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National Land Policy of Sierra Leone.

LandLibrary Resource
National Policies
Serra Leoa
África Ocidental

The Final National Land Policy (NLP) of Sierra Leone provides the vision, principles and policy components to give direction to and definition of the roles and responsibilities of various government and customary authorities, and other non-state actors, in land management.

Regulation regarding the transfer of ownership of the agricultural lands.

LandLibrary Resource
Sudoeste Asiático

This Regulation sets forth the principles and procedures regarding the transfer of agricultural land, the procedures of succession, inheritance and valuation. It also sets out provisions on the acreage and economic integrity of adequate income agricultural lands. The Regulation further determines the features of the eligible heir.

Probate and Administration of Estates Act (Cap. 352).

LandLibrary Resource
África Oriental

This Act provides with respect to the administration of estates of deceased persons and the depository of wills. The High Court shall have jurisdiction in all matters relating to probate and the administration of deceased's estates, with power to grant probates of wills and letters of administration to the estates of deceased persons and to alter or revoke such grants.

Rural Land Administration Proclamation of the Federal Government of Ethiopia (No. 89/1997).

LandLibrary Resource
África Oriental

This basic piece of legislation sets out principles and lays the foundations for laws relative to land tenure and administration of rural land are to be enacted by Regional Councils in respect of each Region of Ethiopia and in accordance with the present Proclamation, laws on environmental protection and land utilization policies.

Plan Nacional de Igualdad y Equidad de Género 2007-2017 (PLANEG II).

LandLibrary Resource
National Policies
República Dominicana

El presente documento contiene el Plan Nacional de Igualdad y Equidad de Género 2007-2017 (PLANEG II), un plan marco que guía el accionar del país en la construcción de una sociedad que reserve un trato igualitario a la mujer salvaguardando sus derechos en función de sus necesidades particulares y universales.

Agriculture Gender Strategy.

LandLibrary Resource
National Policies
África Oriental

The development of the Agriculture Gender Strategy is in line with Rwanda’s Constitution of 2003, the Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy (EDPRS), the National Gender Policy and MINAGRI’s Strategic Plan for the Transformation of Agriculture in Rwanda-Phase II (PSTA-II).

Decreto Nº 2.055 - Modifica el Decreto Nº 4.984, que reglamenta la Ley Nº 1.152 de 2007 en lo relacionado con el subsidio para compra de tierras.

LandLibrary Resource
América do Sul

El presente Decreto modifica el que reglamenta el subsidio para la compra de tierras establecido en la Ley Nº 1.152 de 2007, que se otorgará por una sola vez a los hombres y mujeres campesinos y a los trabajadores agrarios, en relación a la forma de pago del subsidio para el proyecto productivo.

Ninth Development Plan 2007-2013.

LandLibrary Resource
National Policies
Sudoeste Asiático

The Ninth Development Plan is a national plan with a sectoral approach covering the period 2007–2013. The main objectives of the Plan are: a) increasing competitiveness, b) increasing employment, c) strengthening human development and social solidarity, d) ensuring regional development, e) increasing quality and effectiveness in public services.

National Gender and Children Policy.

LandLibrary Resource
National Policies
África Ocidental

The National Gender and Children Policy is a national multi-sectoral policy for Ghana which was developed by the Ministry of Women and Children’s Affairs with the objective to mainstream gender concerns in the national development process in order to improve the social, civic, economic and cultural conditions of the people of Ghana, particularly women and children.

Regulations in terms of the Deeds Registries Act: Amendment (No. R. 659 of 2010).

LandLibrary Resource
África do Sul
África austral

These Regulations amend the Regulations in terms of the Deeds Registries Act by substituting the Schedule prescribed by regulations 84 and 86 of the Regulations. The Schedule prescribes fees for registrations.

Amends: Regulations in terms of the Deeds Registries Act. (1999-02-19)