Topics and Regions Indonesia adjudication advocacy agrarian reform agrarian structure agricultural and rural legislation agricultural land management agricultural landscape agriculture agroforestry systems agropastoral systems alienation (land) animal husbandry aquaculture area assessment assignment (land) boundaries cadastral administration cadastral register cadastres capacity development capital value (land) CEDAW climate change co-ownership rights coastal areas codification collateral (land) collective ownership common lands common law common property common rights commons communal ownership communal territory community forestry community land rights compensation compulsory acquisitions concession (land) conflict of interest continuum in land rights contract farming control rights corruption customary land rights customary law customary tenure decentralization deed deed registration deforestation desertification development development agencies displacement dispossession disturbance Dowry (land) eminent domain encroachment environment estate management eviction expropriation extensive land use extractive industries farm tenancy farmers farmers associations farmers organizations farming systems farmland fisheries food security forest conservation forest grazing forest land forest law forest management plans forest monitoring and assessment forest regulations forestry forestry policies formal tenure free trade agreements freehold gender equity in access to land geographical information systems geomatics government purchases grassroots organizations grazing grazing contracts grazing land rights grazing lands green belts ground rent housing rights illegal occupation independent experts indigenous peoples' land rights indigenous peoples' lands Indigenous Peoples indigenous people's tenure informal property informal settlements inheritance tax intensive land use investment funds Islamic law land land access land acquisitions land administration land allocation land area land clearing land concentration land conflicts land consolidation land cover land cover mapping land deals land degradation land development (urbanization) land dispute land dispute resolution land distribution land diversion land economics land environment land fragmentation land governance land grabbing land grabs land improvement land information systems land inheritance rights land investments land law land loans land management land markets land ownership land policies land readjustment land reform land registration land rent land rights land rights activists land speculation land subdivision land suitability land tax land tenants land tenure land tenure systems land titling land transactions land transfers land use land use mapping land-use planning land valuation landlessness landowners latifundium leases legal empowerment legal pluralism lineage lineage land local communities management rights manure contract marital property rights matrilineal lineage mining natural disasters natural resources management nature reserves negotiated land reform non-indigenous peoples notary occupation mirawati piliang Details Location Indonesia ID Share this page