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Issuesmercado fundiárioLandLibrary Resource
Displaying 217 - 228 of 292

Better land access for the rural poor. Lessons from experience and challenges ahead

Reports & Research
Outubro, 2006

Main chapters cover access to land and poverty reduction, land redistribution, and securing land rights. The last includes the role of land markets, women’s land rights, securing local resource rights in foreign investment projects, protecting the rights of indigenous peoples and pastoralists, conflicts.

Integrating Land Issues and Land Policy with Poverty Reduction and Rural Development in Southern Africa

Reports & Research
Setembro, 2002

A synthesis of land issues and land policy constraints in Southern Africa prepared for and revised since the World Bank Regional Workshop on Land Issues in Africa in Kampala, 29 April – 2 May 2002. Synthesises key points made in commissioned papers, plenary comments, and facilitated discussions from a Southern Africa working group. Topics include an overview of land issues and special problems and constraints affecting Southern Africa including land administration, community ownership, financial capital and investment, HIV/AIDS, land markets, conflict, and redistribution.

Creativity or Innovation? Responding to HIV/AIDS on Land and Property Rights

Reports & Research
Abril, 2005

Introduction – conceptual, policy and legislative frameworks. Overview of the impact of HIV/AIDS – on poverty, livelihoods, land and agriculture. Study findings and their implications – land tenure, land rights, gender and inheritance, land use, land administration, land markets and redistribution, agricultural production. Emerging issues and policy options on land tenure, land rights, land use, land administration, land markets and redistribution, agricultural production. Includes findings from household surveys, key informant interviews and focus group discussions.

Critical Pastoral Issues and Policy Statements for the National Land Policy in Uganda

Reports & Research
Março, 2005

Includes the pastoral land question – recognition in law and policy, establishment of protected areas, access and ownership of land, land use and sustainability. Pastoral rights in policy – international research and regional developments, conceptual framework for the Policy, Policy goal, principles and objectives – land and sustainable livelihoods, land tenure, land markets, land administration, land use and management, natural resources and environment.

Botswana National Land Policy, Issues Report

Reports & Research
Setembro, 2002

A review of all Botswana land-related policies in preparation for a comprehensive new National Land Policy. Covers land rights, land markets and taxation, urban and rural land management, land use planning, legal, institutional and financial issues. Dominant theme is the need to adjust land policy, laws, management and administration to the changes being brought about by economic development and urbanisation, manifested in a rapidly emerging land market. Government concerned over rise of landlessness and hoarding by speculators.

New agribusiness investments mean wholesale sell-out for women farmers

Reports & Research
Novembro, 2010

Globalisation impacts on local land markets and land-use, land transaction costs affect food prices, and the combined effect is particularly damaging to women who produce food and put food on the table for their families. Article examines what is attracting investors and market speculators into the farm and land sectors; what is at stake for small farmers – especially women farmers – and long-term impacts for food production and food security; and what action is needed to enable women to secure access to natural resource and land assets for current and future generations?

Improving Tenure Security for the Poor in Africa

Reports & Research
Outubro, 2006

The first of 7 Working Papers presented at an FAO regional technical workshop for sub-Saharan Africa on legal empowerment of the poor (LEP) in Nakuru, Kenya, in October 2006. Divided into 7 issues: land markets, individualised land tenure, and land titling; pluralism; informal settlements in urban and peri-urban areas; gender; decentralisation and institutional development; pastoralism; dispute settlement. Each issue is examined through four dimensions: the international, the colonial, the national, and the social.

Land Market Values, Urban Land Policies, and their Impacts in Urban Centers of Rwanda

Reports & Research
Agosto, 2014

Research sought to evaluate the determinants of urban land markets, to analyse trends in urban land markets and values, and to assess impacts of urban land prices and policies. Concludes that if current land policies are not reformed there is a risk of increased negative impacts on the poor and more low-income people will be exposed to displacement to areas away from the urban centres which could cause social instability and an increase of informal settlements in suburbs.

Land and Agrarian Reform in South Africa: A Status Report 2004

Reports & Research
Dezembro, 2004
África do Sul

Includes a retrospective of 10 years of land reform, restitution, redistribution, farm tenure reform, communal tenure reform, debating the future of land and agrarian reform, conclusions. Argues that there is a need for the state to intervene to make suitable land available to meet local needs, rather than relying wholly on land markets.

LANDac Annual Conference 2018: Conference Report

Conference Papers & Reports
Julho, 2018

The LANDac Conference 2018 looked at land governance through the lens of mobility. Land acquisitions trigger migration and yield other types of mobility such as capital, goods and ideas. Ensuing land claims raise new questions for land governance. So far, the discussion has focused on respecting land rights, informing local residents and offering fair compensation. The conference explored the question: Given the variety of mobility, what are good ways forward in land governance?