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Ley Nº 4.890 - Ley de derecho real de superficie forestal.

América do Sul

La presente Ley regula el Derecho Real de Superficie Forestal, definido como aquel por el cual el titular del dominio de un inmueble susceptible de contener plantaciones forestales o bosques naturales constituye a favor de terceros o superficiarios un derecho de aprovechamiento o disposición sobre los bienes forestales plantados sobre la superficie de su propiedad o sobre los bienes que se encuentren en el inmueble en forma de bosque natural.

Planning Act (No. 587 of 2013).

Europa Setentrional

This Act sets regulations on the planning of land use and contributes that ensure the protection of the environment for sustainable human living conditions and preservation of animal and plant life. Regional and local councils shall publish a statement of their strategy for the region's respective municipality contribution to sustainable development in the 21st century - and shall include information on how people, organizations and associations shall be involved in this project.

Land Use Planning and Building Law.

Europa Ocidental

The purpose of the present Law is to use the soil in a rational and efficient way, to conserve natural living conditions, as well as the beauty of the landscape. It regulates the requirements for buildings and plants with a view to ensure the proper use of land, as well as the beauty, safety and hygiene, of the environment including the protection of nature and cultural heritage. The interests of the population and of the local economy shall be taken in due consideration.

Decree on river basin management plans and plans for flood risk management.

República Checa
Europa Oriental

This Decree of the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Agriculture sets out measures to reduce the risk of adverse effects associated with floods and regulates: (1) the content of river basin management plans and plans for flood risk management; (2) the content of basic and supplementary measures for water protection; (3) the manner and form of presentation of the preliminary flood risk; (4) the method of determining areas with significant flood risk; (5) the content of flood hazard maps, flood risk maps and forms of their publication; (5) method of making the preparatory work, draf

Act on the protection of agricultural land.

República Checa
Europa Oriental

The purpose of this Act of the Czech National Council is to ensure protection of agricultural land which is a natural resource of the country, indispensable means enabling agricultural production and is one of the main components of the environment. Protection of agricultural land, its cultivation and rational utilization are the activities which also ensure the protection and improvement of the environment. The present Act is composed of 26 articles divided into the following Sections: Agricultural land (Sec.

Decree on the content, review and update of plans of flood risk management.

Europa Oriental

This Decree of Environment, which is composed of three articles and three Annexes, provides details on the content, review and update of plans of flood risk management. The content of the first flood risk management plan is specified in Annex 1. The content of the update of flood risk management plan is given in Annex 2. The present Decree describes also the international flood risk management plan which is prepared for rivers common with neighbouring countries.

Order No. 698 on entry into force of article 1, No. 9 of Act amending the Planning Act.

Europa Setentrional

The Order establishes the entry into force to 31 December 2013 of article 1, No. 9 of the Act amending the Planning Act with regard to the new opportunities in rural areas for commercial and second homes, change of rules on coastal zones management and for the abolition of mobilizing and mandatory connection to SMATV and setup panel antennaes and equipment in rural areas.

Implements: Act amending the Planning Act (No. 358 of 2013). (2013-04-09)

Ley Nº 4/2013 - Modifica la Ley Nº 3/2009, Ley de Urbanismo de Aragón.

Europa meridional

La presente Ley modifica la que tiene por objeto regular la actividad urbanística y el régimen urbanístico del suelo, el vuelo y el subsuelo en la Comunidad Autónoma de Aragón, en orden a simplificar la tramitación y clarificar la intervención de cada uno de los agentes involucrados.

Enmienda: Ley Nº 3/2009 - Ley de Urbanismo de Aragón. (2009-06-17)