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Issues mulher related Blog post
There are 4, 430 content items of different types and languages related to mulher on the Land Portal.
Displaying 85 - 96 of 107

Women leaders protecting their land for the next generation

03 Maio 2019

By Chris Hufstader


After an audacious land grab by a foreign company, indigenous women in a remote Cambodian village struggle to regain their farms and sacred sites.

Sol Preng remembers vividly the day in 2012 when bulldozers unexpectedly arrived on her family farm.

“The company came and cleared away our cashew trees right before the harvest,” she says. “I lost four hectares of land and all my cashew trees.”

Capitalismo: violência contra a mulher, violência contra a terra, por Franklin Frederick

19 Abril 2019

Ao envenenamento do solo e da água pelos pesticidas defendidos pela Ministra Tereza Cristina, corresponde o envenenamento da sociedade pelo obscurantismo pregado pela Ministra Damares Alves e seus colegas do MEC.

«A violência contra o ciclo da água é provavelmente a pior e também a mais invisível forma de violência porque ameaça a vida de todos.» – Vandana Shiva

USAID’s MAST mobile tech programs promote women’s empowerment in Tanzania and Zambia

21 Março 2019

By Deborah Espinosa and Patrick Gallagher, USAID’s Land Technology Solutions Program


Persistent and pervasive gender inequality is a global development challenge that constrains economic growth, educational opportunities, and health outcomes. It jeopardizes food security and undermines poverty reduction strategies. The world over, some formal and many informal laws and customs operate to hinder women’s empowerment and thus their full potential as agents of economic and social change.

Learnings on gender from the Congo Basin

08 Março 2019
Anouska Perram

Improving how we work for – and with – indigenous and local women in their communities


As a human rights organisation, gender justice is a fundamental principle of our work, and we have long been conscious of, and sought to address, the barriers to effective participation in decision-making by women, as well as the other human rights violations they may face on account of their gender.


06 Dezembro 2018
Revista Amazonas
Por Ingrid Conejeros Montecino para a Revista Amazonas
Na quarta-feira, 14 de novembro deste ano, uma bala letal disparada por policiais do chamado Comando Jungla, detonou em uma das mais poderosas e difundidas manifestações em favor da causa mapuche no Chile. Este grupo especializado de carabineros que foi enviado pelo atual governo de Sebastián Piñera, recebeu instruções na Colômbia. Posteriormente foi apresentado com tambores e música pelo mesmo presidente na zona de "conflito" na nona região da "Araucanía".

Three Cheers for the Gender-Inclusive Prindex Report

19 Outubro 2018
Renee Giovarelli

I have talked to women in at least 15 countries—in their homes, their gardens, their fields, their pastures, their universities, their community organizations, their government and executive offices, and their courtrooms. When asked about rural women’s land use or rights or ownership or livelihood, the thing that usually stands out to me is that most women say, in one form or another, that rural women are generally able to use land, and sometimes even control land, when they are in an intact family.

Sem Terra é a única brasileira premiada em Conferência Internacional

10 Outubro 2018
Instituto Geledes
As conquistas disponibilizadas pela Reforma Agrária dão aos assentados muito além de um lote de terra. Em outubro de 1989, no município de Anastácio, no Mato Grosso do Sul, 181 famílias ocuparam uma fazenda pertencente à Rede Ferroviária Federal (REFSA) com o objetivo de fazer com que aquela terra cumprisse com a sua função social.

We want peasants

26 Setembro 2018
Olivier De Schutter

This week in Geneva, the Human Rights Council is expected to take a position on the follow-up to a draft Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other Persons Working in Rural Areas. Five years after the start of the negotiations, we are at a turning point.

Entre a Lei e a Realidade: entendendo os direitos das mulheres à terra no Brasil

05 Junho 2018
Mrs. Patricia Maria Queiroz Chaves

Uma entrevista com Patrícia Chaves, da organização brasileira Espaço Feminista,  explica as discrepâncias no acesso à propriedade e aos direitos de herança por mulheres no Brasil, bem como a dados que informem as mulheres nas comunidades sobre seus direitos. O texto traz também relatos poderosos de experiências pessoais das mulheres.

Making HerStory: The Women of the First Arab Land Conference Give Us Their Thoughts

27 Março 2018
Stacey Zammit

This month marks women’s month and now, more than ever, women and men alike are coming together in abundant numbers, encouraging and rallying for the strength of women everywhere.  We took a few moments to sit down with but a few of the inspiring women who attended the Arab Land Conference from the 26-28 of February in Dubai. Scroll down to hear their inspiring thoughts.

An Overview of the First #ArabLandConference2018

05 Março 2018
Stacey Zammit

From the 26-28 of February, 2018, the First Arab Land Conference, organized by UN Habitat, the World Bank, the Global Land Tool Network, the League of Arab States, the Arabian Union for Surveying and the Dubai Land Department took place in Dubai.  Taking place in one of the most quickly developed parts of the region, the palpable enthusiasm felt throughout the event was because it truly was the first of its kind.  No other conference has yet brought together land experts from around the Arab world.