Sustainability (ISSN 2071-1050; CODEN: SUSTDE) is an international, cross-disciplinary, scholarly and open access journal of environmental, cultural, economic, and social sustainability of human beings. Sustainabilityprovides an advanced forum for studies related to sustainability and sustainable development, and is published monthly online by MDPI.
Sustainability is an Open Access journal.
Displaying 256 - 260 of 498Revenue Identification in Attaining Consensus Estimates on Income Predictions: The Function of Ownership Concentration and Managerial Ownership Confirmation from Poland
Financial reliability, along with clearness of business transactions, is one of the mainstays of sustainability. In this research, I investigate whether enterprises expand discretionary revenue when their income before intentional shaping is marginally under the consensus on the income prediction provided by analysts. The innovation of the paper lies in taking into account the role of managerial ownership, ownership concentration, and higher proportions of institutional investors in this situation.
Identifying Key Watershed Characteristics That Affect the Biological Integrity of Streams in the Han River Watershed, Korea
Understanding the complex human and natural processes that occur in watersheds and stream ecosystems is critical for decision makers and planners to ensure healthy stream ecosystems. This study aims to characterize the Han River watershed in Korea and extract key relationships among watershed attributes and biological indicators of streams using principal component analysis (PCA) and self-organizing maps (SOM). This study integrated watershed attributes and biological indicators of streams to delineate the watershed and stream biological status.
Assessment of Land-Use/Cover Changes and Its Ecological Effect in Rapidly Urbanized Areas—Taking Pearl River Delta Urban Agglomeration as a Case
Based on the land-use data of 2000 and 2015, this study makes a quantitative analysis of the ecological environment effect in Pearl River Delta using the ecological environment quality index and the ecological contribution rate of land-use change types. The results showed the following: (1) During 2000–2015, the land-use changes in Pearl River Delta mainly manifested in the reduction of cultivated land, forest land, water area, and unused land, while the area of construction land and grassland showed an increasing trend.
Value Capture and Vertical Allocations of Public Amenities
This paper describes and critically reviews an important but under-theorized value capture mechanism that we have termed “vertical allocations” (or vertical exactions). This mechanism enables cities to capture value vertically by allocating floor space for public utilities in privately owned, mixed-use, vertical development. As a value capture tool, vertical allocations allow the government to tap value uplift to supply the nearby neighborhood, and the city as a whole, with much needed public services.
Assessing and Predicting the Impact of Multi-Scenario Land Use Changes on the Ecosystem Service Value: A Case Study in the Upstream of Xiong’an New Area, China
The evaluation of ecosystem service value has become the basis of ecological protection, ecological regionalization, and ecological compensations. Land use changes have taken place due to several natural and anthropogenic reasons, significantly influencing the ecosystem services value (ESV).