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Songbird Relationships to Shrub‐Steppe Ecological Site Characteristics

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2011
Estados Unidos

Rangeland managers are often faced with the complex challenge of managing sites for multiple uses and for the diverse interests of stakeholders. Standardized monitoring methods that can be used and understood by different agencies and stakeholders would aid management for long‐term sustainability of rangelands. In the United States, federal land management agencies have recently based their assessments of rangeland health and integrity on state‐and‐transition models to consider management trajectories.

Effect of row spacing and seeding rate on forage yield and quality of perennial cereal rye (Secale cereale L.)

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2003

Perennial cereal rye (PC rye) is being developed at Lethbridge Research Centre as a new forage crop. The first Canadian cultivar of this crop (ACE-1), tested as LRC 96-1, will have the distinction of being the first North American cultivar of PC rye and the only perennial cereal crop specifically developed for forage production. PC rye was originally developed in Germany by crossing rye (Secale cereale L.) with a perennial wild rye (Secale montanum L.) and then backcrossing the F1 with Secale cereale L. while selecting for a perennial nature.

experimental study of fire and moisture stress on the survivorship of savanna eucalypt seedlings

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2008

Eucalyptus melanophloia and E. populnea dominate large areas of savanna in eastern Australia. Under aboriginal management, fires probably occurred under a broad range of conditions, but under pastoral management, burning is avoided when soil moisture is low. This experiment subjected E. melanophloia and E. populnea seedlings to burning and moisture stress, to examine whether this change in burning regime could affect seedling survivorship.

Regional modeling of large wildfires under current and potential future climates in Colorado and Wyoming, USA

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2016
Estados Unidos
América do Norte

Regional analysis of large wildfire potential given climate change scenarios is crucial to understanding areas most at risk in the future, yet wildfire models are not often developed and tested at this spatial scale. We fit three historical climate suitability models for large wildfires (i.e. ≥ 400 ha) in Colorado and Wyoming using topography and decadal climate averages corresponding to wildfire occurrence at the same temporal scale. The historical models classified points of known large wildfire occurrence with high accuracies.

Engaging aboriginal populations in collaborative planning: an evaluation of a two-tiered collaborative planning model for land and resource management

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2012

This paper evaluates an innovative two-tiered model of collaborative planning designed to increase participation of First Nations in resource and environmental planning in British Columbia, Canada. Like a one-tiered model, the two-tiered model engages stakeholders in face-to-face negotiations to develop a consensus plan. However, to finalize an agreement, recommendations from the first tier are then sent to a second tier of negotiations that includes only two parties – First Nations and the provincial government.

Evaluation of the Pesticide Contamination of Groundwater Sampled over Two Years from a Vulnerable Zone in Portugal

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2007

A monitoring program of pesticides was implemented in the "ZV1" vulnerable zone (Directive 91/676/EEC) in Portugal, in order to assess the impact of intensive horticulture practices on groundwater contamination. The monitoring network comprised 23 sampling points sampled every 3 months during a 2-year period.

New Rangeland Residents in Wyoming? A Survey of Exurban Landowners

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2011

Rapid conversion of rural land to exurban development and the ensuing impacts on natural resources have been well-documented, but information about exurban landowners is lacking. To address this knowledge gap, we surveyed exurban landowners in six Wyoming counties and documented demographic characteristics, motivations, knowledge, and attitudes about natural resources and land management. The overall response rate was 55.6%. Generally, respondents were of retirement age, had lived in Wyoming for about 13 yr, and were raised in areas with a population

Mode of reproduction of Barbarea vulgaris in two different habitats in Tohoku, Japan

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2010

This study was conducted to determine the reproductive characteristics of Barbarea vulgaris under different disturbance regimes (mowing and tilling) in two different habitats: a levee and a wheat field. On the levee, 77 of the 114 individuals that had had their floral stalks removed by the first mowing produced new rosettes at the basal part of the stem during the same growing season. The plants that were mowed four times per year had a significantly greater survival rate than the plants that were mowed twice per year.

Fate of residual 15N-labeled fertilizer in dryland farming systems on soils of contrasting fertility

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2015

Up to 50% of nitrogen (N) fertilizer can remain in soil after crop harvest in dryland farming. Understanding the fate of this residual fertilizer N in soil is important for evaluating its overall use efficiency and environmental effect. Nitrogen-15 (¹⁵N)-labeled urea (165 kg N ha ⁻¹) was applied to winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) growing in three different fertilized soils (no fertilizer, No-F; inorganic nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilization, NPK; and manure plus inorganic NPK fertilization, MNPK) from a long-term trial (19 years) on the south of the Loess Plateau, China.