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Displaying 581 - 590 of 740Land Ressources
LAND RESSOURCES SARL (LR) est un bureau d’étude et d’exécution de droit malgache créé à Madagascar en 1999 par une équipe de spécialistes œuvrant depuis plusieurs années dans de nombreux domaines d’activités.
Land rights matter for people and the planet
An options paper for raising awareness on responsible land governance for combatting desertification, land degradation, and drought.
Transforming Our Cities by Addressing Gender Deficit in Land Titles in Brazil
Can we transform our cities by addressing the gender insecurity and inadequacy women face? In the northeast state of Pernambuco in Brazil, Espaço Feminista reflects on lessons learned from fighting for women’s land rights by achieving land regularisation in informal settlements.
The Brazilian Housing Deficit is a Gender Deficit
Why does land inequality in Brazil impact women in particular?
Liberia Country Assessment
This report presents a full Country Assessment of land governance in Liberia carried out with the Global Land Governance Index (LANDex). As the first full report on Liberia, the report assesses the country on 33 indicators related to land governance, which are organized according to the 10 Commitments to People-Centered Land Governance and thematic areas that define and guide the work of the International Land Coalition (ILC).
Igualdade De Género E Direito À Terra E Aos Recursos Naturais
De modo a apoiar e promover a igualdade de género e o empoderamento da mulher rural
moçambicana, através da divulgação de legislação e informações relevantes sobre as
questões de género no país, o Centro de Formação Jurídica e Judiciária (CFJJ) do Ministério
da Justiça em Moçambique, a Organização das Nações Unidas para Alimentação e Agricultura
(FAO), o Centro Terra Viva (CTV) e a Embaixada do Reino da Noruega em Moçambique unemse na publicação deste material informativo.
Décentralization et Limites Foncièrs au Mali
Au Mali, au début des années 1990, la décentralisation fut d’abord un acte politique permettant de proposer une solution viable au problème de la rébellion touarègue.Ensuite, les aspirations aux idées occidentales démocratiques (pluralisme politique,liberté de la presse, etc.) d’une partie des élites urbaines ont rencontré les plans des occidentaux pour le développement de l’Afrique pour donner un système de décentralisation territoriale à la française, mais où la commune est composée d’un ensemble
Mali : 2018 Article IV Consultation and Eighth and Ninth Reviews Under the Extended Credit Facility Arrangement-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for Mali
This 2018 Article IV Consultation highlights that Mali’s economic recovery continued in 2017 amid persistent security challenges. GDP growth remained robust, at an estimated 5.3 percent supported by good harvests and robust domestic demand. Inflation was subdued, remaining well below the regional ceiling. The 2017 fiscal outturn and the 2018 budget are in line with the program targets and the goal of converging to the West African Economic and Monetary Union’s regional fiscal deficit norm of 3 percent of GDP by 2019.
Land Delivery Systems in West African Cities
Urban and peri-urban land markets in rapidly expanding West African cities operate within and across different coexisting tenure regimes and involve complex procedures to obtain or make land available for housing. Because a structured framework lacks for the analysis of such systems, this book proposes a systemic approach and applies it to Bamako and its surrounding areas.
Improving Tenure Security for the Rural Poor: Mali Country Case Study. Working Paper No. 4. FAO.
The present study aims to clarify the various issues regarding land security of poor and other marginalized groups in Malian rural areas. It looks into questions relating to how poor and vulnerable groups obtain access to land and natural resources, and what factors cause their exclusion. It analyzes existing methods for formalizing land rights and land transactions and their impacts on the poor.