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2016 Global Food Policy Report: Synopsis [in Chinese]

Peer-reviewed publication
Dezembro, 2016
América do Sul
África subsariana
Ásia Meridional
América do Sul

2015年对国际社会而言是具有分水岭意义的一年。联合国千年发 展目标于2015年到期;自1990年以来,世界各国在实现千年发 展目标方面取得了重大的进展,极端贫困人口、儿童死亡率以及饥 饿人口比例均降低了约一半。然而,我们仍然面临着巨大的挑战。 《2016全球粮食政策报告》综述了影响2015年及未来的食物安全和 营养的主要趋势、事件和变化,并探讨了全球食物系统如何在为进 一步减少饥饿、营养不良和贫困做出最优贡献的同时,确保全球资 源的可持续利用。2016年是我们将新的国际和国家承诺转化为行动 的重要的一年。

Synopsis: Agricultural growth in Ethiopia (2004-2014): Evidence and drivers

Policy Papers & Briefs
Dezembro, 2016
África Oriental
África subsariana

Ethiopia’s agricultural sector has recorded remarkable rapid growth in the last decade. This note documents aspects of this growth process. Over the last decade, there have been significant increases – more than a doubling – in the use of modern inputs, such as chemical fertilizers and improved seeds, explaining part of that growth. However, there was also significant land expansion, increased labor use, and Total Factor Productivity (TFP) growth estimated at 2.3 percent per year.

Revitalized agriculture for balanced growth and resilient livelihoods: Toward a rural development strategy for Mon State

Reports & Research
Dezembro, 2016
Sudeste Asiático

The purpose of this report is to provide national- and state-level policymakers, private-sector investors, civil society, and donors with an analysis of the rural economy of Mon State and pathways to improved prosperity for its population. The analysis is based on a representative survey of rural households, which make up 73 percent of Mon State’s 2 million residents, and extensive interviews with farmers, traders, processors, local leaders, and government officials.

Rapport 2016 sur les politiques alimentaires mondiales: Synopsis

Peer-reviewed publication
Dezembro, 2016
América do Sul
África subsariana
Ásia Meridional
América do Sul

L’année 2015 a marqué un tournant décisif pour la communauté internationale du développement. L’aboutissement des Objectifs du Millénaire pour le développement a souligné les avancées remarquables enregistrées depuis 1990 : l’extrême pauvreté, la mortalité infantile et la faim ont toutes chuté à peu près de moitié. Toutefois, un défi considérable demeure.

2016 Global Food Policy Report: Synopsis [in Arabic]

Peer-reviewed publication
Dezembro, 2016
América do Sul
África subsariana
Ásia Meridional
América do Sul

كان عام 2015 لحظة فارقة لمجتمع التنمية الدولية. فلقد ابرزت نهاية الاهداف
الانمائية للألفية التقدم الملحوظ والمحقق لتلك الاهداف منذ عام 1990 ، حيث
انخفضت معدلات الجوع والفقر المدقع ووفيات الأطفال إلى النصف، ومع ذلك تظل هناك
تحديات جسيمة. يستعرض تقرير السياسة الغذائية العالمية لعام 2016 الاتجاهات والاحداث
والتغيرات الكبرى التى تؤثر على الأمن الغذائي والتغذية في عام 2015 وما بعدها؛ كما
يناقش كيف يمكن للنظام الغذائي العالمي أن يساهم فى المزيد من خفض معدلات حدة الفقر،
والجوع، وسوء التغذية مع ضمان الاستخدام المستدام لموارد العالم. وسوف يكون عام 2016

Revitalized agriculture for balanced growth and resilient livelihoods: Towards a rural development strategy for Mon state

Policy Papers & Briefs
Novembro, 2016
Sudeste Asiático

The purpose of this policy brief is to provide national and state-level policymakers, private sector investors, civil society and donors with an analysis of the rural economy of Mon State and pathways to improved prosperity for its population. The analysis is based on a representative survey (the Mon State Rural Household Survey 2015) of 1680 rural households, which comprise 73% of Mon State’s 2 million residents, and extensive interviews with farmers, traders, processors, local leaders and government officials.

Rural livelihoods in Mon State: Evidence from a representative household survey

Reports & Research
Dezembro, 2016
Sudeste Asiático

The purpose of this report is to provide information and analysis to government, civil society, and donors interested in improving the well-being of the rural population of Mon State. Specifically, the report analyzes the different sources of income for rural households, as well as their socioeconomic characteristics, with a view to identifying potential pathways to improving incomes, especially for poor households, and stimulating inclusive rural growth.

Food policy in 2015-2016: Reshaping the global food system for sustainable development

Peer-reviewed publication
Dezembro, 2016
África subsariana
Ásia Meridional
América do Sul

The year 2015 saw a new global commitment to sustainable development that will require a reshaping of the world’s food system. The well-being of people and the planet will depend on creation of a food system that is more efficient, inclusive, climate-smart, sustainable, nutrition- and health-driven, and business-friendly.

Does a “Blue Revolution” help the poor? Evidence from Bangladesh

Policy Papers & Briefs
Dezembro, 2016
Ásia Meridional

The impressive growth in aquaculture is now commonly dubbed a “blue revolution.” In some Asian countries, fish availability has increased at a faster rate in recent decades than did cereal availability during the Green Revolution. As an example, Bangladesh is one country where aquaculture has increased almost eightfold since the early 1990s. This growth has important implications for food and nutrition securities. Yet, there is little research on the determinants and impacts of this growth to document the lessons, identify evolving issues, and guide policy discussions.

Agricultural growth in Ethiopia (2004-2014): Evidence and drivers

Policy Papers & Briefs
Dezembro, 2015
África Oriental
África subsariana

Ethiopia’s agricultural sector has recorded remarkable rapid growth in the last decade. This paper documents aspects of this growth process. Over the last decade, there have been significant increases - more than a doubling - in the use of modern inputs, such as chemical fertilizers and improved seeds, explaining part of that growth. However, there was also significant land expansion, increased labor use, and Total Factor Productivity (TFP) growth, estimated at 2.3 percent per year.

2016 Global Food Policy Report: Synopsis

Peer-reviewed publication
Dezembro, 2016
América do Sul
África subsariana
Ásia Meridional
América do Sul

The Global Food Policy Report is IFPRI’s flagship publication. This year’s annual report examines major food policy issues, global and regional developments, and commitments made in 2015, and presents data on key food policy indicators. The report also proposes key policy options for 2016 and beyond to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. In 2015, the global community made major commitments on sustainable development and climate change.

Responding to the world food crisis-- Getting on the Right Track

Policy Papers & Briefs
Dezembro, 2008

"Part of the difficulty in responding to the food crisis is the lack of credible and up-todate data on the impacts of food prices on poor people and on the effects of policy responses. Such information would allow international and national decision makers to use feedback to adjust their responses and achieve maximum effectiveness. Much more investment and sound coordination is needed in this area. So far, national and international responses to the food crisis are mixed in terms of their likely effectiveness.