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IssuesmulherLandLibrary Resource
Displaying 85 - 96 of 934

Agroecología y feminismo

Policy Papers & Briefs
Setembro, 2010

* Maria Emilia Lisboa Pacheco
¿Cómo conectar temas que suelen tratarse como si fueran dimensiones distintas, aunque están mezclados en la vida cotidiana? Así ocurre con las relaciones de mujeres y hombres de las áreas rurales, sus condiciones de vida y la necesidad de transformarlas. No hay respuestas definitivas todavía, aunque existe un intenso debate y mucha acción política a lo largo de Brasil, particularmente en el interior del país.

Colombia: Mujeres rurales gestionan su Ley

Policy Papers & Briefs
Abril, 2010

*Ana Isabel Arenas Saavedra **Claudia Patricia Collazos Naranjo
Una Ley no va a resolver la enorme deuda social del Estado colombiano con las mujeres rurales, pero podría ayudar a que éste comience a cumplir con las obligaciones largamente postergadas. Este es el convencimiento que guía a varias organizaciones de mujeres que están gestionando más acción gubernamental para el sector, pero normada por políticas públicas y no como expresión de asistencialismo o dádivas políticas.
Un poco de historia

Mujeres y desarrollo rural: Apuntes sobre la reflexión actual en Perú

Policy Papers & Briefs
Setembro, 2009

Mujeres y desarrollo rural: Apuntos sobre la reflexión actual en el Perú
Emma Zevallos Aguilar*
En el Perú de los últimos años  «lo rural» se hace visible sobre todo asociado a conflictos,  que  suelen son de carácter medioambiental o vinculados al narcotrafico y la violencia política. En general falta visibilidad de lo rural y prima un desinterés respecto a su problemática en la sociedad peruana y sus organizaciones.  

Food versus fuel: Examining tradeoffs in the allocation of biomass energy sources to domestic and productive uses in Ethiopia

Conference Papers & Reports
Dezembro, 2015
África Oriental
África subsariana

This paper explores the tradeoffs between domestic and productive uses of biomass energy sources in the Nile Basin of Ethiopia using a non -­‐separable farm household model where labor and other input allocations to energy collection and farming are analyzed simultaneously.

Is gender an important factor influencing 205 user groups’ property rights and forestry governance?

Peer-reviewed publication
Dezembro, 2011

This article explores the effects that gender composition of forest user groups has on property rights and forestry governance, based on data from 290 forest user groups in Kenya, Uganda, Bolivia, and Mexico. Findings indicate gender composition of user groups is important, but not always in the expected ways. Female-dominated groups tend to have more property rights to trees and bushes, and collect more fuelwood but less timber than do male-dominated or gender-balanced groups.

“As a husband I will love, lead, and provide:” Gendered access to land in Ghana

Policy Papers & Briefs
Dezembro, 2016
África Ocidental
África subsariana

Improving women’s access to land is high on the agricultural policy agenda of both governmental and non-governmental agencies. Yet, the determinants and rationale of gendered access to land are not well understood. This paper argues that gender relations are more than the outcomes of negotiations within households. It explains the importance of social norms, perceptions, and formal and informal rules shaping access to land for male and female farmers at four levels: (1) the household/family, (2) the community, (3) the state, and (4) the market. The framework is applied to Ghana.

Food policy in 2015-2016: Reshaping the global food system for sustainable development

Peer-reviewed publication
Dezembro, 2016
África subsariana
Ásia Meridional
América do Sul

The year 2015 saw a new global commitment to sustainable development that will require a reshaping of the world’s food system. The well-being of people and the planet will depend on creation of a food system that is more efficient, inclusive, climate-smart, sustainable, nutrition- and health-driven, and business-friendly.