Planning Reform (Northern Ireland) Order 2006 (S.I. No. 1252 (N.I. 7) of 2006).
This Order amends in Northern Ireland the law relating to planning and in particular the Planning (Northern Ireland) Order 1991.
This Order amends in Northern Ireland the law relating to planning and in particular the Planning (Northern Ireland) Order 1991.
These Regulations amend the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Regulations 1990 and the Town and Country Planning (Applications) Regulations 1988 in relation with an application for outline planning permission and “reserved matters”, applications made to local planning authorities for listed building consent or conservation area consent and design and access statements which are required to accompany applications for listed building consent.
This Order consolidates in Northern Ireland the law relating to planning and related matters including matters of environment protection and mining operations.
This Ministerial Decree establishes the modalities for calculating and collecting compensation for the transfer of forested areas to a category of land not related to forest management. The amount of payment shall be established in accordance with the basic rate set for a given category of forest, based on the composition and productivity of forest. In the process of calculation, the period of time of the transfer shall also be taken into consideration. Payments for the transfer of forested areas to establish protected areas shall be prohibited.
El presente Acuerdo aprueba el Procedimiento para la adjudicación de tierras del patrimonio forestal del Estado y bosques y vegetación protectores, cuyo objetivo es el de establecer los parámetros para la adjudicación de tierras del Estado y bosques y vegetación protectores de propiedad del Estado por parte del Ministerio del Ambiente.
This Act makes provision for various matters relating to the activity of exploration and exploitation of petroleum resources in Botswana including licensing, control, surface rights, survey of wells, protection of the environment and compulsory acquisition of land.The Act sets out criteria and conditions for the granting of an exploration or a development licence. The Minister may enter into an agreement with a (potential) licence holder. A registered holder of an exploration licence shall notify the Minister on the discovery of petroleum in an exploration area.
The present Regulation enacts section 29 of the Park Act. Section 7 establishes that every person who enters or is in a park, conservancy or recreation area shall, at the request of a park officer or park ranger, provide information about any matter pertaining to the use or occupancy of the park, conservancy or recreation area.
This Act aims at transferring to and vesting in the Government the ownership and possession of all ecologically fragile lands held by any person in order to minimize the degradation of these ecosystems and their biological diversity.The Government shall have the right to declare any land to be ecologically fragile land which shall be deemed to be reserved forests according to the provisions of this Act.The Act provides for the constitution and functions of an Advisory Committee which shall be responsible for identifying ecologically fragile lands which shall then be managed by Forest Depart
The present Regulations enact the Canada National Parks Act. Section 3 establishes that a person may use or occupy public lands or other public property within a Park if that person does so in accordance with the Act, the Regulations made there under and any agreement made between the Government of Canada and the government of the province within which the Park is situated. The Minister may, from time to time, arrange to have public lands in a Park surveyed or resurveyed. The text consists of 40 sections.
Implements: Canada National Parks Act (S.C. 2000, c. 32). (2017-06-19)
This Ministerial Decree establishes the modalities for expropriating (redeeming) land to create or enlarge protected areas and for leasing land in protected areas for research, tourism or recreational purposes. Applicants shall submit the technical and financial documentation for the research, tourism or recreational project and a positive expert opinion of the environmental auditor.
This Order applies to protected areas, in particular to recreational land and land of medicinal localities, spas and health resorts. It shall not apply to state cadastre valuation of urban land, environmental protection land, suburban green belts, land of cultural heritage or tourism, or precious land. State cadastre valuation shall entail: (a) establishing the list of land plots; (b) clustering land plots; (c) designating a reference land plot for each cluster; (d) determining the market value of the reference land plot; and (e) determining the cadastre value of the land plots.
This Code grants every citizen the right to a favourable environment ensured by sound land use planning through: (a) state regulation of land use planning activities; (b) planning of urban land; (c) compensation for damages resulting from violation of land use planning legislation; and (d) liability.