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IssuesarrendamentoLandLibrary Resource
Displaying 877 - 888 of 1420

Regional Law No. 886 VH-I “On land”.

Europa Oriental

This Regional Law regulates ownership on land plots, land tenure and lease, and also turnover of land plots and land shares in common land property related to agricultural land. Land tenure shall be performed in accordance with purposeful use of land, legal regime and authorized land uses in accordance with zoning of the territory. Land tenure must ensure conservation of ecosystems.

Regional Law No. VH-I “On subsidiary smallholding”.

Europa Oriental

The scope of this Regional Law shall be to increase the role of private subsidiary smallholding of citizens in raising production of agricultural commodities and it establishes the forms of state support of subsidiary smallholding. Subsidiary smallholding shall be considered a form of non-enterpreneurial activity for production and processing of agricultural commodities that shall be exclusive property of citizens conducting subsidiary smallholding.

Regional Law No. 604-PK “On the modalities of calculation of lease payment, modalities and terms of payment of thereof for lease of land plots of public land”.

Europa Oriental

This Regional Law establishes the modalities of calculation of lease, modalities and terms of payment of thereof for lease of land plots of public land set forth for different categories of public land. Lease payment shall be calculated in accordance with regional cadastre indices set forth for different categories of public land.

Amended by: Regional Law No. 445-PK amending Regional Law No. 604-PK “On the modalities of calculation of lease payment, modalities and terms of payment of thereof for lease of land plots of public land”. (2015-03-02)

Decreto Ley Nº 10/90 - Ley de arrendamiento provisional de tierras propiedad del Estado.

América Central

El presente Decreto Ley concede en calidad de arriendo aquellas propiedades rústicas aptas para la agricultura o ganadería que al momento de la promulgación del presente Decreto correspondan, en propiedad o en posesión al Estado, administradas o no por cualquiera de sus instituciones y que le hayan sido asignadas con fundamento en los Decretos confiscatorios o expropiatorios que hubiesen sido declaradas de utilidad pública y las que bajo cualquier otra forma arbitraria hayan sido confiscadas por el gobierno anterior o que estén en posesión de terceras personas sin ser sus legítimos dueños.<

Decreto Ley Nº 11/90 - Crea la Comisión Nacional de Revisión de Confiscaciones.

América Central

El presente Decreto Ley crea la Comisión Nacional de Revisión de Confiscaciones, integrada por el Procurador General de Justicia y por cuatro personas designadas directamente por el Presidente de la República entre personas de reconocida honestidad, integridad y solvencia moral, con la facultad para proceder a la revisión de todas las confiscaciones ejecutadas por el gobierno anterior bajo las leyes y decretos confiscatorios, expropiatorios o de reforma agraria y los que de una u otra forma privaron de sus bienes, derechos y acciones a personas naturales o jurídicas.

Landlord Registration Scheme Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2014 (S.R. No. 9 of 2014).

Reino Unido
Europa Setentrional

These Regulations, made under Article 65A(1) and (2) and Article 73(1) of the Private Tenancies (Northern Ireland) Order 2006, provide for registration of landlords including a person acting on behalf of the landlord in relation to a tenancy. A landlord must register with the registrar immediately prior to the letting of a new tenancy. The Regulations define the information which the landlord must provide for the purpose of registration and continued registration, and also provide for disclosure of information held by the registrar and not included in the register to certain bodies.

Conveyancing and Law of Property Ordinance (Cap. 250).


This Act makes provision with respect to the sale, mortgage, charge, lease, vesting and other conveyancing of property. The Act form and content of contracts, and assigns certain rights to a vendor and purchaser. All conveyances in land shall be by deed in accordance with this Act. Special rules apply to easements, mortgages, leases, and some other tnsfers of rights.

Regional Act No. 26 promoting the access of young farmers to agricultural activities and laying down provisions to prevent the abandonment and reduction of agricultural lands.

Europa meridional

This Regional Act sets forth rules and principles governing the conservation of soil, which is deemed to be a non renewable resource, essential for the protection of landscapes and ecosystem preservation. The regional authority, as well as local entities, are responsible for coordinating development policies and the preservation of surfaces of agricultural lands. To this end the Act provides for the identification of agricultural lands falling within the regional territory (art. 2) and provides for the lease of land to young farmers.

Lands Clauses Act (Increase in Jurisdiction of Resident Magistrates) Order, 2013.


This Order amends the Lands Clauses Act in section 98 so as to amend the monetary jurisdictional level of Resident Magistrates Courts. Section 98 allows the jurisdiction given by this Act to the Supreme Court and to a Judge thereof in respect of money paid into the Treasury under this Act, to be exercised by any Resident Magistrate’s Court if such money does not exceed a specified amount.

Amends: Lands Clauses Act. (1997)

Settled Land Act (Increase in Jurisdiction of Resident Magistrates) Order, 2013.


This Order amends the Settled Land Act in section 54(8) so as to amend the monetary jurisdictional level of Resident Magistrates Courts. Section 54 defines jurisdiction that may be exercised by any Resident Magistrate’s Court. Such jurisdiction is limited by a maximum amount of the value of land, capital money or personal chattels to be dealt with in the Court.

Amends: Settled Land Act. (1997)

Regional Law No. 14-RZ “On turnover of agricultural land”.

Europa Oriental

This Regional Law regulates the issues of agricultural land. It establishes that minimum consolidated land area of agricultural land shall be 0, 1 ha and maximum agricultural land area located within the boundaries of a single municipal unit that can be owned by a single natural or legal person shall not exceed 10 percent of total available agricultural land area. Minimum period of lease of plots of agricultural land shall be set forth as follows: (a) for haymaking and grazing – 3 months; (b) for growing of annual plants – 9 months; and (c) for growing of perennial plants – 3 years.