of Tanzania, and analyze the determinants of technical inefficiency for crops produced. Data were collected from 572 youths in 16 villages of Njombe Region by using a random sampling technique.
Seed certification and maize, rice and cowpea productivity in Nigeria: An insight based on nationally representative farm household data and seed company location data
Despite the potential importance of seed quality to agricultural productivity growth, many governments in sub-Saharan Africa lack the capacity to expand quality assurance systems even where there is expressed interest. This study aims to evidence the value of quality assurance systems with an analysis of efforts to produce and distribute certified seed in Nigeria.