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Determinants for deployment of climate-smart integrated pest management practices: a meta-analysis approach

LandLibrary Resource
Dezembro, 2021

Following the development and dissemination of new climate-smart agricultural technologies to farmers globally, there has been an increase in the number of socio-economic studies on the adoption of climate-smart integrated pests’ management (CS-IPM) technologies over the years.

Access to and utilization of wild species for food and nutrition security in Teso and Acholi Sub-regions of Uganda

LandLibrary Resource
Dezembro, 2021

Wild foods significantly contribute to the global food basket, and food and nutrition security. Worldwide, wild food species form an integral part of local diets and their widespread assimilation into local food culture suggests an untapped potential to ensure easy availability and access to micronutrients for sustainable food systems.

Diagnosing the performance of food systems to increase accountability toward healthy diets and environmental sustainability

LandLibrary Resource
Dezembro, 2021

To reorient food systems to ensure they deliver healthy diets that protect against multiple forms of malnutrition and diet-related disease and safeguard the environment, ecosystems, and natural resources, there is a need for better governance and accountability. However, decision-makers are often in the dark on how to navigate their food systems to achieve these multiple outcomes.

Overcoming smallholder farmers’ post-harvest constraints through harvest loans and storage technology: insights from a randomized controlled trial in Tanzania

LandLibrary Resource
Dezembro, 2021

Maintaining staple grains throughout the year and managing liquidity are two major challenges that smallholder farmers face at harvest. We implemented a randomized controlled trial in Tanzania that was designed to address these post-harvest constraints. First, we offered treated farmers two hermetic (airtight) storage bags, which helped preserve grain quantity and quality.

TH3.2: Youth transitions and livestock in Kenya

LandLibrary Resource
Dezembro, 2021

Globally, youth transitions to adulthood are becoming more complex. The relative importance of key milestones that are used to describe the transition from youth to adulthood are culturally embedded and change across generations. So called ‘critical moments' may include completing education, moving from school to the labour force, leaving home, marriage, and parenthood.

Empowerment resources, decision-making and gender attitudes: which matter most to livestock keepers in the mixed and livestock-based systems in Ethiopia?

LandLibrary Resource
Dezembro, 2021

Women's empowerment constitutes an important aspect of the development agenda. Although it is highly contextual in nature, empowerment literature so far has focussed on identifying factors associated with empowerment, neglecting the importance of understanding which empowerment resources and agency dimensions are more important for whom and under what contexts.

Resilient, healthy, and sustainable food systems for biodiversity conservation and use 2030 Action Targets: A global collection of good practice cases

LandLibrary Resource
Dezembro, 2021

This guide is a showcase of good practices from around the world that use food systems as a pathway to meet many interconnected biodiversity-related targets in the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework.

How to make a smartphone-based app for agricultural advice attractive: Insights from a choice experiment in Mexico

LandLibrary Resource
Dezembro, 2021

Mobile phone apps can be a cost-effective way to provide decision support to farmers, and they can support the collection of agricultural data. The digitisation of agricultural systems, and the efforts to close the digital divide and to include smallholders, make data ownership and privacy issues more relevant than ever before.

On farm and off-farm feed utilization and improved management options: A Synthesis

LandLibrary Resource
Dezembro, 2021

The challenges identified in the proposal of the CGIAR Research Program (CRP) on Livestock, for enhancing livestock production and productivity, have been the shortage of quality feeds, inefficient utilization of feed resources, degradation of rangelands, and lack of knowledge and skills of stakeholders in the feed production and utilization value chains.

Diversity, trait preferences, management and utilization of yams landraces (Dioscorea species): an orphan crop in DR Congo

LandLibrary Resource
Dezembro, 2021

Yam (Dioscorea spp.) is cultivated in many villages of DR Congo as a means to sustain food security and alleviate poverty. However, the extent of the existing diversity has not been studied in details thus, considered as an orphan.

Adoption of improved soybean and gender differential productivity and revenue impacts: evidence from Nigeria

LandLibrary Resource
Dezembro, 2021

Despite the considerable soybean varietal improvement and dissemination efforts in Nigeria and other parts of Sub-Saharan Africa, empirical evidence on farm-level yield and revenue impacts of improved soybean varieties (ISVs) from a gender perspective are limited.

Anticipating gender impacts in scaling innovations for agriculture: Insights from the literature

LandLibrary Resource
Dezembro, 2021

Of the world’s 570 million farmers, 72% work on two hectares or less, and women’s labor comprises at least 50% (FAO, 2014). Small farms are responsible for 80% of world food production, making them key to addressing looming global food shortages (Lowder et al., 2016).