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Displaying 1501 - 1512 of 2875

Securing Women’s Land Rights: Learning from successful experiences in Rwanda and Burundi

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
Junho, 2014

Paper introduces the rationale for focusing on women’s land rights and explains the Learning Route methodology and the preparation of this Route in particular, before providing background information on land tenure and women’s land rights in Rwanda and Burundi.

Property Rights for Women in Rwanda: Access to land for women living in de facto unions

LandLibrary Resource
Journal Articles & Books
Maio, 2014

To say that access to land is one of the most important conditions for the
empowerment of African women, would be an understatement. The cultivation of land is one
of the main sources of income and economic wealth depends strongly on a well-elaborated
system of land tenure. However, developing and protecting land rights1
for women in mainly

The Great Land Heist. How the world is paving the way for corporate land grabs

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
Maio, 2014

Includes the global scramble for land; drivers of land grabs – global crisis and public incentives; counting the cost of land grabs (disempowerment and marginalisation, displaced communities, human rights violations, women bear the brunt, lost livelihoods and increased food insecurity, social breakdown and cultural impacts); developing alternative models of investment; conclusions and recommend

Hungry for land: small farmers feed the world with less than a quarter of all farmland

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
Maio, 2014

Includes the figures and what they tell us: the vast majority of farms in the world today are small and getter smaller; small farms are being squeezed onto less than a quarter of global agricultural land; we’re fast losing farms and farmers in many places, while big farms are getting bigger; despite their scarce and dwindling resources, small farmers continue to be the world’s major food produc

Implications of Community-based Legal Aid Regulation on Women’s Land Rights

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
Maio, 2014

Improving women’s ability to securely access land is recognized as an effective means to increase gender equality and advance other key social and economic development goals. Despite progressive laws in many African countries, gender disparities commonly persist in women’s access and ownership of land.

The Gendered Nature of Land and Property Rights in post-Reform Rwanda

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
Abril, 2014

Rwanda has provided a picture of promising change for improving gender equalities in land rights. This report draws upon extensive qualitative field research in 20 sectors of Rwanda to examine the current state of gendered rights to land in practice. Among Rwandan communities, there is now widespread knowledge of laws granting gender-equal rights.

Guião de Consultas Comunitárias

LandLibrary Resource
Manuals & Guidelines
Março, 2014

Em 2009, o Centro Terra Viva (CTV) publicou o Guião de Consultas Comunitárias, como parte do seu esforço em melhorar a aplicação da legislação sobre terras e outros recursos naturais. O guião resultou de várias pesquisas de campo realizadas pelo CTV e outras organizações que trabalham na área de Terras.