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IssuesdesflorestaçãoLandLibrary Resource
Displaying 1165 - 1176 of 1177

Forests, Trees and the Eradication of Poverty: Potential and Limitations

Journal Articles & Books
Novembro, 2020

The report, “Forests, Trees and the Eradication of Poverty: Potential and Limitations,” shows that forests and trees support human well-being and are critical to end poverty. It finds that forest-poverty dynamics are affected by a range of social, economic, political, and environmental context factors, such as rural outmigration, gender norms, remittance flows, and elite capture. The report’s key messages are highlighted below. Forests and trees can help the poor face global changes such as climate change. Benefits from forests and trees to human well-being are unevenly distributed.

Zero deforestation: A commitment to change

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2017

Widespread palm oil production causes much controversy due to its negative impacts in the tropics. But whatever is said about it, it is big business and getting bigger by the day due to increasing global demands. Alongside this, the size and depth of the social and environmental debates surrounding palm oil production are also growing. As a major globally-consumed commodity, its production in the humid and sub-humid tropics raises concerns due to its impacts on the environment, biodiversity, local communities, smallholder livelihoods, land rights and climate change.

Tackling land degradation and desertification: GEF - IFAD partnership

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2001

Desertification occurs in drylands,which span a third of the earth ’s land surface in over 110 countries.It influences the lives of about 500 000 people – the so-called environmental refugees –including many of the world ’s poorest and most marginalized populations. Each year 12 million hectares (ha)are lost to deserts.That is enough land to grow 20 million tonnes of grain.

Mapping Together: A Guide to Monitoring Forest and Landscape Restoration Using Collect Earth Mapathons

Journal Articles & Books
Fevereiro, 2021
El Salvador

Mapping Together helps people use Collect Earth mapathons to monitor tree-based restoration. Collect Earth enables users to create precise data that can show where trees are growing outside the forest across farms, pasture, and urban areas and how the landscape has changed over time. Building on WRI and FAO’s Road to Restoration, a guide that helps people make tough choices and set realistic goals for restoring landscapes, Mapping Together takes this process one step further.

Global Forest Resources Assessment 2020

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2020

Did you know that forests cover nearly 1/3 of land globally?
That’s 4.06 billion hectares.
In other words, there is around 0.52 ha of forest for every person on the planet.

More than half (54 percent) of the world’s forests are in only five countries –the Russian Federation, Brazil, Canada, the United States of America and China.

Ninety-three percent of the forest area worldwide is composed of naturally regenerating forests and 7 percent is planted.

Tenure rights and benefit sharing arrangements for REDD: A case study of two REDD Pilot Projects in Cambodia

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2010

Deforestation and forest degradation account for up to 20% of the total annual anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. As a result, current approaches to address climate change include strategies to reduce deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries (REDD). Even though REDD is still under discussion within the UNFCCC framework, many REDD pilot projects are being implemented across the tropics.

Scramble for Land Rights: Reducing Inequity between Communities and Companies

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2018

Community land, crucial to rural livelihood around the world, is increasingly targeted by commercial interests. Its loss can lead to environmental degradation, increased rural poverty and land disputes that last for years. Without formal legal recognition of their land rights, communities struggle to protect their land from being allocated to outside investors.

Road to Restoration. A Guide to Identifying Priorities and Indicators for Monitoring Forest and Landscape Restoration

Journal Articles & Books
Novembro, 2019

By declaring the Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, the UN has recognized that there are only 10 years left to restore the world's degraded land. Countries are striving to fight climate change by 2030 through their Paris Agreement commitments and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). But in many cases, their climate and development agenda are disconnected, even though sustainability and development go hand in hand – especially for rural communities. The divide is particularly severe when it comes to restoring degraded land.

Bioenergy and sustainability: Bridging the gaps

Journal Articles & Books
Novembro, 2015

The development of modern high efficiency bioenergy technologies has the potential to improve energy security and access while reducing environmental impacts and stimulating low-carbon development. While modern bioenergy production is increasing in the world, it still makes a small contribution to our energy matrix. At present, approximately 87% of energy demand is satisfied by energy produced through consumption of fossil fuels.

Relatório: Sistema de alerta de desmatamento em terras indígenas com registros de povos isolados

Reports & Research
Novembro, 2021
América do Sul

No último boletim SIRAD I de 2021, apresentamos os resultados do mape amento de desmatamento detectados durante este período dentro dos territórios dos povos isolados. O ritmo de desmatamento descreceu em 15 % em relação ao ano passado, entretanto não temos motivos parar comemorar, pois as causas/motores que incentivam a invasão ilegal dessas terras continua forte. A maioria dos alertas de 2021 se concentraram dentro das Terras Indígenas Piripkura, Uru- Eu-Wau-Wau, Arariboia e Munduruku.

Cumplicidade e Destruição IV

Reports & Research
Julho, 2021
América do Sul

A quarta edição do relatório Cumplicidade na Destruição, realizado em parceria entre a Articulação dos Povos Indígenas do Brasil e a Amazon Watch resgata brevemente a trajetória da mineração de larga escala no Brasil, em especial seu histórico de avanço sobre os povos indígenas, e destaca o novo ímpeto que a atividade ganhou durante o governo de Jair Bolsonaro. Rios contaminados, florestas devastadas, comunidades inteiras sem acesso à água – quando não foram destruídas ou levadas pela lama tóxica.

Vozes Femininas. Por uma recuperação econômica verde e inclusiva.

Journal Articles & Books
Julho, 2022
América do Sul

O planeta Terra vive uma emergência climática e a necessidade de soluções e ações se tornou ainda mais urgente com a crise mundial ocasionada pela pandemia da Covid-19. As relações entre o modelo de produção do agronegócio, o desmatamento, a destruição da biosfera e o aquecimento global, entre outros fatores que desequilibram o meio ambiente, favorecem o surgimento e a proliferação de novas doenças em escala mundial. Um novo pacto social, político e econômico verde precisa ser debatido e muitas ideias e ações devem ser colocadas em prática para não haver um colapso ainda maior. As mulheres