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IssuesagriculturaLandLibrary Resource
Displaying 1045 - 1056 of 2139

Macroeconomia e a produção agrícola em Moçambique (OMR)

Reports & Research
Março, 2015

Este trabalho procura verificar a relação entre variáveis macroeconómicas e a produção agrícola em Moçambique. O sector agrícola desempenha um papel fundamental no desenvolvimento da economia moçambicana. Assim sendo, torna-se importante compreender a relação entre o ambiente macroeconómico e o sector. De acordo com Ali et al. (2010) a economia agrícola mundial tem sido substancialmente sensível aos movimentos dos indicadores macroeconómicos.

Agricultura familiar em Moçambique: Ideologias e Políticas (OMR)

Fevereiro, 2015

Por:João Mosca


A agricultura familiar em Moçambique constitui a actividade económica que ocupa grande parte da população, podendo alcançar mais de 75% dos cidadãos. Os sistemas de produção “tradicionais” sofreram, ao longo de décadas, diferentes níveis de transformação em consequência da intensidade de penetração do capital no meio rural, sobretudo o agrário e o comercial e o da extracção de recurso naturais.

A Macroeconomia e a Produção Agrícola em Moçambique

Reports & Research
Março, 2015

Este trabalho procura verificar a relação entre variáveis macroeconómicas e a produção agrícola em Moçambique. O sector agrícola desempenha um papel fundamental no desenvolvimento da economia moçambicana. Assim sendo, torna-se importante compreender a relação entre o ambiente macroeconómico e o sector. De acordo com Ali et al. (2010) a economia agrícola mundial tem sido substancialmente sensível aos movimentos dos indicadores macroeconómicos.

Land tenure in rural lowland Myanmar

Journal Articles & Books
Reports & Research
Setembro, 2017

This study emerged out of an identified need to document social processes leading to land insecurity, and those leading to investment and sustainable use of lands by rural populations. Focusing on the Delta and Dry Zone, the main paddy producing regions of Myanmar, this analysis unravels the powers at play in shaping rural households’ relationship to land.

?Malawi Summary of Baseline Studies: Country Report for the GFCS Adaptation Program in Africa

Reports & Research
Julho, 2015
África subsariana
África Oriental

This report reflects the summary of baseline findings in Malawi, under the auspices of the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) Adaptation Programme in Africa. It identifies gaps in climate information access and use at the local level, types of climate services farmers and pastoralists need in Malawi, relevant channels to reach farmers with requested services, lead-time and gender-specific requirements for the design and delivery of climate services that matter to farmers.

A framework for targeting and scaling-out interventions in agricultural systems

Reports & Research
Janeiro, 2014

There are real needs and opportunities for well-targeted research and development to improve the livelihoods of farmers while at the same time addressing natural resource constraints. The suitability and adoption of interventions depends on a variety of bio-physical and socio- economic factors. While their impacts -when adopted and out-scaled- are likely to be highly heterogeneous, not only spatially and temporally but also in terms of the stakeholders affected.

A Gender-responsive Approach to Climate-Smart Agriculture: Evidence and guidance for practitioners

Policy Papers & Briefs
Abril, 2016

Taking a gender-responsive approach to Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) means that the particular needs, priorities, and realities of men and women are recognized and adequately addressed in the design and application of CSA so that both men and women can equally benefit.

The gender gap in agriculture affects how men and women access and benefit from CSA.

A gender-responsive approach to CSA addresses this gap by recognizing the specific needs and capabilities of women and men.

A geographical information approach for stratifying tropical Latin America to identify research problems and opportunities in sustainable agriculture

Conference Papers & Reports
Dezembro, 1990
América Central
América do Sul

Over the last 12 years a data base of climate, soils and crop distribution has been assembled for Latin America. Recently, socio-economic variables such as access and populations density and environmental variables such as the location of national parks, biological reserves and indian reserves have been added. Formerly this information was used primarily to make decisions on commodity research.

A livelihood in a risky environment: farmers’ preferences for irrigation with wastewater in Hyderabad, India

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2016

Most cities in developing countries fail to treat their wastewater comprehensively. Consequently, farmers downstream use poor-quality water for irrigation. This practice implies risks for farmers, consumers and the environment. Conversely, this water supply supports the livelihood of these farmers and other stakeholders along the value chains. Linking safer options for wastewater management with irrigation could therefore be a win–win solution: removing the risks for society and maintaining the bene ts for farmers.