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Global Alliance of Territorial Communities

The GATC's mission is to be a single voice to fight for the collective rights of our peoples and communities, for the legal recognition of our territories, for protecting Mother Earth and all human beings, and to combat the causes of climate change. In parallel, we increase the capacities of our member organizations to better protect our territories and ensure the full exercise of our cultures and livelihoods.

Panduan Survei Pelaksanaan Program Reformasi Tenurial Hutan di Indonesia

december, 2020

Kegiatan Global Comparative Study (GCS) Tenure didorong oleh perkembangan reformasi tenurial di Afrika, Asia, dan Amerika Latin yang telah memberikan ruang pengakuan hukum untuk masyarakat lokal sekitar hutan. Melalui pendekatan komparatif global dan metodologi yang terstandarisasi untuk semua negara lokasi penelitian, program ini menganalisis berbagai faktor yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan dan kegagalan program tenurial hutan di masing-masing negara.

Equator Initiative Case Studies. Indonesia. Asociación de Mujeres Ixpiyakok (ADEMI, Ixpiyakok Women\'s Association) (Bahasa Indonesia)

Reports & Research
december, 2004

Local and indigenous communities across the world are advancing innovative sustainable development solutions that work for people and for nature. Few publications or case studies tell the full story of how such initiatives evolve, the breadth of their impacts, or how they change over time. Fewer still have undertaken to tell these stories with community practitioners themselves guiding the narrative. The Equator Initiative aims to fill that gap.

Equator Initiative Case Studies. Indonesia. Yayasan Pengelolaan Lokal Kawasan Laut (Community-based Marine Management Foundation) (Bahasa Indonesia)

Reports & Research
december, 2008

Local and indigenous communities across the world are advancing innovative sustainable development solutions that work for people and for nature. Few publications or case studies tell the full story of how such initiatives evolve, the breadth of their impacts, or how they change over time. Fewer still have undertaken to tell these stories with community practitioners themselves guiding the narrative. The Equator Initiative aims to fill that gap.

Equator Initiative Case Studies. Indonesia. Komunitas Nelayan Tomia (KOMUNTO, Fishing Community of Tomia) (Bahasa Indonesia)

Reports & Research
november, 2010

Local and indigenous communities across the world are advancing innovative sustainable development solutions that work for people and for nature. Few publications or case studies tell the full story of how such initiatives evolve, the breadth of their impacts, or how they change over time. Fewer still have undertaken to tell these stories with community practitioners themselves guiding the narrative. The Equator Initiative aims to fill that gap.

Kebijakan Reforma Agraria dan Perhutanan Sosial di Indonesia: Refleksi dan Kontekstualisasi Kebijakan Pembangunan Nasional

Policy Papers & Briefs
november, 2019

Kembalinya isu agraria di ranah kebijakan nasional merupakan periode penting setelah berakhirnya Orde Baru. Kebijakan Reforma Agraria dan Perhutanan Sosial (RA/PS) telah masuk dalam RPJMN 2014-2019. Sejumlah 12,7 juta ha kawasan hutan diperuntukkan sebagai  Perhutanan Sosial dan 9 juta ha sebagai Tanah Obyek Reforma Agraria (TORA). Skema TORA ada dua model, yaitu: penataan kembali sektor pertanahan melalui legalisasi aset seluas 4,5 juta ha dan penyediaan akses tanah melalui redistribusi lahan seluas 4,5 juta ha.

Pengelolaan hutan berkelanjutan untuk kesejahteraan masyarakat

Institutional & promotional materials
oktober, 2015

Poster ini merupakan perangkat bagi para pelatih dan fasilitator akar rumput dalam melakukan kegiatan peningkatan penyadartahuan dan peningkatan kapasitas dalam pengelolaan hutam dan perubahan iklim bersama masyarakat setempat di Indonesia. Pada poster ini terdapat ilustrasi pada halaman depan dan penjelasan pada halaman belakang yang berfungsi sebagai panduan bagi para fasiltator saat menggunakannya.