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Issuesarrendatário (terra)LandLibrary Resource
Displaying 1 - 11 of 11

Land Tenure for Social and Economic Inclusion in Yemen : Issues and Opportunities

Fevereiro, 2013

The report, Land Tenure for Social and
Economic Inclusion in Yemen: Issues and Opportunities was
completed in December 2009. The report addresses the
problems of land ownership in Yemen and the various social
and economic problems associated with the system of land
ownership. Property rights under Yemeni Law are expressed
both in custom and statute, but both are informed by shari a
(Islamic law), which provides the basic property categories

Legislación sobre acceso a la tierra en el Uruguay - Pablo Diaz. (julio 2015)

Policy Papers & Briefs
Julho, 2015

Se trata de un aporte técnico para entender el contexto político, reivindicativo, pero principalmente legislativo del acceso a la tierra de sectores populares en el medio rural del Uruguay actual. El estudio parte de la intervención del Estado sobre el acceso a la tierra a través de las leyes e instrumentos complementarios a las mismas y la trama de sus aplicaciones concretas. Por lo tanto es un documento…

ASOMAC: Una reforma agraria campesina y solidaria

Reports & Research
Julho, 2016

Caso sobre la persistencia y la vigencia de la lucha por la tierra en el Ecuador, sobre todo en territorios donde se profundiza el modelo de acumulación capitalista en el campo. Las organizaciones campesinas pasan de la posesión de la tierra a procurar su legalización; proceso en el que se involucran con la política pública que termina desalojándolas de esos predios.

Land Use in Kenya; The case for a national land-use policy

Journal Articles & Books
Fevereiro, 2015

This book exposes the key land use and environmental problems facing Kenya today due to lack of an appropriate national land use policy. The publication details how the air is increasingly being polluted, the water systems are diminishing in quantity and deteriorating in quality. The desertification process threatens the land and its cover. The soils are being eroded leading to siltation of the ocean and lakes. The forests are being depleted with impunity thus destroying the water catchments.

Land Redistribution in South Africa

Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
Maio, 2012
África do Sul
África austral

This paper provides an overview of land reform in South Africa from 1994 to 2011, with the focus on the land redistribution. The government policies and associated implementation since 1994 have not generated expected social and economic results for a number of reasons. Even where land has been transferred, it appears to have had minimal impact on the livelihoods of beneficiaries, largely because of inappropriate project design, a lack of necessary support services and shortages of working capital, leading to widespread underutilization of land.

Poverty and the Distribution of Land

Reports & Research
Setembro, 2001

Land reform is a many-splendoured thing. The term has been used to include not only redistributive reforms of ownership rights but also the establishment of collective or communal forms of farming, state sponsored land colonization schemes in frontier areas, and land tenure reforms, i.e., changes in the contractual arrangements between the landowner and those who cultivate the land. In addition, tax (and credit) measures intended to create incentives for large landowners to sell part of their holding sometimes are described as “market friendly” land reforms.

Sementes da luta pela terra na Fronteira Brasil-Uruguai:

Reports & Research
Fevereiro, 2014
América do Sul
A presente pesquisa tem por objetivo investigar as mudanças recentes no espaço agrário da fronteira Brasil-Uruguai, mais precisamente no que diz respeito à questão agrária e camponesa. Com um viés libertário, procurase realizar uma análise a respeito da introdução dos projetos de Assentamentos Rurais de Reforma Agrária no município de Santana do Livramento-RS e das recentes ocupações de terra em Bella Unión-UY. Para tal, elabora-se um resgate histórico a respeito do conceito de campesinato com ênfase na discussão a respeito do anarquismo agrário.

Familia Mesa Belokón y su decisión de vivir y producir en el campo

Policy Papers & Briefs
Dezembro, 2017

Orieta Belokon y Walter Mesa son colonos del INC en la Colonia San Javier. Ambos iniciaron siendo asalariados rurales. A la par empezaron a producir alquilando tierras.Luego gracias a su trabajo en la producción de leche accedieron a un crédito bancario para comprar sus tierras. Actualmente, además, alquilan una fracción al INC y continúan produciendo leche. Apuesta por su vida en el campo.