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Land tax

Reports & Research
Fevereiro, 2011

Land tax has long been neglected in West Africa and is regarded as a taboo subject. Yet contrary to received wisdom it is possible to introduce a basic annual land tax without a land register or a computerized system. While certain precautions need to be taken, it not only generates revenue for the locality but also discourages the unproductive retention of unused land, and in the long term helps secure the land rights of producers or residents by proving written proof of their occupancy.

Our Land we Farm. An analysis of the Namibian Commercial Agricultural Land Reform Process

Reports & Research
Setembro, 2005

Looks at land tax, land expropriation, foreign ownership, the National Resettlement Programme and the Affirmative Action Loan Scheme, case studies, and donor support in the land-reform process. Concludes with recommendations on expropriation, farm workers, sustainability of resettlement projects, gender issues, skills sharing and training.

Fiscale faciliteiten agrosector : werking en effecten

Reports & Research
Dezembro, 2014
Países Baixos

Het Interdepartementale Beleidsonderzoek (IBO) Agrosector heeft behoefte aan inzicht in de werking van de fiscale faciliteiten voor de agrosector en in de effecten van mogelijke aanpassingen daarvan. Doelstelling van dit project is om de IBO-werkgroep Agrosector inzicht te bieden in de effecten van het draaien aan knoppen van de fiscale regelingen, met name het afschaffen ervan. Door dit inzicht is de werkgroep beter in staat om onderbouwde beleidsaanbevelingen te doen.

Evaluatie van vrijstellingen voor de landbouw in de overdrachtsbelasting

Reports & Research
Dezembro, 2008
Países Baixos

In dit rapport wordt een zestal voor de agrarische sector relevante vrijstellingen in artikel 15, eerste lid van de Wet op belastingen van Rechtsverkeer (WBR) geëvalueerd. De vrijstellingen zorgen ervoor dat de aankoop van landbouwgrond onder bepaalde voorwaarden onbelast is met 6% overdrachtsbelasting. In de evaluatie wordt per vrijstelling onderzocht of de regeling op een doeltreffende en doelmatige manier leidt tot het bereiken van de geformuleerde doelstellingen. Daarnaast wordt aandacht besteed aan de neveneffecten van de regeling.

Bus stop, property price and land value tax: A multilevel hedonic analysis with quantile calibration

Peer-reviewed publication
Dezembro, 2014
República Checa
Reino Unido
Estados Unidos

Based on a multilevel and quantile hedonic analysis regarding the local public bus system and the prices of residential properties in Cardiff, Wales, we find strong evidence to support two research hypotheses: (a) the number of bus stops within walking distance (300–1500m) to a property is positively associated with the property's observed sale price, and (b) properties of higher market prices, compared with their cheaper counterparts, tend to benefit more from spatial proximity to the bus stop locations.

III Seminário Internacional de Governança de Terras e Desenvolvimento Econômico: Regularização Fundiária

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2017
América Latina e Caribe
América do Sul
É com enorme satisfação que apresentamos o resultado dos trabalhos do III SEMINÁRIO INTERNACIONAL DE GOVERNANÇA DE TERRAS E DESENVOLVIMENTO ECONÔMICO: REGULARIZAÇÃO FUNDIÁRIA, evento realizado entre os dias, 7, 8 e 9 de junho de 2017, no anfiteatro do Instituto de Economia da Unicamp.
Durante os 03 (três) dias de produtivas discussões, acadêmicos, especialistas e o público em geral tiveram a oportunidade de debater algumas das principais questões relativa à Regularização Fundiária, atuando como um instrumento que busca a otimização da gestão da