ILCA Bulletin No. 24
ILCA Bulletin No. 25
Livestock herds, overgrazing and range degradation in Zimbabwe: How and why do the herds keep growing?
This paper looks at African livestock herds in Zimbabwe over the period 1890-1980.
Livestock production in central Mali: Long-term studies on cattle and small ruminants in the agropastoral system
Presents results of a 6 year study on the livestock production systems, management practices herd & flock demography in an agropastoral system in central Mali as well as reproductive performance growth rate, weights, mortality, offtake and productivity in terms of meat & milk yield of cattle & small ruminants; includes recommendations on means of improving the system and future rese
Livestock systems research in Nigeria's subhumid zone
Compilation of proceedings of the 2nd ILCA/NAPRI symposium on livestock production in subhumid Nigeria discussing the ecology, vegetation & land use & development potential of the zone; traditional cattle & small ruminant production practices; research updates in livestock systems research, animal nutrition & feed production; extension & adoption of innovations; and future r
Mixed species stocking and the vital statistics and demography of domestic animals in the arid and semi-arid zones of northern tropical Africa
Shows mixed species stocking in Northern tropical Africa w., particularly emphasis on the African traditional animal production systems; w. data on reproduction, growth and viability for five species in the region; herd & flock structures for dif. species; and the use of livestock to increase the human food supply.
Pastoral livestock losses and post-drought rehabilitation in subsaharan Africa: Policy options and issues
This paper examines post-drought rehabilitation policies to aid recovery in pastoral livestock production in Africa. It starts by describing the main impact of drought on livestock production and the sequences of this for the national economy. It considers the range of policy options open to governments and development agencies in this area and the problems associated with each one.
Pratiques agropastorales et modes de patures des bovins dans la zone subhumide du Nigeria
Examines the consequences for cattle husbandry of livestock-crop integration as practiced in an agropastoral production system in the sub-humid zone of Nigeria - based on a study of herding practices and cattle grazing behaviour.
Productivity of transhumant Fulani cattle in the inner Niger Delta of Mali
Evaluates the productivity of transhumant Fulani cattle in the inner Niger delta of Mali. Summarises the results of the animal productivity study extending from December 1978 - March 1983, which indicated high calf mortality, low reproductive performance and moderate milk production.
Research with a farming systems perspective at ILCA
Discusses the historical context of ILCA's research, the principal types of animal production systems and the stages in ILCA's farming systems research.
Settlement and land use by Fulani pastoralists in case study areas
Presents results of studies of settlement, land use & relations w. settled farmers of Fulani agropastoralists in Abet & Kachia Grazing Reserve in Subhumid Nigeria. Discusses reasons of choice of site, pattern & right of grazing and access to land.