6700 HB Wageningen
Wageningen University & Research is a collaboration between Wageningen University and the Wageningen Research foundation.
That is the mission of Wageningen University & Research. A staff of 6,500 and 10,000 students from over 100 countries work everywhere around the world in the domain of healthy food and living environment for governments and the business community-at-large.
The strength of Wageningen University & Research lies in its ability to join the forces of specialised research institutes and the university. It also lies in the combined efforts of the various fields of natural and social sciences. This union of expertise leads to scientific breakthroughs that can quickly be put into practice and be incorporated into education. This is the Wageningen Approach.
The scientific quality of Wageningen University & Research is affirmed by the prominent position we occupy in international rankings and citation indexes.
The domain of Wageningen University & Research consists of three related core areas:
- Food and food production
- Living environment
- Health, lifestyle and livelihood
Wageningen University & Research has branches all over The Netherlands and abroad. A large number of lecturers, researchers and other employees are based at Wageningen Campus.
Displaying 151 - 155 of 210Re-Energize South Limburg: Designing sustainable energy landscapes
Designers, architects and planners must begin to anticipate the far reaching changes we are facing in connection with climate change. What if we take action and actively participate in the transition from fossil-fuel driven society towards a more sustainable society? This Wageningen University paper intends to discuss some of the spatial opportunities and consequences of a sustainable energy transition in relation to climate change and depletion of fossil-fuels.
Report ‘‘use-cases’’ Bericht ZUR ‘‘X-Border SDI’’ in Der Euregio Maas-Rhein : PROJECT: X-Border Planen und Bauen
Im Jahre 2005 wurde beschlossen, zur Unterstützung der Raumordnungsprozesse in der Euregio Maas-Rhein eine grenzüberschreitende Geodateninfrastruktur zu realisieren. Durch den Aufbau einer Geodateninfrastruktur (GDI) sollten Anwender effizienter und effektiver Zugang zu aktuellen Raumplanungen erhalten. Ganz im Sinne von X-Border-GDI besteht der Kern der Infrastruktur im Zugänglich- und Verfügbarmachen behördlicher Datensätze durch standardisierte Webdienste. Mit der Beschreibung der Anwendungsfälle ist ein Bild des zu realisierenden XBorder- GDI entstanden.
Kennismarkt 22 maart 2007 : van onderbouwend onderzoek Wageningen UR naar producten MNP in 27 posters
De presentatie van posters van WOT zijn ingedeeld naar de volgende onderdelen: 1. Bestuurlijke organisatie; 2. Implementatie van beleid; 3. Landschapskwaliteit; 4. Natuur, welzijn en draagvlak; 5. betekenis van de EHS; 6. Ontwikkeling in de landbouw; 7. Waterbeleid; 8. Internationale aspecten van natuurbeleid; 9. Kosten en baten van natuur; 10. Infrastructuur; 11. Milieu
Context : brief historical background, and the genesis of the GAAS action research efforts
Chapter in ARCHIV 127335 - Rebuilding common property management : a case study of community-based natural resource management in rural Guizhou, China
Indicators for the 'Convention on biodiversity 2010'. Government expenditure on land acquisition and nature development for the National Ecological Network (EHS) and expenditure for international biodiversity projects : fact sheet
An inventory of LEI on government land transactions as to nature conservation