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IssuesagriculturaLandLibrary Resource
Displaying 2077 - 2088 of 2139

Convergence of Romanian and Europe Union agriculture – evolution and prospective assessment

Peer-reviewed publication
Agosto, 2017
Terras Austrais e Antárticas Francesas

This paper presents forecasts related to the evolution of agricultural production in Romania, relative to the European Union average and to other countries (France, Germany, and Hungary) while taking into consideration the production potential of Romanian agriculture and opportunities to mobilize certain additional financial sources intended for the growth of intermediate consumption and implicitly of the value of agricultural production.

Transformations of the Romanian agricultural paradigm under domestic economic policy reforms: An analysis during 1960–2011

Peer-reviewed publication
Agosto, 2017

The main aim of this paper is to investigate the transformations of the Romanian agricultural paradigm under the domestic economic policy reforms. An econometric approach is adopted by analyzing the evolution of Romanian agriculture between 1960 and 2011 from the perspective of its implications on residential land economy. This methodological choice relies on its high degree of applicability and its ability to reveal the massive transformation of the Romanian agricultural paradigm during the period under focus.

Green niche actors navigating an opaque opportunity context: Prospects for a sustainable transformation of Ethiopian agriculture

Peer-reviewed publication
Janeiro, 2018

Identifying trajectories of agricultural development that enable substantial increases in food production is of prime importance for food security and human development in Sub-Saharan Africa in general, and Ethiopia in particular. To ensure long-term welfare for people and landscapes, it is imperative that such agricultural transformations sustain and enhance the natural resource base upon which agriculture depends.

From conventional to organic in Romanian agriculture – Impact assessment of a land use changing paradigm

Peer-reviewed publication
Junho, 2015

Arguing organic vs. conventional land use is broadly discussed in research papers, political discourse, and even more practical issues at farm level. In macroeconomic approach, the dilemma is that intensive agriculture that utilizes large quantities of inputs made it possible to grow enough food to meet the current global needs, but this way of land use leads to environmental damage and degradation of ecosystem services. In microeconomic approach, the dilemma is whether is more profitable for a farm to convert conventional crops to organic ones.

Similarities and dissimilarities between the EU agricultural and rural development model and Romanian agriculture. Challenges and perspectives

Peer-reviewed publication
Fevereiro, 2015

The main aims of this study are to highlight the differences and the similarities between the European model of agricultural and rural development, and the state of play in the Romanian agricultural sector. Statistically speaking, the agricultural sector's indicators of the past two decades place Romania outside the family picture of the EU countries, with very slight resemblances, and very strong discrepancies between their economic, technical, and institutional characteristics.

Who is resilient in Africa’s Green Revolution? Sustainable intensification and Climate Smart Agriculture in Rwanda

Peer-reviewed publication
Agosto, 2020
República Centro-Africana
Estados Unidos

Under the banner of a "New Green Revolution for Africa," agricultural intensification programs aim to make smallholder agriculture more productive as well as "climate smart". As with Green Revolutions in Asia and Mexico, agricultural innovations (hybrid seeds, agronomic engineering, market linkages,and increased use of fertilizer and pesticides) are promoted as essential catalysts of agriculture-led economic growth.

The influence of land-use change paradigm on Romania’s agro-food trade competitiveness—An overview

Peer-reviewed publication
Janeiro, 2017

The current transformations of the Romanian agricultural sector have imposed new paradigms in using the land resources. The objective of this study is to assess Romanian agro-food products competitiveness on world market, in terms of land use changing paradigms. The research question is whether the land is cultivated with crops which are competitive on world market. For assessing agro-food competitiveness, Balassa index is calculated. The findings show relative performance for barley, maize, triticale, wheat, poultry meat, oilseeds, and tobacco.

Modelled impacts of policies and climate change on land use and water quality in Austria

Peer-reviewed publication
Junho, 2018

Climate change is a major driver of land use with implications for the quality and quantity of water resources. We apply a novel integrated impact modelling framework (IIMF) to analyze climate change impacts until 2040 and stakeholder driven scenarios on water protection policies for sustainable management of land and water resources in Austria. The IIMF mainly consists of the sequentially linked bio-physical process model EPIC, the regional land use optimization model PASMA[grid], the quantitative precipitation/runoff TUWmodel, and the nutrient emission model MONERIS.

Modelling the production impacts of a widespread conversion to organic agriculture in England and Wales

Peer-reviewed publication
Junho, 2018
Reino Unido
Estados Unidos

We assess the production impacts of a 100% conversion to organic agriculture in England and Wales using a large-scale linear programming model. The model includes a range of typical farm structures, scaled up across the available land area, with the objective of maximising food production. The effects of soil and rainfall, nitrogen (N) supply/offtake and livestock feed demand are accounted for. Results reveal major reductions in wheat and barley production, whilst the production of minor cereals such as oats and rye increase.

Spatial distribution and uncertainties of nitrogen budgets for agriculture in the Tagus river basin in Portugal – Implications for effectiveness of mitigation measures

Peer-reviewed publication
Abril, 2019

The present study describes a methodology to quantify the gross soil nitrogen balance (SNB) for agricultural land use in the Tagus Nitrate Vulnerable Zone (TVZ) between 1989 and 2016, including effects of implementation of the EC Nitrates Directive (ND, 91/676/EEC) since 2004. The study uses decadal information from National Agricultural Census at parish level and is supported by a Geographical Information System (GIS). The average SNB of the TVZ decreased significantly (p 

Missed opportunity? Framing actions around co-benefits for carbon mitigation in Australian agriculture

Peer-reviewed publication
Maio, 2019
Estados Unidos

Agriculture around the world is one of the industries most affected by, and faced with responsibility to mitigate, climate change. Through improvements in technology and efficiency as well as changes to land use management, agriculture can make an important contribution to meeting global commitments such as the Paris agreement or the Sustainable Development Goals. Yet international carbon markets have not resulted in sufficiently high financial returns to motivate the full potential of land sector changes in Australia and globally.

Cropland expansion and grassland loss in the eastern Dakotas: New insights from a farm-level survey

Peer-reviewed publication
Março, 2017
Reino Unido
Estados Unidos

The western Corn Belt region of the United States has become a hotspot for agricultural extensification and consequent land use and land cover changes. The goals of this research were to characterize geographic patterns of grassland loss resulting from cropland expansion in the eastern Dakotas, and to understand how these changes were associated with characteristics of individual farms and farm operators. We collected data on grassland conversion and other land use decisions through a mail survey of farm operators in North and South Dakota.