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Displaying 145 - 156 of 292

Characteristics of land market in Hungary at the time of the EU accession

Policy Papers & Briefs
Abril, 2007

The aim of this study was to analyse the Hungarian land market and the changes that have occurred since the EU accession as well as to present the tendencies of the development. The demand in Hungary is primarily for outstanding and good quality land of favourable location in certain regions or large plots of arable and forest land. Scattered, wedged properties of small size or of unclear ownership (undivided common land) are difficult to sell.

Agricultural land market in Slovakia

Policy Papers & Briefs
Abril, 2007

The agricultural land market in Slovakia has noted an increased dynamics recently. This situation is the result of entering big foreign investors, particularly car factories which bought agricultural land for construction purposes. It resulted in the raised prices of plots. Agricultural land prices sold for further agricultural use are markedly lower from those in the EU-15. Such prices are the third lowest ones within the new EU member countries.

Development of agricultural lands sector of the real estate market in Latvia

Conference Papers & Reports
Dezembro, 2007

The object of the study reflected in the paper is the market sector of agricultural lands in Latvia. The goal set out in this scientific paper is to explore the development trends current in the target sector of the market and identify problems and barriers to successful progress common to the entire real estate market in this country.

Marché et politiques foncières dans la zone littorale albanaise : le cas de la zone Durres-Kavaja

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2008

Land management policies for coastal areas are confronted with increased pressures of land development and urbanisation. Across the northern Mediterranean countries, governments have adopted policies and implemented incentive and regulatory instruments to manage this phenomenon. For transition countries, the application of these instruments is less effective due to the weakness of the institutional framework.The Albanian coastal area is suffering for the last ten years from an anarchic urbanisation of its former agricultural land.

Marché et politiques foncières dans la zone littorale albanaise : le cas de la zone Durres-Kavaja

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2008

Land management policies for coastal areas are confronted with increased pressures of land development and urbanisation. Across the northern Mediterranean countries, governments have adopted policies and implemented incentive and regulatory instruments to manage this phenomenon. For transition countries, the application of these instruments is less effective due to the weakness of the institutional framework.The Albanian coastal area is suffering for the last ten years from an anarchic urbanisation of its former agricultural land.

Farm land rent in the European Union

Policy Papers & Briefs
Julho, 2011
Países Baixos
República Checa

Great share of rented land in total utilised area as well as a significant variability of land rent and market prices of land causes a need of research that would assess which factors influence the land rent as well as the price of land and how significant such factor are in each state. The average land rent is significantly lower in new EU member states than in the EU 15 members. There is a strong dependence of land rent on the intensity of production. Subsidies have moderate to medium influence.

State regulation of the agricultural land market in modern Russia

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2014

The reform of the 90s led to the elimination of states monopoly of landownership and to the privatization of most agricultural lands. Within the small auxiliary sector of agricultural land the turnover arose in the early reform. But in the large agro-industrial sector, the turnover of lands received the necessary legal regulation only in 2003 (more than 10 years later than the mass privatization of these lands). For this type of turnover, a significant part of the regulatory mechanisms was borrowed from foreign experience, because the domestic experience was absent.

The rent of agricultural lands: experience and prospects of development

Policy Papers & Briefs
Dezembro, 2012

In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was analyzed and systematized the experience of development of rent of agricultural lands in foreign countries. One of the most important directions of land ownership rights realization is land lease – one of the most economically sensible and efficient forms of land tenure. There were established the advantages and necessary conditions for the efficient inclusion of land lease relations in the field of land tenure into market mechanisms. There was suggested a complex variant of development of the rent of lands in agricultural production.

How Smart Should Farms Be Modeled? Behavioral Foundation of Bidding Strategies in Agent-Based Land Market Models

Conference Papers & Reports
Dezembro, 2006

Land markets play a crucial role in agricultural structural change. Because the dynamics of structural change and land markets, respectively, mainly depend on the interactions between individual farms, agent-based modeling (ABM) has been established as a tool for understanding and explaining structural change and land market dynamics. This is particularly so because of ABM's ability to capture heterogeneity, non-convexity and dynamics. Unfortunately, the behavioral foundation of economic actors in ABM, i.e., of the farms, is often specified as ad hoc or simply based on "expert knowledge".

[Special features and economic principles of assessing a land plot]

Policy Papers & Briefs
Dezembro, 2009

The specificity and uniqueness of land as a land appraisal object are disclosed. Principles of land appraisal are considered, their interrelation and dependence on land use features are shown.

Розкрито специфіку і унікальність землі як обєкта оцінки. Розглянуті принципи оцінки земельних ділянок, показаний їх взаємозвязок і залежність від особливостей використання землі.

How to Approach a Market? A Theoretical Concept for Defining and Describing Land Markets

Conference Papers & Reports
Dezembro, 2002

Land markets have received a considerable amount of attention in economic literature. Since the treatment of the topic covers various approaches, areas, and questions, it seems desirable to attempt an overview of the results. This paper devises a way in which to present a complete picture of the land market by drawing together the various contributions. The first step is to establish a method by which a market in its entirety can be defined. It is suggested that the application of Oliver Williamson's "Four levels of social analysis" is an appropriate approach to be used in this endeavour.

The socio-economic factors affecting the development of agricultural land market in Poland

Policy Papers & Briefs
Dezembro, 2010

The study is aimed at the analysis of the situation in the agricultural land market in Poland, including the identification and description of factors affecting the turnover and rules governing the trade in farmland and the influence of the Agricultural Property Agency on the supply and demand relationships in trade in agricultural land. The main and critical factors affecting the demand-supply relations in the market are identified.