Global ruminant production systems found in rangelands
This map shows global ruminant production system that exists within rangelands. Selected classes are: LGY (Livestock-only systems in Hyper Arid areas), LGA (Livestock-only systems in arid areas), LGH (Livestock-only systems in humid areas) and LGT (Livestock-only systems in temperate areas or Tropical Highlands). The mapping of global ruminant production systems was undertaken by FAO and ILRI.
Global rangelands with country boundaries
This map shows rangelands globally per country based on categorization of all 867 ecoregions in the TEOW(Terrestrial Ecosystems of the World) using the definitions of rangeland ecotypes and non-rangeland ecotypes, providing approximate areas of rangelands per country.
Drylands located in rangelands, with country boundaries
This map shows Drylands found in Rangelands (using global aridity classes) mapped against country boundaries providing approximate areas of Drylands found in rangelands per country. Aridity zones were derived from an Aridity Index (AI) which is calculated as the ratio of precipitation to potential evapotranspiration.
Global drylands with country boundaries
This map shows global aridity classes mapped against country boundaries providing approximate areas of drylands per country. Aridity zones were derived from an Aridity Index (AI) which is calculated as the ratio of precipition to potential evapotranspiration.
Making rangelands more secure
Pasture enclosures increase soil carbon dioxide flux rate in Semiarid Rangeland, Kenya
Обеспечение пастбищных угодий является важной продолжающейся дискуссией из-за сложного планирования, необходимого для их использования, а также отсутствия признания или защиты. В интерактивном обсуждении, которое проходило с 29 января по 14 февраля 2018 года, 38 участников с 4 континентов обсудили основные проблемы, решения и извлеченные уроки, а также пути для многосторонних платформ.
Asegurando más los pastizales
Asegurar los pastizales es un importante debate en curso, debido a la compleja planificación que su uso necesita y la falta de reconocimiento o protección. En un debate en línea del 29 de enero al 14 de febrero de 2018, 38 participantes de 4 continentes debatieron sobre los principales desafíos, soluciones y lecciones aprendidas, así como sobre vías para plataformas multiactores.
Sécuriser Plus Les Parcours
La sécurisation des pâturages est un débat important en cours, en raison de la planification complexe nécessaire à leur utilisation et du manque de reconnaissance ou de protection.
National Report on the Rangeland Health of Mongolia - Second Assessment
As one of the few remaining countries with a robust, nomadic pastoral culture supported by extensive natural rangelands, Mongolia is well positioned to offer sustainable, rangeland-based goods and services to its citizens and to global consumers who place a premium on sustainable products.
Crossing boundaries
In many countries, pastoralism has historically been practiced in areas that are now partitioned by international boundaries. This is a major barrier to sustainable resource management and to pastoral development. However, there are examples from around the world of efforts to facilitate transboundary movements and transboundary ecosystem management by pastoralists.