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Community Organizations Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)


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Other organizations funding or implementing with land governance projects which are included in Land Portal's Projects Database. A detailed list of these organizations will be provided here soon. They range from bilateral or multilateral donor agencies, national or international NGOs,  research organizations etc.



Displaying 1441 - 1445 of 2116

F.a: Securing Indigenous Communities’ Rights to Land and Natural Resources in Kayah State, Myanmar


In the state of Kayah, indigenous peoples' territories are threatened by widespread economic takeover, including forestry and mining. Most villagers have no officially recognized right to the land they till. The project carries out community mapping and do cumentation of existing customary land use and management in seven indigenous communities in the Hpruso area and utilizes this material for land rights advocacy work. The project communities have been internally displaced and settled in their present areas . The inhabitants of the area are heavily dependent on rotational rice cultivation. The fallow lands in rotational farming are usually categorized as fallow and vacant land under the current virgin, fallow, vacant (VFV) law (amended 2018), therefore those farming lands left fallow are under constant threat of being grabbed by the State as well as by powerful business groups. The purpose of this project is to expand an ongoing work and to include new communities in the face of the immediate threat of land g rabs. The documentation utilizes participatory action research methods. The data collection is based on teams of community representatives. Project communities will also receive training on relevant national and international legal frameworks and indigenou s peoples' rights. As a result of the project: the communities have documented their land use and management practices and the customary law guiding these; with the assistance of facilitators, the communities have delineated their village territories and p roduced a land use map; and the communities actively participate in lobbying activities in collaboration with allied organizations and networks at township, district and state level. Community networking and exchange of experiences will be created to provi de inspiration and help strengthening the self-confidence of communities to engage in advocacy and lobbying for the recognition of the customary communal land rights at different decision making levels in the government. The project covers seven villages n ear the town of Hpruso. In these communities, a total of 1089 people live in 199 households. After the project, project community leaders support the work of other communities, in order to bring about similar action in other communities and to make the lan d rights movement for indigenous peoples as broad and effective as possible. Project is implemented by Karuna Mission Social Solidarity-Loikaw.

Promoting SNA, CSO and CBO Dialogue on Land and NRM Governance in Cambodia


The project aims to support establishment of local networks including establishment and function of Access to Justice Committee and other groups; strengthening capacity of SNAs, CSOs, CBOs and promote dialogues on legislations, policies related to land administration, NRM, and build their capacity on leadership, advocacy, and claim -making of vulnerable groups. The effort is also to help setting 4 Cambodia CLEAN to be able to do advocacy, policy and planning forum. Relevant resource manuals and IEC materials are developed for trainings, workshops and forums.

Frame Agreement with NGO (Finn Church Aid)


Poor women from deprived communities are not in a position to access loan from banks or other financial institutions or financial service providers due to lack of physical collateral. The poor, indigenous women and girls are exploited from various forms of discrimination. Therefore there is a comprehensive need to build the capacity of deprived poor women to increase their access to financial capital with low interest rate. The local government bodies have not fully owned and realised the importance of wome n?s participation in planning process and providing justifiable share of resources to the women in their location. Strengthening cooperatives and their linkages with local bodies, including Ward Citizen Forum and Citizen Awareness Centre (CAC) are required to increase women?s access to resources and services. Most of the women still lack legal ownership of their land. Cooperatives still lack adequate knowledge and skills to develop strong linkages with market actors for enterprise development. Lack of vocat ional skill training and micro entrepreneurship skills among women and out of school youth girls, denial of women to property rights, gender based discrimination and women?s right violation justify the need to implement this project in Lalitpur district of Nepal. The overall objective of the project is to improve women?s economic and socio-cultural status. The specific objective is to develop and strengthen women-led local institutions for promoting economic, social and cultural rights of poor and marginali sed women communities in Lalitpur. Activities: ? Establish and strengthen two women cooperatives ? Establish a cooperative federation or a network of women cooperative ? Conduct cooperative education camps? Establish and strengthen District and Village Lan d Rights Forum and conduct joint land ownership campaign ? Evidence-based advocacy to improve women?s access to land? Income generation through enterprise development? Technical/vocational education to the most marginalised out of school youth girls ? Prov ide business and career counselling services to girls/women ? Strengthen Local Government?s capacity to promote socio-cultural rights of women? Strengthen Citizen Awareness Centre and Ward Citizen Forum ? Develop and broadcast Public Service AnnouncementRi ghts-holders /beneficiaries: 5 000 women and girls mainly from the poor indigenous and Dalits communitiesImplementing partner: The Lutheran World Federation Nepal (LWF Nepal).

F.a: Women Leadership in Food Sovereignty and Environmental Democracy in Nepal


The proposed project is a continuation of an earlier project. The project will be implemented in Rautahat District and it focuses on four major interventions, a) support to involve targeted women in farming, b) support to improve targeted women?s social an d economic entrepreneurial capacity, c) support to include targeted women?s food security, food sovereignty and biodiversity related needs and concerns inlocal government?s policies, strategies and plans, and d) advocate for providing land to the landless Dalits and Dalit women. Through the project it is expected that: a) Dalit women get land and have their ownership, do farming, produce their food by themselves and start to make their lives secured in food, b) Dalit women engage in climate and disaster res ilient farming with the diversification of high value crops so that, they experience impervious, better-off and comfortable lives in the society, and c) Dalit women become able to incorporate their plans into local government?s program and budget and get c ontinue support in future too. Women groups from the earlier project area will continue to produce vegetables in their habitat areas or lease the land. They will also be involved in diversification of nutritious and high value vegetable crops by advancing their knowledge and skills. Continued social mobilization and capacity building process will empower them to raise their voices for land and food rights strongly and also integrate their real needs into local government?s annual programs. The new addition al groups will be capacitated to adjust with the existing groups. The project will continue with existing seven groups of 160 households in Rautahat District. There will be addition of maximum seven groups of the poorest, marginalized and landless Dalits women in Madhesh, totalling more than 150 households. Hence, there will be more than 300 women producers or households as direct beneficiaries and around 150 indirect beneficiaries (elected representatives and citizens). HIMAWANTI Nepal in technical suppor t with WLCN (Women Leading for Change in Natural Resource Management) will cooperate with local government. HIMAWANTI Nepal will also regularly coordinate with district level Land Rights Forum, Dalit organizations, other concerned stakeholders related to a griculture, livestock, land and province government to for effective implementation of the project.

Agri hub support in Africa


Update 2014: In 2014 a total of 12 agrihubs will be supported by Agriterra. The support is tailored to concrete activities. These activities have been developed in consultation with local representatives of Agriterra in the countries, with their partners organisations or are foreseen as issues of joint interest in line with Agriterra’s wider objectives. Focus of Agri-ProFocus and the agrihubs is on the following themes in 2014: 1. Network development and coordination 2. Business and partnership brokering 3. Facilitating Innovation communities 4. Platform for debate and learning Update 2013 In 2013 a total of six Agrihubs will be supported by Agriterra in 2013. These are DR Congo (support Agriterra since 2013), Burundi (since 2013), Rwanda (since 2009), Benin (since 2011), Kenya (since 2011) and Uganda (since 2011). A small change in agrihub focus has occurred since 2012 as Mali and Zambia have been replaced by Burundi and DR Congo. The latter two belong, together with Rwanda, to the so-called Great Lake region. Agriterra’s presence in this region has been strong. Hence the adjustment in Agrihub focus. Indonesia has been added in 2013 in order to support the start of an Agrihub in the first Asian country where Agri-ProFocus is active. Agriterra is active in Indonesia and would like to contribute to the development of a new Agrihub in this country. The Agrihubs have been formed as networks of actors from farmers organisations NGOs, private sector, knowledge institutes and public sector. These networks strengthen the system for agriculture entrepreneurship in a specific country. Eventually this should lead to strong and effective agriculture entrepreneurs which are able to make better informed choices for their enterprises. The focus of Agrihubs in 2013 are on the following activities: 1. coordination and network development 2. partnership and business brokering 3. Innovation communities in the field of a.o. access to land, markets, finance, inputs, policy environment and gender. 4. platform for learning and debate. The Agrihubs are coordinated by one of the Dutch APF members. Every Agrihub has a NING, an online platform where information is shared with members and visitors of this platform on a variety of activities. 2011-2012: AgriProFocus has initiated Agrihubs in a number of African countries. Involved parties are Producer Organisations, service providers, private sectore representatives, donor agencies and civil society organisations. Together they will achieve tangible economic results at the level of the farmers through joint forces. These Agrihubs are a joint effort from Dutch AgriProFocus members to support farmer entrepreneurship through organised farmers. Since 2011 AgriProFocus is working with multi annual plans which are prepared in a participatory manner and agreed upon by involved AgriProFocus members. Agriterra commits itself to support these multi annual plans within four countries in 2011 and 6 countries in 2012 more actively with financial and human resources. In other countries where Agrihubs are active and Agriterra is present, Agriterra commits itself to basic information exchange and involvement of PO clients if there is a specific demand from the PO. 2011: In several African countries Agriterra, in alliance with other members of AgriProFocus strives to develop farmer entrepreneurship through strengthening the role of producer organisations. AgriProFocus formalises the collaboration within a specific country through multi annual plans which are prepared in a participatory manner by involved APF members and their partners and clients. Agriterra commits itself through these multi annual plans to support the role of the network of AgriProFocus within that country. Involved parties are Producer Organisations, service providers, donor agencies and other civil society players. Together they will achieve tangible economic results at the level of the farmers through joint forces. Agriterra's involvement in these Agri Hubs will be to strengthen the role of the individual Producer Organisations. Services of Agriterra are: 1. in kind (time investment of individual liaison officers): total 25 advisory days. 2. financial - advisory services of others like AgriPoolers and consultants or events - for pooling funds to initiate innovative joint actions. Agriterra commits itself to support a maximum of 4 AgriHubs in 2011. Other involved APF members will contribute equally both financially and in advisory days. 2012: Continuation of agrihub programme in Africa. This year APF wants to initiate at least 2 additional agrihubs: 1 in Tanzania and 1 in Burundi. potential exists to start agrihubs in South Sudan, Bangladesh and Indonesia. However this is not yet sure. Agriterra support consists of the following: 1. in kind support of involved Liaison Officers and team manager @ 2 desk days per LO and 8 desk days for team manager of team 3. 2. financial support to 6 agrihubs (basket funds) @ Euro 10,000/agrihub. 3. kick off workshop support to Tanzania @ Euro 5000. 4. agripool support as required. Lumpsum Euro 5000. 2013: APF has further defined its tasks within the Agrihubs. The focus of Agrihubs in 2013 are on the following activities: 1. coordination and network development 2. partnership and business brokering 3. Innovation communities in the field of a.o. access to land, markets, finance, inputs, policy environment and gender. 4. platform for learning and debate. Results to be achieved are: ad 1. A growing vibrant network of professionals and organizations who exchange information and practical support and coordinate their learning and development interventions around key issues for farmers entrepreneurship & food security. ad 2. The partnership is effective, increasing the number and quality of business between stakeholders (national and international). ad 3. Development of APF innovation approach fostering cross linkages with other APF countries and the wider APF innovation agenda. Further: Easy access to land by small agricultural entrepreneurs; Easy access to farm credit by small agricultural entrepreneurs. (Product Innovation of agricultural credit); Easy access to agricultural inputs by small entrepreneurs to improve socio-economic conditions through increased crop yields; Easy access to agricultural markets for organised farmers; Better agricultural policy and performance of existing policies; The position of women in agricultural value chains is improved. ad 4. Be a neutral and effective platform for debate, mutual learning and information exchange. Outreach is 4910 members (through NING). Divided over the 6 hubs: 150 in DRC, 200 in Burundi, 500 in Rwanda, 600 in Benin, 1160 in Kenya and 2200 in Uganda. 2014: In general: Priorities across all Agri-Hubs in 2014, as defined in the country Annual Plans, include: - Strengthening local embedding and sustainability of the Agri-Hubs through local steering committees and contributions, as well as by establishing relevance and potential for developing Agri-Hubs into local associations. - Growing Agri-Hub network membership in quantity and quality and deepening the relationship with representative networks of specific stakeholder groups notably the private agri-business sector (local and international companies, producer organisations and farmers). - Cooperating with local Dutch Embassies on their Food Security Policy Framework and promotion of Dutch business linkages. For 2014, relationships with embassies in Tanzania, Indonesia and Zambia are to be deepened (besides the already good relations in other countries) resulting in joint action. - Strategic linking to food security and entrepreneurship initiatives of international organisations and donors. - Strengthening regional clusters of members in country to facilitate outreach to and expand membership of (organised) farmers and agri-businesses across the country. - Increasing resource-sharing for activities by local members, as well as continued commitment of Dutch members. For 2014, we strive to have at least 3 local organisations substantially (between 25,000 and 50,000 Euro in total) contributing to the budget per country. Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania are already moving towards that level. - In-depth study into results from brokering services particularly with regard to farmfirm relations, farm-bank deals and new partnerships and investments. Particular related to Agriterra's support: - Benin: A campaign to explain to farmers working the land their rights under the new legislation on land use and land ownership; Evaluation of the existing experiences with Market Information Systems in Benin and promoting its extension towards new districts. involved FO: FUPRO - Burundi: CAPAD is active member of Agri-Hub No additional funding required - DR Congo : Create a dialogue between big land-owners and farmers to discuss win/win solutions under the new legislation on land use and land ownership; Set up a pilot Market Information System. Involved FO's: FOPAC, UPDI. - Ethiopia: Cooperative event in 2014 with ATA. Next to the Centre of Excellence, other topics could be: advanced certification, recruitment and retention of qualified staff for unions (SNV-Agriterra study), and the role of coops in fertiliser supply. The WG on gender and A2F could organise side event on their issues. - Indonesia: Joint activities In the innovation community “Youth in farming”. Involved FO: API - Kenya: B2B events with a special focus on the dairy sector as the B2B club at the agribusiness fairs and the agro-food financiers match making for and with Agriterra’s Kenyan partners KenFAP/ KLPA. - Mali: A campaign to raise awareness on the impact of the new Malian Land law and the development of a synthesis document to start up an evidence based advocacy activity. Involved FO's: AOPP/ CRCR. - Rwanda: Improve relationships and deal making between farmers and buyers of their produce; Making the results of practical agricultural research available to farmers; Inventory and dissemination of agro-ecological farming practices. Involved FO's: IMBARAGA, INGABO. - Tanzania: Agri-Hub activities in the area of dairy through the Innovation Community from grass to glass. The quick scan already done offers good entry points to organise jointly with Agriterra a stakeholder dialogue, dissemination of information and generation of knowledge to address practical problems. - Uganda: Co-development with Agriterra and its partners of activities for the Innovative Community “Access to Finance”. Involved FO's: MBADIFA, UCCCU. - Zambia: Activities of the Innovation Communities on market access and sustainable farming practices for farmer cooperatives in dairy and rice. Involved FO's: DAZ, ZRF, Isoka - South Sudan: Inception mission / Multi-stakeholder workshop. The results will be monitored by the respective Agri-Hubs in close communication with Agriterra staff designated for respective countries. Mid 2014 Agri-ProFocus will assess progress and – if needed – provide a request for re-allocation of funds in case of underutilization. Reporting will be included in each country report to be finalized by April 1st 2015. This will include the financial reporting as finalized in the Agri-ProFocus overall report with the same due date and based on the overall Agri-ProFocus partnership agreement. tangible results are achieved by farmers organisations through their active involvement in agrihubs within 12 countries where APF is active.