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Issuessegurança alimentarLandLibrary Resource
Displaying 1453 - 1464 of 1553

Fragmented sovereignty: land reform and dispossession in Laos

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2011

Land reform, land politics and resettlement in Laos have changed people’s land access and livelihoods. But these reforms have also transformed political subjectivity and landed property into matters for government to a degree hitherto unknown in Laos. The control over people, land and space has consolidated sovereignty in ways that make government an ineluctable part of people’s relation to land. This transforms agrarian relations. Three cases demonstrate how rural small holders’ access to land depends on the ways in which property and political subjects have been produced.

Crop choice, farm income, and political control in Myanmar

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2008

Myanmar's agricultural economy has been under transition from a planned to a market system since the late 1980s and has experienced a substantial increase in production. However, little research is available on the impact of economic policies in this country on agricultural production decisions and rural incomes. Therefore, this paper investigates the impact using a micro dataset collected in 2001 and covering more than 500 households in eight villages with diverse agro-ecological environments.

The effects of land tenure policy on rural livelihoods and food sufficiency in the upland village of Que, North Central Vietnam

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2007

The paper documents how the implementation of the land tenure policy of the Vietnamese government has affected the agricultural system, livelihood strategies and food self-sufficiency of Thai farmers in a remote upland village, Que, in Nghe An Province, North Central Vietnam. It is shown that the enforcement of restrictions on the area under swidden agriculture has resulted in a strong reduction of swidden agriculture production and shortened fallow periods, not compensated for by the slow increase in paddy rice production.

Land tenure and water rights in Thailand and Vietnam - challenges for ethnic minorities in mountainous forest regions

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2006

Ethnic minorities in the mountainous forest regions of northern Thailand and northern Vietnam live in a particularly restrictive political, social and economic environment. Widespread degradation of land, water and forest resources has adverse effects on the livelihoods of these groups. Given the dramatically increasing scarcity of natural resources, regulation of resource access and allocation are becoming fundamental for the development of sustainable resource management, in which an active participation of the local population in planning and implementation is a crucial prerequisite.

Preços de Produtos da Floresta: uma década de pesquisa e divulgação

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2018
América Latina e Caribe
América do Sul
Guimarães, J., Amaral, P., Pinto, A. & Gomes, I. Preços de Produtos da Floresta: uma década de pesquisa e divulgação (p. 52). Belém: Imazon, 2019
Os Produtos Florestais Não Madeireiros (PFNMs) exercem um papel importante na subsistência e na geração de renda para milhões de famílias que vivem e dependem das florestas em países em desenvolvimento. De acordo com a FAO (2014), cerca de 80% da população desses países usam esses produtos, seja como alimento, remédio, cosmético ou na confecção de utensílios e abrigo.

Fome de África: Terra e Investimento Agrícola no continente Africano

Journal Articles & Books
Março, 2012
Na primeira década do século XXI, em todo o mundo foram adquiridos, por estrangeiros, 203 milhões de ha de terras, sendo 134 milhões localizados na África. Esta “corrida às terras”, promovida por países desenvolvidos ou em desenvolvimento, entre os quais o Brasil, é caracterizada por investimento agrícola e aquisição de terras para satisfazer basicamente demandas alimentares ou energéticas. Das terras adquiridas, 78% foram direcionadas para atividades agrícolas.

Spatial and Ecological Farmer Knowledge and Decision-Making about Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity

Peer-reviewed publication
Setembro, 2020

Amid climate change, biodiversity loss and food insecurity, there is the growing need to draw synergies between micro-scale environmental processes and practices, and macro-level ecosystem dynamics to facilitate conservation decision-making. Adopting this synergistic approach can improve crop yields and profitability more sustainably, enhance livelihoods and mitigate climate change.

Implications of agricultural bioenergy crop production and prices in changing the land use paradigm—The case of Romania

Peer-reviewed publication
Dezembro, 2015

The article starts from the premise that agricultural bioenergy crop production has massive influence in changing the land use paradigm in Romania, due the fact that important land surface areas are cultivated with such crops because of the increasing demand of biofuels. The main aim of the paper is to answer a research question: are there any changes in arable land use patterns determined by the increasing of the agricultural bioenergy crop production and what is the pressure on food consumption? The results show that the competition agricultural vs.

The significance of different realms of value for agricultural land in Sweden

Peer-reviewed publication
Junho, 2020

The demand for additional agricultural land is expected to rise by approximately 50 per cent by 2050 on a global level, and agricultural land of high quality needs to be preserved to ensure future food security. However, agricultural land per capita is decreasing. One of the main reasons for this in the EU and globally is the building of houses or infrastructure on agricultural land. There is a possibility that the Swedish agricultural sector will grow in the future and supply more regions than its own territory with food due to, e.g., climate change.

Environmentalism and localism in agricultural and land-use policies can maintain food production while supporting biodiversity. Findings from simulations of contrasting scenarios in the EU

Peer-reviewed publication
Agosto, 2019

Increasing food production without further harming biodiversity is a key challenge of contemporary societies. In this paper, we assess trade-offs between agricultural output and two key agri-environmental indicators in four contrasting scenarios for Europe in 2040. The scenarios represent different storylines encompassing assumptions on macro-economic drivers (e.g.

Modelling the production impacts of a widespread conversion to organic agriculture in England and Wales

Peer-reviewed publication
Junho, 2018
Reino Unido
Estados Unidos

We assess the production impacts of a 100% conversion to organic agriculture in England and Wales using a large-scale linear programming model. The model includes a range of typical farm structures, scaled up across the available land area, with the objective of maximising food production. The effects of soil and rainfall, nitrogen (N) supply/offtake and livestock feed demand are accounted for. Results reveal major reductions in wheat and barley production, whilst the production of minor cereals such as oats and rye increase.

Diretrizes Voluntárias sobre a Governança Responsável da Terra, dos recursos Pesqueiros e Florestais no Cotexto da Segurança Alimetar Nacional

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2014
América Latina e Caribe
América do Sul
As Diretrizes Voluntárias para a Governança Responsável da Terra, dos Recursos Pesqueiros e Florestais no contexto da Segurança Alimentar Nacional (DVGT) aprovadas na 38a Sessão extraordinária do
Comitê de Segurança Alimentar Mundial (CSA), em maio de 2012, são um marco histórico. Elas representam o principal documento internacional normativo sobre questões fundiárias consensuado por todos os países membros das Nações Unidas.
É, também, o primeiro documento aprovado após profundo processo de reforma do CSA, concluído em 2009.