Is the Quesungual System an option for smallholders in dry hillside agroecosystems?
Land settlement planning issues in irrigation management: a review of experiences in Sri Lanka
This document is meant to present a framework for analyzing the institutions related to water management in a river basin context. The design of the five-country regional study undertaken by IWMI on ?Development of Effective Water Management Institutions? provided a new methodology and a framework for river basin studies. It consists of four key components of diagnostic investigations related to water resources management in a river basin, which are interrelated. These key components are the physical system, water accounting, socioeconomic situation and performance.
Laju dan penyebab deforestasi di Indonesia: penelaahan kerancuan dan penyelesaiannya
There have been several major research efforts on the rate and causes of Indonesia's deforestation in recent years and much associated literature, but there is still no consensus in the research community on these issues. This paper reviews the areas of uncertainty and confusion, and proposes questions that must be answered to get a better grasp of the subject.
Land use Project Summary: Project PE-4: Annual Report 2005
Land use systems and distribution of Trichoderma species in Embu region, Kenya = Relación entre uso del suelo y la distribución de Trichoderma en la región de Embu, Kenia
The distribution of Trichoderma species in soils of Embu region in relation to land use practices was investigated. The study area was chosen because of its significant land use intensification. Soil washing and dilution plate techniques were used to recover Trichoderma spp from soil samples. The fungal isolates were identified and assigned to eight species. Greater populations as well as a wider range of species were obtained in soils collected from the natural forests while coffee farms were the poorest ones. Land use affected the distribution of Trichoderma.
Land degradation in the Highlands of Tigray and strategies for sustainable land management
Land, soil and water management
This chapter reviews relevant Vertisol properties, experimental results and the overall experience of the project on this subject. There are several types of drainage problems in Vertisols whose magnitude may vary from site to site. Drainage improvement is discussed in relation with camber beds, broadbeds and furrows, field depressions, perched watertable, open ditches, height of beds, soil erosion and supplemental irrigation. The need for water shed development projects is also examined.