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Community Organizations Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)


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Other organizations funding or implementing with land governance projects which are included in Land Portal's Projects Database. A detailed list of these organizations will be provided here soon. They range from bilateral or multilateral donor agencies, national or international NGOs,  research organizations etc.



Displaying 511 - 515 of 2113

CO-Oxfam Novib Vietnam


Phase 1 (2015 - 2017): In this initial phase, Oxfam in Vietnam will conduct research and advocacy on Vietnamese cross-border agricultural investments in Laos and Cambodia. We will prioritize leading crops like rubber, coffee, and sugar cane, with an aim to reducing social and environmental impacts of investment. The project will be coordinated and managed by the land governance program team in Vietnam, in cooperation with Oxfam country offices in Laos and Cambodia, Oxfam Hong Kong, and a range of local government, NGO andprivate sector partners. Phase 2 (2017 - 2018): Building on the achievements of Phase 1, this project (Phase II) will continue to work towards the same objectives by pushing for the adoption and implementation of the guidelines for Vietnamese agriculture OFDI developed in the pilot phase and expanding the project to Myanmar. Key expected outcomes in Phase II include: 1. Vietnamese companies investing in Laos and Cambodia make public commitments to implement the guideline on responsible agricultural investment in the Mekong Sub-region. 2. Vietnamese businesses with current or planned agricultural investments in Myanmar make public commitments to implement the guideline on responsible investment. Total direct beneficiaries of Phase 2 are 10,000 persons, while indirect beneficiaries are around 300,000 persons in this particular project.

Oxfam US


ON’s contribution of euro 30.000 to the second year of the existing Pan Africa land programme will replace the contribution of OIE (year 1) and will be spent on: 1) The design and commission of 4 country case studies on women’s land rights in Africa and on 2) Theprovision -by a senior land advisor- of strategic support to Oxfam’s Women Land Rights Advisor for analysis and engagement on initiatives that involve women’s land rights policy and indicators. Overall objective of ON’s contribution is to join forces with OUA and OGB to use the present Africa land programm as a means to grow a broader Oxfam land programme at AU level, taking advantage of existing opportunities.

Climate-resilient Water Resources dvlp.


Community based pilot action for climate-resilient water resources development for life and livelihoods in Rod Kohi/Pachadh belt ofDistrict Rajanpur In Pakistan, spate irrigation covers about 8% of the total irrigated area. It is locally known as Rod Kohi in KPKprovince and Punjab province and Sailaba in the Balochistan province. Across the country, it is often generally referred to as flood irrigation. This kind of irrigation relies on the floods of the hill torrents, which are diverted into a plain area, locally knownas Damaan. In the indigenous systems, farmers divert the spate flow to their fields by constructing breachable earth bunds (called Gandas) across the hill stream and/or stone/gravel spurs leading towards the centre of the river. Spate irrigation farming system ofRod-Kohi areas is a unique system of farming being practiced in Piedmont plains of D.I. Khan (KPK), D.G. Khan and Rajanpur (Punjab), Dadu (Sindh) and in Sulaiman ranges, Kachhi plain, Kharan and Lasbela basins of Balochistan. Balochista has about 1.2 million ha of Sailaba irrigated land. In Punjab province, flash flood water is mainly harvested from Sulaiman mountain range. In KPK, minor spate flows occur in spring and the major floods occur in summer as a result of monsoon rainfall on the Sulaiman range and Lakki-Marwat hills during July and August. In these areas the major constraint is the use of flood flow which is highly variable in quantity and distribution, both in time and space. Annual rainfall is low and uncertain but brings large amount of water with each rainfall event. The agriculture of most of the areas of these regions is totally dependent on rainfall, although affected by flood with rainfall but most of the times remain without water. It is unfortunate that in spite of scarcity of water, major part of flood flows is lost due to mismanagement. The major problem is the unavailability of any kind of storage and modernized engineering structures, though lot of efforts and money were spent in order to control thetorrents flow floods and in humanitarian/relief operations but storage is never considered important. If the proper storage facility and modernized structures are provided in these areas then not only the flood is controlled but also the drought conditions can be mitigated and the crops which have very less yield due to the unavailability of water can be enhanced. The project, will build a knowledge base related to water sector especially water resource management through building facilities for utilizing perennial water from Darrah Kaha Sultan and attract the attention of the stakeholders to extremely water-stressed Rod Kohi belt of district Rajanpur which may be a turning point for these communities and Water Resources Management catalyzed by this initiative will revitalize the downtrodden communities again. 'Darrah Kaha Sultan', the major Rod Kohi outlet in the district located in Jampur tehsil, and its main perennial stream 'Alif Wah' with sub-streams is the main focus of the project. Project Objectives: OVERALL OBJECTIVE: # To enable the stakeholders for efficient water resources development for increased agricultural and livelihoods productivity in water-stressed Rod Kohi/Pachadh belt of District Rajanpur through developing knowledge base and evaluating pilot interventions SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: # To assist water-stressed communities of Rod Kohi belt of Rajanpur in pursuing their struggle for water rights and sustainable livelihoods through increasing land productivity # To evaluate the performanceof Rod Kohi/spate irrigation/water diversion system in District Rajanpur and identify innovative techniques for improving its performance and land productivity # To contribute in water resources development efforts of Government of Pakistan throughdeveloping irrigation water resources in Rod Kohi areas of District Rajanpur

Citizen monitoring of land governance


The project aims to improve small farmers# participation in land governance through piloting a community-based monitoring mechanismthat will be adopted into subsequent national policy documents. This mechanism will build on Oxfam and Landa#s experience in community consultation on the Land Law and engagement in direct community projects, with the aim to increase domestic support for implementing the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National FoodSecurity (VGGTs). The overall goal of this project is to secure land rights of small-scale farmers and ethnic minority communities through evidence-based advocacy towards a more transparent and inclusive land governance legal framework, with meaningful participation of the citizens in to the processes in order to help reduction of land use related conflicts in Vietnam. This project contributes to Vietnamese Government priorities by operationalising Article 199 of the 2013 Land Law on apilot basis in three provinces, documenting and disseminating results, and linking to development of policies and guidelines to implement citizen monitoring provisions of the Land Law nationwide. To achieve this, Oxfam and Landa will engage with MONRE/GDLA and other government agencies immediately from the start of the project. Successful implementation of the action will contribute to the overall goal of MRLG of securing the rights to land access of small holding farmers. This project will be primarilyimplemented in regions inhabited by ethnic minority groups. The engagement of the small farmers at grassroots level throughout project implementation will be facilitated through various capacity building and awareness raising activities. Furthermore, they will not only be consulted on the suitability and appropriatenessof the guidelines on citizens monitoring of land governance, but also engage directly in certain stages of monitoring. This continuing process of engagement will form a solid foundation forproactive action of smallholder farmers in claiming their rights. The project#s ultimate beneficiaries are small-scale farmers (particularly ethnic minorities and women) who obtain and preserve access to land through different land re-allocation, pro-poor participatory land planning, and other progressive policies. The minimum target inthis Innovation Fund project will be that 300 farmers in each of three provinces, or 900 farmers in all, of which at least 50% are ethnic minorities and 50% women willactively engaged in monitoring different processes of land governance.

Land Governance in Vietnam


Overall objective: To create equal opportunities for vulnerable people to access to natural resources and to enhance land governance at levels in term of effectiveness, efficiency, responsiveness, accountability and transparency. Component 1: Legal aid to people who lose land or in land disputes Objective: To fight against social injustice through provision of legal information and a legal aid for limited resource farmers and disadvantageous communities dealing with protecting their land use rights andbenefits. Output 1: People who lose their land or in land disputes access to legal support services. Output 2: Grass-roots staffs are capable of providing legal aids for local people. Component 2: Policy advocacy Objective: To enable the policy makershear the voice and perspectives of vulnerable people (farmers, poor and ethnic people) and experts relating to agriculture and forestry land use and management to develop better policies. Output 1: Researches# results on cases of land loss and compensation are disseminated to policy makers and publicize to the public. Output 2: Policy makers take vulnerable groups# opinions and wishes into account in the policy making process. Target Area and Beneficiaries The Land Governance Program (LGP) now seekstointegrate interventions at grass roots levels (village,commune, district and province) and to provide evidence for national level advocacy work. The LGP will focus on beneficiaries who are farmers and ethnic minority people (vulnerable groups) and targetat agriculture land. For the first objective, two provinces are selected as the program#s target areas. The program will work in two poor communes in one district per each province where local people depend much on agricultural production and/ or bothagricultural and forestry land. Target communes will be areas that the percentage of farmers must account for at least 70% of the total population. It is better if have agriculture land were or will be recovered by the government in these communes because people here are direct affected land users. Through the LGP, land users will have more opportunities to access to legal information and receive legal advices and assistance of land problems. Therefore, they would havemore power and voice in defend their legitimate land use rights from the land acquisition, also improve their livelihoods and diversify their livelihood options. Local government staff and mass organization members are also direct beneficiaries of the program. They will receive training courses and attend workshops to enhance their capacities, knowledge and skills of legal aid and land administration. For the second objective, Oxfam will be a bridge to connect different perspectives of land issues from grass roots levels to policy makers through researches so that both direct and indirect beneficiaries are research institutes, universities, local authorities and policy-makers who take part in research activities and policy dialogues. Target areas for researches selected will be provinces withgood or bad practices of the land acquisition process and compensation (such as Nam Dinh, Da Dang, Bac Giang provinces/cities, etc.) in order to find out good recommendations for the policy-makers.