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Community Organizations Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)


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Other organizations funding or implementing with land governance projects which are included in Land Portal's Projects Database. A detailed list of these organizations will be provided here soon. They range from bilateral or multilateral donor agencies, national or international NGOs,  research organizations etc.



Displaying 1286 - 1290 of 2116

Strenghtening Local Communities Resilience to Climate Change Sudan


Co-funding PMF EUR 480,000. To contribute to the strengthening of local communities' resilience and sustainable livelihoods' to better respond to and cope with climate change: The overall objective of the proposed action is in line with the objective of the European Union (EU) GCCA+ programme, aiming at reducing communities’ vulnerability to climate change. The action will contribute to an increase of income at household level in targeted communities, gained from sustainable, adapted farming and pastoralism and/or alternative Income Generating Activities (IGA)s. This increase of income is used as a proxy indicator for resilience. NLRC lead in partnership with SRCS, Danish RC, Swedish RC and Spanish RC


Activities under Result 1: A 1.1.1 Conduct a natural resource mapping and feasibility studies for better land use planning and implementation (as a baseline). A 1.1.2 Set up and train community based natural resources management (CBNRM) groups to develop and follow up on CBNRM plans based on participatory assessments. A 1.1.3 Conduct awareness campaigns to all stakeholders on implications of climate change and climate variability as well as the available of early warning information sources and relevant early action A 1.1.4 Facilitate exchange of knowledge and good practices (Case studies) on natural resource management and CCA between communities. A 1.1.5 Carry out capacity building of local partner (SRCS) on climate change adaptation (CCA), NRM and project management. Activities under Result 2: A1.2.1 Support the establishment/improvement (esp. targeting women), of nurseries to support rehabilitation of communal farmland, forests and home gardens as IGA. A 1.2.2 Rehabilitate/expand/establish community forest and/or shelterbelts and windbreaks (depending on relevance and feasibility). A 1.2.3 Construct/rehabilitate water harvesting structures for reforestation, water conservation and other water provision facilities for subsistence/communal /small-scale farmers and farmland to adapt to the variation in climate change. A 1.2.4 Provide training to community water committees on operation and maintenance of water structures and energy facilities. A 1.2.5 Enhance the household flexibility and resilience to handle climate change and external stresses and shocks by a range of gender-sensitive enhancement initiatives, e.g. access to credit/loan as IGA (VSLA), as identified in the NRM assessments A 1.2.6 To cope with climate changes and combat desertification, provide support to local government agriculture, forestry and veterinary extension services and research centers to reach out to the target communities for training on agriculture techniques, applying smart agricultural approach principles adapted to climate change and the sustainable management of natural resources through field schools /demonstration plots. Activities under Result 3: A 1.3.1 Increase available irrigation water through the maintenance of existing boreholes and improving equipment and installations using solar power energy. A 1.3.2 Promote the use of improved/alternative solutions for cooking, such as fuel-efficient stoves or biogas, making use of revolving fund or IGA development for sustainability. A 1.3.3 Conduct community awareness campaign and facilitate exchange of knowledge and good practices on the use of renewable energy between communities through exchange visits.

Target Groups

90,330 beneficiaries (across all activities)

Adaptation & Resilience to Climate Change (ARCC)


In this 3-year project, we aim understand how societies, landscapes, ecosystems and Protected Areas have responded to climate change and societal use, to better understand how they may respond in the future. To do this, we will focus on the temporality, spatiality & complexity of interactions and interdependencies of social-ecological systems in north-western Tanzania over the last 300 years. Local livelihoods range from intensive agriculture to livestock herding & hunting-and-gathering, coupled with employment in tourism, conservation, or mineral extraction. Pressures from global climate change, rapid population growth, competing land use (including wildlife conservation), and new 'governmental' regimes pose major threats to livelihoods, their sustainability & resilience to future socio-ecological shocks. We will use a cross-disciplinary approach integrating archaeological, environmental, archival, modern land use & remote sensing data, with collaborative modelling of future land use & land cover change scenarios, to identify past and possible future drivers of change & sources of resilience; generate guidelines for land use planning; build research capacities in Sweden (post-doctoral position) & Tanzania (collaborating researcher) in sustainability studies; strengthen community awareness of and engagement in these issues. Hosted by Uppsala University, the team will involve experienced & junior researchers from Sweden, Tanzania & the UK.



The goals of this project are to implement several of the highest priority..actions identified in the Prairie to Pampas Grassland Bird Conservation Business Plan...We propose to 1) to engage local land owners and managers with life-cycle data of individual..Bobolinks breeding on their property; this interaction will result in changes in land management..that rebalance farming and grassland bird needs; 2) to assess the annual life-cycle of individual..Bobolinks by collecting data both while on the breeding grounds and through tracking devices..for the entire annual cycle; and 3) to use a community-based approach integrating the..Audubon volunteers and undergraduate students in collecting and disseminating these data; 4)..establish a network of partners in South America with which to share information gained from..this work.

Community Farming For Grassland Birds


The goals of this project are to implement several of the highest priority actions identified in the Prairie to Pampas Grassland Bird Conservation Business Plan. We propose to 1) to engage local land owners and managers with life-cycle data of individual Bobolinks breeding on their property; this interaction will result in changes in land management that rebalance farming and grassland bird needs; 2) to assess the annual life-cycle of individual Bobolinks by collecting data both while on the breeding grounds and through tracking devices for the entire annual cycle; and 3) to use a community-based approach integrating the Audubon volunteers and undergraduate students in collecting and disseminating these data; 4) establish a network of partners in South America with which to share information gained from this work.

Audit on Procurement of GESTERRA (Land Administration)


The Embassy of Sweden in Maputo (EoS) supports a capacity building support to land administration under a project named GESTERRA in Mozambique since September 2013. The programme is co-financed between the Government of Mozambique, Sweden and the Embassy of the Netherlands. The program is under the leadership of DINAT (Direccão Nacional de Terras) in the Ministry of Land, Environment and Rural Development (MITADER). The total budget for GESTERRA amounts to USD 21 864 064 out of which the donors contribute with USD 15 820 000 and where Sweden’s part is maximum of USD 9 000 000 (SEK 45 000 000). The support to GESTERRA is regulated through an agreement between Sweden and the Government of Mozambique. In Annex 3 of the Agreement it is stipulated that Sweden will finance (financing not part of the budget of GESTERRA) independent Annual Procurement Audits for procurements made within GESTERRA above USD 15 000 (excluding VAT). This Decision concerns to such audit and shall cover the three first year’s activity period: 2013, 2014 and 2015.