Bilan des capacités de R&D agricole nationale en Afrique au sud du Sahara
Ce document vise à contribuer au programme d’action en cours pour le développement de l’Afrique au sud du Sahara.
Ce document vise à contribuer au programme d’action en cours pour le développement de l’Afrique au sud du Sahara.
This report is timely input into the ongoing development agenda for Africa South of the Sahara (SSA).
អង្គការលីកាដូធ្វើការស៊ើបអង្កេតទៅលើគម្រោង ការបែងចែកដីធ្លី ដើម្បីអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សេដ្ឋកិច្ច និងសង្គម ( LASED ) ដែលមានតម្លៃ១៣លានដុល្លារ ដែលបានគាំទ្រដោយ ធនាគារពិភពលោក និងទីភ្នាក់ងារអភិវឌ្ឍន៍របស់អាឡឺម៉ង់ ជីអាយហ្សិត ( Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale
Zusammenarbeit ) ដើម្បីវាយតម្លៃថាតើ ប្រជាជនក្រីក្រកម្ពុជានៅតាមទីជនបទ ពិតជាដែលបានទទួលអត្ថប្រយោជន៍ពីគម្រោងនេះ ដូចដែលបានថ្លែងនៅក្នុងរបាយការណ៍គំរោងរបស់ទីភ្នាក់ងារទាំងពីរឬទេ។
During 2012, a key choice facing developing countries revealed itself ever more starkly. Would they choose a development path built on inclusiveness, respect for the rights of their citizens, and the rule of law? Or would they seek a short-cut to development and opt to hand over community land and natural resources to international investors and national elites? Would they turn their rural citizens from landowners into landless laborers?
This paper quantifies the misallocation of manufacturing output and factors of production between establishments across Indian districts during 1989-2010. It first distills a number of stylized facts about misallocation in India, and demonstrates the validity of misallocation metrics by connecting them to regulatory changes in India that affected real property. With this background, the study next quantifies the implications and determinants of factor and output misallocation.
Despite widespread agreement among economists that labor-intensive manufacturing has contributed mightily to rapid development in China and other fast-growing economies, most developing countries have had little success in raising the share of manufacturing in production, employment, or exports. Tales from the Development Frontier recounts efforts to establish light manufacturing clusters in several Asian and African countries, looking in particular at China.
China has made some remarkable achievements in sustainable development, but the constant deterioration of the overall trend of the environment has not yet been effectively curbed. To achieve the goal of sustainable development, we must first ensure coordination and coherence of national development goals in different areas and adhere to green development road. To achieve the objectives related to green development, and to clarify the direction of green development in the next 20 years, a road map is needed to guide and coordinate the process.
La integración regional y global es un motor potencial para el crecimiento, la generación de empleo y el desarrollo porque ayuda a los países a superar las desventajas del tamaño limitado de sus mercados, contribuye a atraer inversión extranjera directa (IED) y actúa como plataforma para la cooperación funcional y la generación de bienes públicos regionales entre los países participantes.
Documento final de la Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas Rio +20 llevada a cabo en Rio de Janeiro - Brasil del 20 al 22 de junio de 2012.
El documentos hace un análisis de los agrocombustibles en el marco de los acuerdos comerciales de la UE con Centroamérica, Colombia y Perú, el impacto de la producción de materias primas destinadas a la producción de agrocumbustibles en los derechos humanos en Colombia y Guatemala y la situación de emergencia en comunidades indígenas y campesinas de ambos países.
La Coordinadora Andina de Organizaciones Indígenas (CAOI) ha desarrollado un largo proceso de discusión acerca del Buen Vivir, propuesta central de los pueblos indígenas y sus organizaciones. La sistematización de este debate y una investigación desarrollada en los países que la integran, ha sido publicada en el libro Buen Vivir / Vivir Bien. Filosofía Políticas, Estrategias y Experiencias Regionales Andinas.
La nueva oleada de acuerdos sobre tierras no es la inversión en agricultura que millones de personas esperaban. Las personas más pobres son quienes más sufren cuando se intensifica la competencia por la tierra. Las investigaciones de Oxfam demuestran que la población local suele salir perdiendo frente a las élites locales y a los inversores nacionales o extranjeros, ya que carece de poder para hacer valer sus derechos y defender sus intereses eficazmente.