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IssueslimiteLandLibrary Resource
Displaying 13 - 24 of 31

The “Lost Counties”

Reports & Research
Dezembro, 2005

The colonial and postcolonial legacy of the “Lost Counties” land issue has recently resurfaced as a contentious ethno-political issue in Uganda. The aim of the paper is to critically examine the politics of belonging and land rights in relation to Ugandan land legislation and the “Lost Counties” issue. The empirically basis of this paper is primarily derived from field work in Kibaale District, during the period January to July 2004.

Building Informal Justice in Northern Kenya

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
Dezembro, 2008

This report analyzes the conflict resolution mechanisms among pastoralist societies in northern Kenya who have a long history of conflict but were by and large not involved in recent hostilities. It is based on qualitative research data that was collected during field visits between July and November 2007 in three arid lands districts in Northern Kenya - Isiolo, Baringo/East Pokot and Garissa. Research areas were selected to gain insight into conflict and legal dynamics among a variety of ethnic groups and in differing ecological and political environments.

Moving to Catch Up

Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
Novembro, 2011

The purpose of this study was to provide a better understanding for policy makers and service providers of mobility and migration among ex-combatants and the effectiveness of Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) programming in Uganda. The study followed a scoping study on migration in Uganda conducted in March 2011 by the Transitional Demobilization and Reintegration Program (TDRP) of the World Bank.

Forced Displacement in Europe and Central Asia

Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
Outubro, 2011
Ásia Central

This paper describes forced displacement in the Europe and Central Asia Region (ECA) and the vulnerabilities associated with being a displaced person. It analyzes the development challenges of forced displacement particularly protracted displacement in the region and the prospects for durable solutions. Displaced persons face challenges related to recovery of or access to housing and land, employment and livelihoods, access to services and public goods including health, education, and infrastructure, and accountable and responsive governance.

Assessing the Reintegration of Ex-Combatants in the Context of Instability and Informal Economies

Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
Dezembro, 2011
Sudão do Sul
República Centro-Africana
República Democrática do Congo

The implementation of effective Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration (DDR) programmes in countries emerging from violent conflict are essential for building and maintaining peace and security. In many instances the disarmament and demobilisation of former combatants was achieved, but reintegration remained a challenge, due to the long-term focus and the substantial resources that are required for such a process to be successful.

Is Reintegration Still Worth Doing Eight Years After the Ceasefire?

Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
Dezembro, 2011

Although official warfare in the Republic of Congo stopped more than eight years ago, the pool region has continued to feel the collateral effects of war until now at a scale largely ignored by the general public. The pool region is where the Ninjas, a group of local militias, originated during the civil strife and retreated to afterwards. Peace and recovery did not gain traction in the area until 2010/11.

From Elitist Standards to Basic Needs – Diversified Strategies to Land Registration Serving Poverty Alleviation Objectives

Reports & Research
Dezembro, 2003

Contains the urban poverty challenge; from illegality to formal tenure; segregation of space – an urban poverty challenge; from government to governance; the role of the state; government as a land owner; management of public land and public spaces; settlement of administrative and community boundaries; local land tenure regularisation; better information and the role of statistical data.

Zambia Draft Land Policy (Workinf draft)

Reports & Research
Outubro, 2006

A working draft which ‘should not be quoted and interpreted as the policy of the Government of Zambia or any other government ministry or department until it has been finally agreed and adopted’. Has a brief background section and a brief section on vision, rationale, guiding principles, and objectives. The bulk is devoted to ‘situation analysis, challenges and policy measures’.

Donor and NGO Involvement in Land Issues – some Further Reflections

Reports & Research
Setembro, 2007

Reflections based on personal experiences as an academic and as Oxfam’s former Global Land Adviser. Cites a number of institutions on how they conceive of the role of donors in land matters, including the recent DFID policy paper on land, which the author hopes will encourage country level DFID staff to engage. Looks at changing contexts of donor involvement in land issues, including World Bank approaches. Examines contrasting interpretations of the role of NGOs on land issues, stressing that context and history are critical.

Learning and teaching in the regional learning environment : enabling students and teachers to cross boundaries in multi-stakeholder practices

Reports & Research
Dezembro, 2016

Finding solutions for complex societal problems requires cross-boundary collaboration between multiple stakeholders who represent various practices, disciplines and perspectives. The authentic, multi-stakeholder Regional Learning Environment (RLE) is expected to develop higher education students’ capabilities for working in multi-stakeholder settings. However, the effectiveness of the RLE, including its typical cross-boundary learning environment characteristics, has not been investigated.