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On-farm phenotypic characterization and performance evaluation of abergelle and central highland goat breeds as an input for designing community-based breeding program

LandLibrary Resource
Journal Articles & Books
Janeiro, 2015
África Oriental

The objectives of this study were to describe the production environment and production systems, characterize (phenotypic) and evaluate on-farm performances of Abergelle and Central Highland goat breeds. A total of 256 farmers in Ziquala (68), Tanqua Abergelle (70) and Lay- Armachiho (118) districts were interviewed for the household survey.

Scaling up index insurance for smallholder farmers: Recent evidence and insights

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
Janeiro, 2015
África Ocidental
Ásia Central
África Oriental
Ásia Meridional

This report explores evidence and insights from five case studies that have made significant recent progress in addressing the challenge of insuring poor smallholder farmers and pastoralists in the developing world. In India, national index insurance programmes have reached over 30 million farmers through a mandatory link with agricultural credit and strong government support.

ICARDA Annual Report 2014

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
Janeiro, 2015

2014 went on record as the hottest year ever measured, a telling sign that climate change is already here. The agriculture sector is predicted to take the heaviest toll, with the hardest hit being smallholder farmers in developing countries, particularly in dry areas.

Assessment of feed resources and determination of mineral status of livestock feed in Meta Robi District,West Shewa zone, Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia

LandLibrary Resource
Journal Articles & Books
Janeiro, 2015
África Oriental

The study was carried out in Meta Robi district, West Shewa Zone, Oromia Regional State to identify the types and sources of feeds, constraints in feed production, transportation, utilization and supply, estimate annual feed produced, maintenance requirement, annual feed balance and determine the mineral status of natural pasture and soil samples.


LandLibrary Resource
Policy Papers & Briefs
Dezembro, 2014

Ethiopia's Anti-Terrorism Law: A Tool to Stifle Dissent, authored by lawyers from leading international law firms, provides an in-depth and damning analysis of Ethiopia’s Anti-Terrorism Proclamation. The report examines how the law, enacted in 2009, is a tool of repression, designed and used by the Ethiopian Government to silence its critics.

La altura del canopeo modifica la emergencia de Eryngium horridum Malme (caraguatá) en un pastizal templado de Argentina

LandLibrary Resource
Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2014

El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la emergencia de Eryngium horridum Malme (caraguatá), a partir de las semillas presentes en el banco de suelo de un pastizal templado de la Argentina, en el partido de Magdalena. Se seleccionó un sitio con alta densidad de la maleza, antes de que comenzara la diseminación natural de las semillas de E.

Evaluación del efecto del pastoreo sobre el banco de semillas de la estepa de halófitas de un pastizal de la Pampa Deprimida

LandLibrary Resource
Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2014

El pastoreo o su exclusión, altera el banco de semillas en pastizales. Se analizó el efecto del pastoreo sobre el banco de semillas de la estepa de halófitas de un pastizal de la Pampa Deprimida.