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Community Organizations Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)


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Other organizations funding or implementing with land governance projects which are included in Land Portal's Projects Database. A detailed list of these organizations will be provided here soon. They range from bilateral or multilateral donor agencies, national or international NGOs,  research organizations etc.



Displaying 1151 - 1155 of 2116

Durban Storm Water – Water sources and systems


eThekwinie (greater municipality of Durban) suffers from flash floods due to increasing heavy and unpredictable rainfall (stormwater). In other periods the region suffer from shortage of fresh water, either for agriculture, industrial use or human consumption. eThekwinie did some initial explorations on how to match the periodic abundant rainfall with the demand for water in drier periods of the year.Possible technical solutions are aquifer recharge or controlled drainage to (existing) water treatment plants. Unfortunately eThekwinie Water Services (EWS, the water supply company of the metropolitan area) has not sufficient financial means to invest upfront in the technical and infrastructural solutions that need to be installed in order to capture water for profitable use. Therefor it seems needed to get to a ‘public-private’partnership’ (PPP). eThekwinie region has positive experience with PPP’s in the field of energy production. For the possible stormwater PPP it is expected that a South African major company, investor or ‘special purpose vehicle’ will be engaged in the long term commitment to the project. The Netherlands has experience with PPP’s in the water sector. Under the MoU both the Netherlands and eThekwinie wish to explore and further develop a PPP that will collect the stormwater and make it of available for different groups of users. A prefeasibility study should indicate whether it is worthwhile to continue with a detailed feasibility study. This project will explore the economic, financial, judicial and organizational elements of the proposed PPP solution.This project will:-Define most suitable area for stormwater ‘harvesting’ (level of rainfall, type of soil/surface, land ownership etc.) -Define water availability, water balance (quantity, based on historical figures, , run off)-Assessment of water quality in the defined area and options to improve quality in relation to proposed purpose of water.-Define different options for water storage with rough price estimates-List the available reports on water available at EWS and relevant other local institutes (university)-explore different options for (subsoil) water treatment steps according proposed use of water target group and (roughly) estimate costs of the different options.-Advice on the further steps to be carried out to make the project a success.

RVO Insurance Conv. Basis Save the Child


The covenant focuses on the implementation of a responsible investment policy by Insurers, due to the international nature of this activity, and contains the agreements of the Parties with regard to investments. This involves preventing, limiting and, ifnecessary, repairing any negative impact on humans, animals and the environment as much as possible. The covenant contains agreements to clarify specific ESG themes and to support insurers in strengthening their policy and due diligence on these specificand other ESG themes. The themes primarily concern animal welfare, children's rights, land rights, climate change and controversial weapons and controversial arms trade (chapter 2 Covenant). Agreements have also been made regarding the investment policy of insurers; for example, an ESG due diligence procedure must be described, sector and/or theme-oriented policy must be drawn up and it must be made clear in which behaviors or sectors investments will not be made. Amnesty International (not part of the grant application) mainly contributes knowledge about human rights, but also children's rights, land rights and controversial arms trade. - Save the Children mainly contributes knowledge about children's rights, child labour, nutrition and also about health care. - Oxfam Novib mainly contributes knowledge about gender equality, land rights, access to medicines, climate change, fair taxation and the fight against corruption. - PAX mainly contributes knowledge about controversial weapons and the arms trade, protecting civilians and standing up for victims of human rights violations in conflict areas, and about natural resources in relation to conflict and human rights. - Nature and Environment contributes Nature and Environment contributes knowledge in particular about climate change, loss of biodiversity, the energy transition, the agricultural and food transition and the sustainable use of raw materials. - World Animal Protection mainly brings knowledge about animal welfare, but also about climate, biodiversity, the food transition and public health.

RVO Insurance Conv. Basis WAPN


The covenant focuses on the implementation of a responsible investment policy by Insurers, due to the international nature of this activity, and contains the agreements of the Parties with regard to investments. This involves preventing, limiting and, ifnecessary, repairing any negative impact on humans, animals and the environment as much as possible. The covenant contains agreements to clarify specific ESG themes and to support insurers in strengthening their policy and due diligence on these specificand other ESG themes. The themes primarily concern animal welfare, children's rights, land rights, climate change and controversial weapons and controversial arms trade (chapter 2 Covenant). Agreements have also been made regarding the investment policy of insurers; for example, an ESG due diligence procedure must be described, sector and/or theme-oriented policy must be drawn up and it must be made clear in which behaviors or sectors investments will not be made. Amnesty International (not part of the grant application) mainly contributes knowledge about human rights, but also children's rights, land rights and controversial arms trade. - Save the Children mainly contributes knowledge about children's rights, child labour, nutrition and also about health care. - Oxfam Novib mainly contributes knowledge about gender equality, land rights, access to medicines, climate change, fair taxation and the fight against corruption. - PAX mainly contributes knowledge about controversial weapons and the arms trade, protecting civilians and standing up for victims of human rights violations in conflict areas, and about natural resources in relation to conflict and human rights. - Nature and Environment contributes Nature and Environment contributes knowledge in particular about climate change, loss of biodiversity, the energy transition, the agricultural and food transition and the sustainable use of raw materials. - World Animal Protection mainly brings knowledge about animal welfare, but also about climate, biodiversity, the food transition and public health.

HO-ALIVE Fair Value Chains 2019-2020


The ALIVE team comprises three main areas of intervention: land rights, climate resilience and inclusive value chains. The synergy between the three has been maximized and also links with the intervention areas of the GROW team have been emphasized. The planned activities with a local aspect have been linked to the focus countries of tho Strategic Partnership. Some of the global activities, e.g. the work at the multi-stakeholder initiative Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil are not (anymore) linked to activities in a focus country for reasons that are related to specific and recent developments that do not allow for these local activities. LAND Targetof the influencing activities are the national governments of SP focus countries, and other countries of the Global Land Programme to adopt and adequately implementing policies that ensure enforcement and protection of land rights. The chosen interventions include overall coordination of an Oxfam global strategic programme on land, technical advice and coaching in the application of specific policy tools to country teams. ln addition, knowledge hub functions will be provided, such as facilitating peer-learning and institutional knowledge management. Direct dialogue will be undertaken with a group of global actors including various institutional donor agencies, ILC and women's movements to have them adopt policies and practices on women's land rights, land and inequality, responsible agri investment as well as make funds available for these topics. Four country teams will get support to advocate their respective national governments to integrate Oxfam's demands in their policies on women's land rights and to apply responsible agri-investments. CLIMATE RESILIenCE Oxfam partners in African focus countries will receive technical advice to participate in the formulation of National Action Plans on Climate Change Adaptation (NAPAs) countries while integrating social justice in relation to climate change.Integrated Landscape approaches will be promoted in various African countries also through the demonstration of effective climate resilient farming systems and genetic diversity. ln addition, global donors, EU and NL MoFA will be targeted with the ask to acknowledge the aspects of inequality and vulnerability of people affected by climate change in their policies and to translate this into the allocation of funds. Oxfam will keep social justice high on the aqenda of the Landscape for People Food and Nature Initiative (LPFN) in the Netherlands. INCLUSIVE VALUE CHAINS Two innovative elements have been formulated as part of Oxfam Novib's value chain work'. One includes the joint research with Dutch Development Bank FMO on the application of a relevant land related methodology by one or more of its clients underpinning the bank's responsible investment. The other innovation relates to block chain technology which will be further developed and tested in the rice and strawberry supply chains of SP focus countries in Africa and SEA. ALIVEwill closely collaborate with the GROW team on the current Behind the Barcode Campaign and provide best practices to retailers as well as positive examples on the respect of workers rights, women's rights and the inclusion of small scale producers in the seafood sector. Simultaneously country teams in South East Asia working on seafood and rice will be supported in their national and regional campaigns. Publications will be done on 'certification and beyond' as well as on the business case for genderequality. The concepts of living wage and living income as well as smallholder inclusion and gender equality will be promoted at various MS ls (RSPO, ASC, MSC, ASIC, SRP) while learning from experiences in other sectors e.g. cocoa. Direct dialogue willbeundertaken with a selected group of MNCs including targeted BTB companies with the aim to make them improve their policies and practices as related to smallholder inclusion,land rights and gender equality. Oxfam Novib will become active at the World Benchmark Alliance for the measurement of SDG commitments by MNCs.