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Community Organizations Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)


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Other organizations funding or implementing with land governance projects which are included in Land Portal's Projects Database. A detailed list of these organizations will be provided here soon. They range from bilateral or multilateral donor agencies, national or international NGOs,  research organizations etc.



Displaying 576 - 580 of 2116

Scaling Up Sustainable Palm Oil (SUSPO)


The SUSPO programme aims to ensure the recognition and protection of land rights of communities in palm oil producing countries, notably in Indonesia, by governments, and to ensure the respect of land rights by palm oil companies, resulting in access to decision making regarding their land ownership and use rights. Over the years the expansion of palm oil plantations in Indonesia has gone hand in hand with land grabbing from local (indigenous) communities resulting in over 3,500 conflicts of which the majority remains without remedy. The loss of land has lead to both economic and social problems for (indigenous) communities leading to decreased food security, lower income and social destabilisation. Women#s land rights are hardly taken into account. Labourers on the palm oil plantations work under poor labour conditions, often severely marginalising their socio-economic position. Oil palm plantation workers experience that their rights to organise are hindered by companies, they face poor safety and health conditions especially for women, low payments (below minimum wage) and inequality of payments between men and women. The approach is to link project activities at country level ( communities, districts and national level) to activities at global level at the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) and vice versa. A coherent set of project components have been formulated: empowering communities affected by palm oil plantations in securing their land rights, sustainable land use planning (multi-stakeholder community mapping), strengthening the position of oil palm smallholders, land rights policy reform at national level through lobby and advocacy, setting the agenda for decent work in the palm oil sector, strengthening the social agenda of the RSPO through leading the Human Rights working group (promoting land rights, labour rights, Free, Prior and Informed Consent), through improving social auditing mechanisms, through improving dispute settlement mechanisms and monitoring the sustainabilityof the solutions provided. The project components are currently being implemented in Indonesia and at the global level of the RSPO. Indonesian partners are the Oxfam country office, TuK Indonesia (#Transformation for Justice#), LBH Medan (Legal aid organisation) and JKPP (#Participatory Mapping Network#). Allies to our work at the RSPO include Forest Peoples Programme and Both enDS. Scaling up of the Oxfam sustainable palm oil work is being considered in DRC, Nigeria and Burma. The RSPO work is currently being done by highly experienced Oxfam Novib policy advisers based in the Hague. Current donor agencies of the SUSPO programme are: Ford Foundation (land rights, labour rights, RSPO) and the Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs (sustainable land use planning). Also Oxfam Novib invests with its own funding sources in the programme. Other donors were: Foreign and Common Wealth Office (FCO), Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), Ford Foundation.

Capacity-building for establishing an Integrated and Enhanced Transparency Framework for Climate actions and s


This project aims to assist India in strengthening and expanding its current technical capacities regarding methodologies and tools to enhance transparency, as outlined in Article 13 of the Paris Agreement.


Note: Disbursement data provided is cumulative and covers disbursement made by the project Agency.

Target Groups

The project is aligned with GEF focal area CCM-3-8, i.e. “Foster enabling conditions for mainstreaming mitigation concerns into sustainable development strategies through capacity building initiative for transparency.”The project will build and strengthen the institutional and technical capacities for national reporting under ETF of Paris Agreement. This entails providing detailed information on a biennial basis on GHG inventory, implementation and achievement of NDCs, adaptation needs and actions, support needed and received. The domestic MRV system to be developed under Component 3 is designed to avoid duplication and result in an efficient system that will reduce time burdens and costs to state institutions in data collection and analysis. Strengthened MRV will provide policy makers with information/ data which could be further used towards making climate-friendly investments and mainstreaming climate concerns with the developmental sectors – resulting in wider overall benefits towards achieving low carbon resilient economy while meeting the basic and aspirational developmental challenges of its growing population. Thus, this project will contribute towards India’s efforts to meet the objectives of UNFCCC. This will also contribute towards India meeting its climate change-related SDGs especially SDG-13 by supporting the integration of climate change measures into national policies, strategies and planning: building knowledge and improving education, awareness-raising and human and institutional capacity on climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning, and promotion of mechanisms for raising capacity for effective climate change-related planning and management in the country. The project will also contribute to achieving SDG5 by supporting empowerment of women in decision-making, land ownership and through gender-sensitive budgeting.

Promoting Community-Based Forestry for Climate Change Mitigation and Sustainable Livelihoods in Equatorial Gui


To conserve and enhance forest carbon stocks and promote sustainable livelihoods through community-based sustainable forest and land management.


Note: Disbursement data provided is cumulative and covers disbursement made by the project Agency.

Strengthening family beekeeping in the backlands of Alagoas


Centro de Capacitao Zumbi dos Palmares (CCZP) will help beekeepers resettled in the semiarid region of Alagoas pursuant to Brazil's program of land reform transform subsistence honey production into a viable source of income by developing a processing facility and marketing strategies. The project will benefit 120 rural families directly and another 1,500 area residents indirectly.