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Community Organizations Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)


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Other organizations funding or implementing with land governance projects which are included in Land Portal's Projects Database. A detailed list of these organizations will be provided here soon. They range from bilateral or multilateral donor agencies, national or international NGOs,  research organizations etc.



Displaying 1161 - 1165 of 2116

Promoting rights, wellbeing and accountability through advocacy


The overall goal of the project is that civil society organisations are involved in the development, review, adoption and implementation of national policies dealing with alcohol and drugs control, women and children’s rights, anti-corruption, land tenure and environmental issues; and hold duty bearers accountable for effective implementation of relevant policies in Sierra Leone.

Promoting socio economic interests of Rwandan farmers in potato value chain


IMBARAGA est une organisation de type syndical qui a été créée en mars 1992 à l'initiative propre des Agriculteurs et des Eleveurs du Rwanda. Elle est aujourd’hui reconnue juridiquement en tant qu’organisation professionnelle agricole depuis septembre 2006 (Voir JO N°17bis du 01/09/2006). C’est une organisation faîtière d’envergure nationale, c’est-à-dire que son action s’étend sur toutes les provinces du pays. La Fédération Imbaraga a pour mission d’assurer la défense et la sauvegarde des intérêts socio-économiques des agriculteurs et éleveurs en général et de ses membres en particulier. Notre vocation première est d'assurer la représentation des membres auprès de la Société civile et des Pouvoirs publics. Fort de son expertise dans la prestation des services à la base en partenariat avec différents acteurs notamment, AGRITERRA, CIP et IFDC, Imbaraga offre des services de proximité en faveur des producteurs de pomme de terre et maïs en Province du Nord et de l’Ouest ainsi que pour le compte des agro-dealers accrédités pour la commercialisation des intrants agricoles de qualité. Imbaraga vient de poser des bases solides dans ce secteur. On note surtout : - La défense des droits des paysans via la participation active à l’élaboration et la vulgarisation de la Loi foncière ; - La défense des prix rémunérateurs de la pomme de terre et maïs en faveur des producteurs du District de Musanze,Burera en province du Nord; et Nyabihu et Rubavu en province de l’Ouest. - Les membres d’Imbaraga qui se spécialisent dans la production des semences de qualité commerciale (pomme de terre, blé, maïs…) ; - La mise en place des coopératives pour l’accès aux intrants et la commercialisation de la production ; - Le progrès d’accès aux services financiers via les banques et Institutions de micro- finance (IMF) locales ; - La décentralisation des activités de la fédération Imbaraga jusqu’au niveau de la base (Villages, Cellules, …) via la nouvelle structure basé sur les farmer groups. La Fédération Imbaraga est considérée comme un interlocuteur représentatif et légitime des agro-éleveurs par les pouvoirs publics et par les agro-éleveurs mêmes Ces fondations sont solides mais les mécanismes de pérennisation ne sont pas encore en place. Dans ce plan, nous allons de notre côté renforcer les services endogènes de mobilisation et d’animation de nos membres a la base, c à d dans les farmer groups et sections de base, pour qu’ils servent de relais et d’agents de vulgarisation bénévole dans leur milieu d’origine. Pour accélérer les activités de transfère des innovations nous allons renforcer ces équipes de mobilisation par des animateurs ponctuelles payés par taches bien spécifiée. A ce niveau, nous pensons aussi gérer le centre de formation de Musanze de manière efficiente pour que les ressources qu’il génère puissent couvrir les frais de fonctionnement du réseau Imbaraga. Via les cotisations des membres, nous allons aussi construire un autre bureau en province du Sud pour limiter les charges locatives qui continuent de grever nos maigres budgets. Enfin, nous envisageons de diversifier les sources de financement à travers la recherche de nouveaux bailleurs de fonds dans la zone Afrique et ailleurs. » Aujourd’hui après mûre réflexion, nous pensons que le renforcement des agro- dealers par une production des intrants organiques au niveau des farmer groups serait une source autonome de revenus et une expertise Imbaraga/Agriterra. « Pour avoir une vue d’ensemble sur les réalisations de la fédération Imbaraga dans le secteur agricole, et plus spécifiquement dans le développement des filières agricoles, une mission d’évaluation d’Agriterra est souhaitable en province du Nord et au niveau national pour nous aider à mieux analyser la situation actuelle et pour faire une réorientation de nos activités dans les jours à venir » Objectif Global 2012 Les droits socio-économiques et intérêts des agriculteurs et éleveurs rwandais sont défendues et sauvegardés (avec une attention spécifique dans la chaine de valeur pomme de terre) Objectifs spécifiques 1. Renforcement des synergies autour des champs écoles (système de connaissance) : augmentation de la production (pomme de terre et maïs) 2. Les capacités des agro dealers (collective : coopérative) sont renforcées et les services rendus aux bénéficiaires sont améliorés 3. Renforcement des capacités des groupes des fermiers et des coopératives dans la commercialisation (collective) des leurs productions (pomme de terre) 4. Les membres d’IMBARAGA connaissent et défendent leurs droits socioéconomiques à tous les niveaux Activités 1. Mettre en place d’un réseau d’organisation des champs écoles pour assurer la pérennité de la pratiques « champs écoles ; Former les membres des groupes de fermiers sur des nouvelle technologies (organique enrichie, l’utilisation rationnelle des produits des déchets de pyrèthre, les techniques de production et multiplication de semences de pomme de terre qualité (sélection négative et positive) ; Faciliter l’expérimentation des technologies et transférer ces technologies (transformation pomme de terre en chips p.ex.) par IMBARAGA auprès des coopératives. 2. Sensibiliser les membres de groupes de fermiers (COOPS) sur la mise en place des boutiques intrant au niveau des villages ; Former les agro dealers sur l’utilisation et le développement des marche d’intrants agricoles ; Faciliter les rencontre régulière entre les agro dealers, les distributeurs et les fermiers pour une synergie étroite ; 3. Former les producteurs membres d’IMBARAGA sur le marketing ; faciliter les producteurs membres d’IMBARAGA á signer les contrats avec les différents clients ; Former les groupes de fermiers et coopératives sur les techniques de traitement poste récolte; Former les groupes de fermiers et coopératives sur l’élaboration du business Former les membres des groupes de fermiers sur le conditionnement et conservation de la pomme de terre dans des conditions adéquates Former les membres des groupes de fermier sur les techniques de transformation de la pomme de terre en différents produits (chisps, midon, pomme de terre lavée, chapatti a base de soja et pomme de terre, baignée a base de pomme de terre, chips, …) 4.Défense d’intérêts: en utilisant l’approche PGPP; Organiser des réunions d’échange avec les membres de groupes de fermiers pour identifier leurs avis et doléances; Identifier des thèmes de lobby et plaidoyer; Mener des actions de lobby et plaidoyer; Résultats 1.Le paquet technologique agricole est vulgarisé et la production agricole est améliorée en quantité et en qualité. 2.Le nombre d’agro dealers (coopérative avec fonction ’approvisionnement d’intrants) ont augmenté en milieu rural ; Les agriculteurs obtiennent des bons services liés à l’utilisation des principaux intrants agricoles. 3.Les techniques de négociations sont connues et l’écoulement des produits est régulier. La commercialisation au niveau des coops et en en place et opérationnel; Système de conditionnement, de conservation et de transformation est mis en place et opérationnel. 4.Les avis et doléances des membres des groupes des fermiers et coopératives sont identifiés analysés et partagés (en utilisant l’approche PGPP) Les actions de lobby sont menées autours de différents thèmes taxe, règlementation dans la chaine de valeur, foncier) Les droits socioéconomiques sont applicables au niveau des groupes des fermiers et des coopératives membres : les paysans et leurs organisations ont accès aux investissements dans le domaine de l’agriculture. i. Les intérêts clés des producteurs agricoles sont défendus au niveau national ii. Les producteurs agricoles sont davantage informés sur les lois et politiques agricoles iii. Le mouvement paysan Congolais est bien gouverné

Provision of transitional shelter and NFIs to the most vulnerable IDPs in Northern Baidoa


The shelter project will support the provision of sustainable transitional shelter and NFIs to the vulnerable IDPs in Northern Baidoa. The project will target new arrivals with NFIs and emergency shelter kits while vulnerable protracted IDPs will be supported with transitional shelter construction. The transitional shelter construction will adopt owner-driven approach where project beneficiaries will be involved in the planning and site layout, actual construction and monitoring. SYPD will provide technical guidance throughout the construction process. The project activities will target an estimated 3000 vulnerable IDPs. Based on the 2014 Somalia demographic profile this is estimated to include 869 women, 812 men, 638 boys,681 girls. Priority will be given to vulnerable female headed households and actual gender disaggregation will be updated after beneficiary registration. The shelter typology will be the charish, with iron sheet (CGI) roof, poles and sticks walls plastered with mud and a raised floor. The typology is the traditional shelter across Somalia and will be readily acceptable to the beneficiaries and appropriate to the temperate climatic conditions. Due to the familiarity with the typology among the beneficiaries, the owner-driven approach will be easily adopted. In addition, the project will provide NFIs to vulnerable IDPs to allow them live a dignified life. The shelter construction process will mainstream Housing, land and property rights. This will include holding consultations with local authorities, local land owners and host communities to explore longer term security of tenure for IDPs. SYPD will facilitate the acquisition and signing of security of land tenure documents with local authorities to ensure that IDPs are not eventually evicted once the project has been implemented. The project will incorporate site and settlement planning for every shelter construction to promote secure and safe environment for IDPs. The project will mainstream protection issues for IDPs particularly at night by distributing household solar lamps and street lightin. The provision of household lighting will contribute to prevention of gender -based violence and sexual violence and limit the use of environmental unfriendly energy such as kerosene and firewood for lighting.



This project focuses on addressing gender inequalities within the climate resilience sector in Malawi and Mozambique. It is a two-year project that builds on a current project titled “Building urban climate resilience in South-Eastern Africa The project will target two districts; Zomba which is in Southeast of Malawi and Chokwe - in Mozambique which lies on a flat terrain in lower Limpopo. Zomba District has a population of 746,724 (390,006 females and 356,718 males); Zomba City has 105,013 people (53,394 females and 51,619 males). Zomba has many natural resources and agriculture is the main economic activity in the district. Population pressure hascaused unsustainable use of resources resulting in massive deforestation, erosion and siltation of rivers and the Lake. Zomba’s topography and climate related hazards are linked; cyclones, strong winds, droughts and persistent flooding are most common particularly in low-lying areas. Chokwe District has a population of 217,019 (119,998 females and 97,021males); Chokwe City has 67,954 people (37,258 females and 30,696 males). Chokwe is extremely exposed to natural hazards: droughts, recurrent cyclones, storms, and especially floods. Cyclical flooding of the city from Limpopo river has led to high magnitude floods in Chokwe, displacing 250,000 people and 700 deaths. In both Chokwe and Zomba districts women comprise 80% of the agriculture labour force. Climate change is increasing the frequency and magnitude of droughts and apocalyptic floods in both districts. The effects of climate change have brought gender related impacts such as wetlands hydrological regimes and this is multiplying the burden of women’s water collection and management responsibilities. Climate extremes are degrading ecosystems and this in turn increases the burden of care on women and girls, resulting in time and vitality deficiencies that lead to loss of productive time for income generation opportunities. There is vulnerability of livelihoods of women and their households in thesedistricts due to loss of assets from consistent flooding. This is compoundedby fact that women and other marginalized households living in these districts do not receive proper and timely early warning information before disasters either because the early warning systems do not exist, or women don’t have access to the information. Due tothe impact of climate change, fluctuations in annual rainfall in the two regions, have led to substantial reduction in crop production and women have been affected morethan men since traditionally they are responsible for providing food for the family. Women in the two districts have been more affected by climate change because of other underlying conditions including: overreliance on rain fed agriculture, lack of access to diverse income generation activities as a resilience building mechanism. Chokwe and Zomba districtshave similar land characteristics where both have low lying areas that are drastically flood prone and high pressure on the land raising a lot of land disputes. Higher areas have very low production potential due to poor soils, low rainfall and harsh water supply conditions. Additionally, both regions share cultural contexts that constrain women’s empowerment due to limited access to productive agricultural resources and services which reduces women’s adaptive capacities, especially during climate-related extreme events.Past climate related projects implemented in these areas have not substantively been gender transformative and they have not produced gendered and sustainable outcomes. The project will contribute to the following SDGs: “Goal 5. On gender equality,” through the deliberate targeting of women and youth as key beneficiaries and agents of change. “Goal 11. On sustainable cities and communities,”through a GTA where women engage in climate resilience decisions. “Goal 13. On climate action,” attainment of the project’s objectives will directly address the impacts of climate change. As a long-term plan, this project will build local partners’ institutional capacity through equipping them with skills and resources for integrating Gender Equality into planning and implementation of Climate Resilience initiatives, ensuring institutional sustainability and project ownership beyond the ACCF contract period through policyand practice influence Gender transformation calls for a redistribution of power and a commitment to tackling many forms of inequality including the way women are structurally excluded from participation and leadership in climate resilience decision making and economic empowerment. Oxfam will develop a Gender Action Plan (GAP) for the project as a tool to ensure gender inclusive implementation of the project and adherence to gender mainstreaming, visibility and accountability of gender interventions and their transformative results sought. The GAP process will among other things entail collection of sex desegregated data at baseline, undertaking a gender, social and power analysis through use of various tools and methods that Oxfam has used widely and in Southern Africa, collationof the gender activities, targets and outcomes for tracking, agreement and internalization of the GAP by key stakeholders in the project, where needed development of capacity and skills to supportattainment of the gender outcomes, development of a review system to track performance in the implementation of the GAP and clear oversight. Oxfam will undertake a gender and power analysis at the inception of the project to enhance Oxfam and partners contextual understanding of how the policies, programs, and issues of climate resilience have differentially affected groups of women and men in Zomba and Chokwe and assess the underlying causes of inequality. Key areas of inquiry will be among other things on gender roles, access and control over resources, decision making and types of power and distribution, knowledge and enjoyment of rights, capacities and vulnerabilities, levels of agency and equality, and other social norms, institutional, political, legal and economic factors that affect the different groups. This information will strengthen the application of our theory of change. Oxfam will use consultants and internal gender experts to undertake the analyses. The process will entail literature review, context analysis, stakeholder consultation, collection of date from the field using appropriate sampling, validation of results with key stakeholders, and inputting into the GAP and continued oversight. Oxfam uses a range of tools in its field analysis. Based on the project’s focus the approach is to use a mix of tools and concepts to generate the data and information. The tools under consideration include the Harvard Analytical Framework, the Force Field Analysis, the Moser Framework and given thatthis project is about transformation, it will also use the Women’s Empowerment (Longwe) Framework. The project will employthe following specific strategies aligned with Gender Transformative approach: • Challenge power dynamics through use of GenderAction Learning (GAL) Methodology: the project will employ GAL Methodology that has been used in several Oxfam projects in Southern Africa, including Malawi and Mozambique, Asia and Horn of East and Central Africa. The methodology promotes challenging ofpower structures and foster transformation of power relations at individual, household, organizational and community levels. The methodology is both a capacity-building and knowledge-building programme which provides an opportunity for participants to implement gender-focused behavioural change interventions. The GAL processes are reflective and will assist beneficiaries in this project and the district city councils to analyse the gender and power constructs and define locally relevant solutions to address the underlying gender inequalities and their manifestations. At organisations level, the process will feed into existing organisational processes and dynamics and will be owned by the Councils so that ‘gender’ will not be seen as something extra or additional, but as an intrinsic part of ongoing organisational life. The process will enable the groups of women and city councils to deeply reflect on how gender relations are currently part of individual, community organisational life and how they would like them to be different. The process both at community level and City Council level will be facilitated by an experienced Oxfam staff and experts. • Build women’s agency in ClimateResilience Spaces: The project action aims to enable women, especiallywomen from marginalised communities, to actively influence climate resilience plans, budgets and programmes through skills building and facilitating their participation in decision making. The project will support women to influence local adaptation plans and budgets at Council Level and in Parliament by using indigenous knowledge to inform the planning and implementation. This is about women’s voice and agency • Expand women’s knowledge in eco-friendlybusiness: The project action aims to enable women,especially women from marginalised communities, to participate in economic activities to build a green and equitable economy in Zomba and Chokwe. • Expand women’s voices and active citizenship through community and national media: In order to address the invisibility of women’s voices and knowledge on issues related to climate resilience, the project will be using community radio to disseminate relevant information to women in targeted communities Use of community and national media for public mobilisation on climate resilience mandates. This will support women’s ability to know, claim and defend theirrights. • Build partnerships with Women’s Movements and groupings: The project will build linkages with movements as way to transform power structures at a greater scale. Linkage will be established with Rural Women’s Assembly, Women’s Caucus at Zomba District Council, and this is part of ensuring there is agency among women to inform climate resilience from a transformative perspective. It is about the power of women to organise, to voice, and to action. This project has intentionally planned to build women’s transformative leadership. • Generation of evidence and knowledge to inform policy, practice, ideas and beliefs: This will be done through partnerships with academic institutions such as LEAD, University of Malawi based in Zomba and ISPG based in Chokwe and incentivising young people particularly young women in higher education institutions in knowledge creation on climate resilience through funding research scholarships in gender and feminists research agendas . • Build leadership of women in Climate Change sector: By linking women to eco-friendly business and financial knowledge through training and alliances building, the project will thrust women into a sector that is traditionally dominated by men and make them a relevant player and shaper of decisions that impact their own lives. and transform them into holders of knowledge. • Foster youth involvement: The project will promote youth focused programming in the economic activities to support job creation for the young people, and tackle the predominant exclusion of young people in the sector. • Ending Violence Against Women and Girls (EVAWG): The Project has planned to conduct EVAWG campaigns at community levels to support the tackling of structural violence against women and girls which limits their social, economic and political empowerment. The Projectwill work with men as agents of change in this campaign and will support reduction ofviolence which can limit women’s leadership inthis sector and economic violence can constrain the gains women can make in engaging in eco-friendly businesses. The campaigns willalso sensitise communities on the issue of land rights, unpaid care and domestic work for women. The EVAWG campaigns are being implemented in Malawi and Mozambique by Oxfam.