A governança das florestas pelos povos indígenas: uma estratégia fundamental para preservar as florestas e reduzir as emissões de carbono
22 de abril de 2021 (9:00h-10:30h EST)
Quinta-feira, 18 de fevereiro, 2021, 12:00-13:30 Horário Brasil (16:00-17:30 Angola - 17:00 - 18:30 Moçambique)
O Encontro Latino-Americano de Movimentos Socioespaciais e Socioterritoriais (ELAMSS) surge de um processo de diálogo em construção realizado por pesquisadores e ativistas sociais de diferentes países que fornecem elementos para uma leitura geográfica dos Movimentos Sociais que se amplia nos conceitos de Movimentos Socioespaciais e Socioterritoriais , para estudar as realidades contemporâneas f
Land and Labour in the Karen Hills: Cosmology and value in the study of agrarian change
Date and location:
13.30-15.00, 6 January 2021 (Thai time)
Chiang Mai University
The World Indigenous Forum (WIF) is the largest indigenous-focused conference in the world. We exist to support indigenous business owners globally – and to connect them with expert knowledge, international markets and the investment partners they need to finance and scale their businesses.
All the UN member states have committed to achieve the Sustainable Development Targets by 2030. However, there is a clear gap between what is being committed and the delivery of the commitments. For example, in 2020 National Voluntary Reports only seven countries reported on specific land targets. No country reported on the all three key land targets.