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Community Organizations Global Witness
Global Witness
Global Witness
Non-profit organization


Lloyds Chambers 1 Portsoken Street London, E1 8BT
United Kingdom

Global Witness exposes the hidden links between demand for natural resources, corruption, armed conflict and environmental destruction


Many of the world’s worst environmental and human rights abuses are driven by the exploitation of natural resources and corruption in the global political and economic system.  Global Witness is campaigning to end this. We carry out hard-hitting investigations, expose these abuses, and campaign for change.  We are independent, not-for-profit, and work with partners around the world in our fight for justice.


We want a better world -- where corruption is challenged and accountability prevails, all can thrive within the planet’s boundaries, and governments act in the public interest.

For two decades we’ve been campaigning for full transparency in the mining, logging, oil and gas sectors, so that citizens who own those resources can benefit fairly from them, now and in future.

We believe that the only way to protect peoples’ rights to land, livelihoods and a fair share of their national wealth is to demand total transparency in the resources sector, sustainable and equitable resources management, and stopping the international financial system from propping up resource-related corruption.



Displaying 16 - 20 of 45

En Terreno Peligroso

Reports & Research
May, 2016

El año 2015 fue el peor de la historia en lo que respecta al asesinato de defensores de la tierra y el medio ambiente, personas que luchaban por proteger su tierra, sus bosques y sus ríos mediante acciones
pacíficas, a pesar de las crecientes adversidades.

Myanmar’s efforts to tackle land grabbing crisis must address the role of the military in perpetuating theft and violence

Reports & Research
April, 2016

A decision by Myanmar’s new government to ramp up efforts to tackle land grabbing is a positive step, but must address the role of the military in perpetuating the country’s land crisis, which is at the heart of one of the longest ongoing civil wars in modern history...

El medio ambiente mortal de 2015: asesinato y criminalización de defensores de la tierra y el medio ambiente en todo el mundo

Reports & Research
December, 2015

En 2015 más de tres personas a la semana murieron asesinadas por defender su tierra, sus bosques y sus ríos frente a industrias destructivas. En el informe En terreno peligroso, se documentan 185 muertes que se sabe que acaecieron el año pasado por todo el mundo, una cifra que supone, con mucho, la cifra anual de víctimas mortales más alta jamás registrada, y que representa más del doble del número de periodistas asesinados el año pasado.

Guns, Cronies, and Crops: How Military, Political and Business Cronies Conspired to Grab Land in Myanmar

Reports & Research
December, 2015

As Myanmar’s junta prepared to step down from government, the military set about seizing public assets and natural resources to ensure its economic control in a new era of democratic rule. Guns, Cronies and Crops details the collusion at the heart of operations carried out by Myanmar’s armed forces in northeastern Shan State. Large swathes of land were taken from farming communities in the mid-2000s and handed to companies and political associates to develop rubber plantations.

The Cost of Luxury: Cambodia’s illegal trade in precious wood with China

Reports & Research
December, 2015

This eight-month investigation recorded tonnes of rare timber being trucked out of Cambodia’s national parks and shipped to Hong Kong. Logging of luxury-grade timber is outlawed in Cambodia, and the global trade in Siamese Rosewood has been restricted since 2013, but Chinese demand for antique-style Hongmu furniture is increasing and the illegal trade has ballooned since the ban was announced. During months of interviews with loggers, state officials, police and activists, our investigators kept coming back to one man, who we’ve dubbed the 'King of Rosewood'.