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Asessing Rangelands

LandLibrary Resource
Policy Papers & Briefs
Setembro, 2002

It is important for land managers and technical assistance specialists to be able to assess the health of rangelands in order to know where to focus management efforts. The complexity of ecological processes, and the inherent expense of directly measuring site integrity, suggests a need for an evaluation process that focuses instead on biological and physical attributes.

How Can Land Tenure Reform Contribute to Poverty Reduction?

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
Setembro, 2002

Paper written in response to 5 questions asked by the Forum organisers. Under what circumstances can land tenure reform contribute to rural poverty reduction and sustainable natural resources management? How can land tenure reform be carried out in a manner that is pro-poor? What types of actions should donors support in order to promote pro-poor land tenure reform?

El efecto del pastoreo sobre la diversidad florística y estructural en pastizales de montaña del centro de Argentina

LandLibrary Resource
Journal Articles & Books
Agosto, 2002

Se estudió el efecto del pastoreo y de su exclusión por 10 años sobre la composición y diversidad florística y sobre la diversidad estructural de pastizales naturales de montaña, en las Sierras de Córdoba (2.200 m de altitud), Argentina. Consideramos diversidad estructural a la complejidad en la disposición de la biomasa en el espacio horizontal y vertical.

Land, Environment and Natural Resources Submission to the Constitution of Kenya Review Commission From Kenya Land Alliance

LandLibrary Resource
Journal Articles & Books
Junho, 2002

The Kenya Land Alliance (KLA) is a focal point for information sharing and networking among those pressing for land reform in Kenya. It was formed in 1999 by members of civil society to propose reforms both to the Commission on the Review of Land Laws, appointed by the President, and the Constitution of Kenya Review Commission, appointed by Parliament.

ICARDA Annual Report 2001

LandLibrary Resource
Conference Papers & Reports
Junho, 2002
Syrian Arab Republic
Western Asia

The world is witnessing a period in its history when the increasing socio-political upheavals are taking the lives of thousands, and destroying the natural wealth of our planet. Poverty and food insecurity are two key forces driving this destruction.

Efectos del pastoreo sobre el banco de semillas germinable y la vegetación establecida en pastizales de montaña del centro de Argentina

LandLibrary Resource
Journal Articles & Books
Maio, 2002

Se estudió el efecto del pastoreo sobre el banco de semillas y la vegetación establecida en pastizales naturales de montaña, en Pampa de Achala, Córdoba, Argentina. Se analizó el banco de semillas germinable a dos profundidades (0-5 y 5-10 cm), en cinco réplicas de sitios pastoreados a carga moderada-intensa y otros cinco de sitios excluidos al pastoreo por 10 años.

Land Expropriation Act.

LandLibrary Resource
Fevereiro, 2002

This Act is enacted for the purposes of regulating expropriation of land, ensuring reasonable land use, safeguarding private properties and promoting public interest.

International conference on policy and institutional options for the management of rangelands in dry areas: workshop summary paper

LandLibrary Resource
Policy Papers & Briefs
Janeiro, 2002
África subsariana
Norte de África
Sudoeste Asiático

The System-wide Program for Collective Action and Property Rights (CAPRi)sponsored an International Conference on Policy and Institutional Options for theManagement of Rangelands in Dry Areas, May 7-11, 2001 in Hammamet, Tunisia.

La arquitectura del pastoreo: Uso del espacio y sistema de asentamientos en la Puna de Atacama (Susques)

LandLibrary Resource
Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2001

El objetivo del trabajo es contribuir al conocimiento de la arquitectura del pastoreo en los Andes. El foco regional del estudio es Huancar en el Departamento Susques (Jujuy, Argentina). En primer lugar se describen los sistemas de asentamientos vinculados con las actividades pastoriles de Huancar y luego se presentan los esquemas del uso del espacio por parte de los pastores.

Sahelian Shepherds still struggling 25 years after the big drought

LandLibrary Resource
Dezembro, 2001

Since the early 1970s, the position of pastoralists in West Africa's Sahel zone has become ever more precarious. Their plight is evidenced by rural-urban migration movements as well as the results of field surveys. The last major drought of 1983-1985 delivered a major blow to communities which derive most of their food and revenues from herding.