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Community Organizations Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)


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Other organizations funding or implementing with land governance projects which are included in Land Portal's Projects Database. A detailed list of these organizations will be provided here soon. They range from bilateral or multilateral donor agencies, national or international NGOs,  research organizations etc.



Displaying 1411 - 1415 of 2116

F.a: Womens Land Rights and Rescuing of Traditional Agricultural Production Systems


Mozambiques land rights legislation and policies recognize women's equal rights, but even so women received only 20 % of land-use permits issued in 2015. Equality is hindered by patriarchal culture, traditional norms that nurture power imbalance, womens po or awareness of their rights, as well as land and natural resource use pressure threatening peasant agriculture, such as large investments to produce commodities. Also in the Ribaue and Malema regions, peasants are under pressure to abandon the biodiverse agriculture aimed at local consumption and to switch to export crops such as soybean and cotton produced by industrial inputs (seeds, pesticides, fertilizers).

PROG2017-2021-DGD: Sustainable and climate-smart land use for ecosystem conservation by farmers


The overall aim is to improve the livelihoods of rural communities in Western Uganda, by promoting and facilitating community-based forest management (UG1) and sustainable and climate-smart land use practices (agro-forestry) (UG2). We focus on two districts: Karabole and Hoima, in western Uganda. In both specific objectives the interventions focus on three aspects: (1) capacity building courses of community promotors and staff of farmers associations in community forestry and sustainable agriculture (including women and youth particularly) ; (2) field actions in terms of participatory forest management and agro-forestry (with special attention for water and soil conservation); (3) promotion of good practices by authorities and institutions. After five years, the farmers associations with which we work will be able to gain a triple win out of their natural capital: socio-economic advantages, climate and biodiversity. This way they can break the vicious circle of land degradation and poverty that threatens rural communities in Uganda and reduce their vulnerability for climate change

Promoters of the rights of indigenous peoples


Project further educates the 40 young indigenous peoples representatives that the organization have capacitated earlier about the cultural and legal rights of the indigenous peoples in order them to better defend those rights and take possible injustices t o the legal instance. The education concentrates especially on questions of land law rights and right of access to health care. Educating the indigenous peoples own representatives to defend their rights serves the aim of spreading the knowledge and multip lication of effects among the communities. Furthermore empowerment enables better monitoring detection and following-up of violations of the rights. Also representatives of three different indigenous peoples organizations are capacitated on these issues. A s well a situation report about the state of the indigenous peoples rights and legal problems encountered by the communities will be published to increase awareness in the whole society and to enhance the implementation of the legal rights.

GLA - Inclusive and sustainable governance of forested landscapes (FLG)


Weak forest and land governance are important underlying drivers of deforestation and forest degradation of forests. Many local communities depend heavily on forests for their daily livelihoods. They are often disproportionally impacted by deforestation, while their contribution to ecological destruction and their access to possible benefits are often relatively limited. Trends in global markets and policies provide both risks and opportunities for positive change towards inclusive and sustainable governance of forested landscapes. The Forest and Land Governance (FLG) thematic programme aims to help civil society in the GLA landscapes to build their capacity to deal with and manage the risks of international initiatives around the sustainable management of forested landscapes while fully engaging in their development and sharing in the benefits these intend to produce. The work on this programme will be additional to the work at the country programme level. It aims to bring about change in some of the international policies (both public and private) that are most relevant to forest governance, the accessibility of decision making processes and the capacity and competencies of CSO partners to influence them. It also aims to link southern CSOs amongst each other, and to link Southern with Northern NGOs that work on advocacy and policy solutions, so they can learn from each other, share experiences and collaborate.


If progress is to be made towards sustainable agriculture, food security and sustainable forest management, many actors should move in parallel, at many levels. The GLA programme aims to contribute to this by zooming in on the landscape level, particularly but not exclusively on the roles of local communities, and the local civil society organisations that aim to support forest communities. The Forest and Land Governance programme contributes to this effort by addressing the risks and opportunities that exist at international level for the landscape level programmes. The GLA focuses this FLG programme on the best opportunities for influencing the international context in which the landscape programmes are working, aiming at: A. International policies that support locally controlled and sustainable management of forested landscapes (MD, IUCN-NL, TBI) B. Diminished illegal logging (TBI, IUCN-NL) C. Certification of forestry, agro-forestry, commodities and landscapes to be effectively scaled up (TBI, IUCN-NL) D. Public and private financing that support inclusive and sustainable management of forested landscapes (IUCN-NL, TBI)


International policies support locally controlled and sustainable management of forested landscapes: TBI and partners will concentrate on creating international enabling conditions for locally controlled forest and landscape management, i.e. reduce the barriers for communities and small businesses to participate in markets for timber and other forest products. We publish a guidance dicument on business engagement that respects formal and informal tenure arrangements and organise a meeting on that topic. Illegal logging diminished: TBI and CSOs will influence illegal logging policies and their implementation nationally through the designated structures for VPA negotiations and implementation, and internationally by influencing the position of EU and member states as negotiators on the European side. In 2017, Tropenbos will work mainly with west African partners to strengthen the role of CSOs in three VPAs (Liberia, Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana) by monitoring the degree and effectiveness of civil society involvement in EU FLEGT Joint implementation committees in West Africa. This requires strengthening or creating platforms and fora and information sharing and networking in these networks; and by capacitating CSOs in organizational strengthening, participation in multi-stakeholder platforms, awareness creation and knowledge building on FLEGT-VPA and REDD+. We will link these actors with existing European forums on forest governance. At the European level, the strategy is to create the conditions for CSOS in the South to engage with forest governance decision making. Concretely, Tropenbos and its partners will monitor European level developments with the FLEGT action plan and respond to opportunities to influence it. We will start collaboration with European CSOs and monitor developments re EU deforestation action plan and FLEGT follow-up; involve southern partners in the development and presentation of evidence to influence the discussion. Certification of forestry, agro-forestry, commodities and landscapes effectively scaled up: The global PEFC forest management standard is in revision, which presents a window of opportunity for the inclusion of civil society views in a standard for the management of >400m ha of forests. In 2017, partner work in the countries (specifically Bolivia) will be supported by participation in the PEFC revision working group. The focus will be on the embodiment in the standard of tenure (VGGT), FPIC principles, and access to certification by locally controlled forest enterprises. Strengthening CSO capacities for international networking, case study development and …: We will develop these capacities through coaching, the provision of information about international processes and their potential role in it (mainly VPA-FLEGT, PEFC standard setting) and by contribute to international events related to forest and land governance with delegations of CSOs based on joint themes (e.g., FAO, EU FLEGT and Global Landscapes Forum events).